Abkürzung aid
6 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
AID: Bedeutung | ||
AID | Aerodynamisches Institut Darmstadt | |
AID | Allgemeiner Informationsdienst | |
AID | Alliance Internationale de la Diffusion par Fil | |
AID | Association Internationale de De´veloppement | |
AID | Association Internationale des Documentalistes et Techniciens de l | |
AID | Land- und Hauswirtschaftlicher Auswertungs- und Informationsdienst |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie aid
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen aid vorkommt
- A. M. - Aserbaidschan-Manat
- AMFAR - American Foundation for Aids Research
- ARC - Aids-Related Complex
- aserb. - aserbaidschanisch
- AZ - Aserbaidschan
- CAAD - computer-aided/assisted architectural design
- CAD - computer-aided/assisted design
- CAD - computer-aided diagnosis
- CADAM - computer-aided/ assisted design and manufacturing
- CAFM - computer aided/assisted facility management
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted indexing
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted industry
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted inking
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted instruction
- CAL - computer-aided/assisted learning
- CALL - computer-aided language learning
- CAM - computer-aided/assisted manufacturing
- CAMAC - computer-aided/ assisted measurement and control
- CAMD - computer-aided/assisted molecular design
- CAO - computer-aided/assisted office
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted planning
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted printing
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted publishing
- CAPE - computer-aided/assisted process engineering
- CAQ - computer-aided/ assisted quality assurance/ control
- CAS - computer-aided/assisted sales
- CASE - computer-aided/assisted software/system engineering
- CASP - computer-aided/assisted synthesis planning
- Catch - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides
- CATCH - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides
- CATIA - computer-graphics aided three dimensional interactive application system
- CIAM - computer aided integrated automatical manufacturing
- CP - carriage paid
- C.P. - carriage paid
- c.p. - carriage paid
- C.P. - carriage paid
- CPT - carriage paid to
- DAH - Deutsche Aids-Hilfe
- f.p. - fully paid
- frt. pp[d]. - freight prepaid
- ICAI - International Committee for Aid to Intellectuals
- ILAA - International Legal Aid Association
- .az - Aserbaidschan
- KAAD - Klinische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aids Deutschland
- AZ - Aserbaidschan
- LAI - local area identity
- M.A.P. - medical aid post
- NAS - Nationale Aids-Stiftung
- pd. - paid
- p.p. - post[age] paid
- ppd. - prepaid
- AZE - Aserbaidschan
- Attac - Association pour une Taxation des Transactions financières pour l'Aide aux Citoyens et Citoyennes
- CATS - Computer Aided Telephony Services
- pta - prepaid ticket advice
- DDP - verzollt (engl.: Delivery Duty Paid)