Abkürzung ala
4 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
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- Ala. (2 Bedeutungen)
- ALA (4 Bedeutungen)
Ala.: Bedeutung | ||
Ala. | Alabama [Staat der USA] | |
Ala. | Alabama |
ALA: Bedeutung | ||
ALA | Ahnenlistenaustausch | |
ALA | Allgemeines Luftwaffenamt [Bw.] | |
ALA | American Library Association | |
ALA | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der schweizerischen Aluminiumverarbeiter, -walzwerke und -hütten |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ala
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ala vorkommt
- AATA - Animal Air Transport Association
- AIA - American International Academy
- AIPC - Association Internationale des Palais de Congre`s
- AK - Alaska
- AL - Alabama
- Ala. - Alabama
- Alas. - Alaska
- AMA - American Medical Association
- AMREF - African Medical and Research Foundation
- ANZUS-Pakt - Australia-New Zealand-United States-Pakt
- APA - American Psychological Association
- APSS - Academy of Political and Social Science
- APTU - African Postal and Telecommunications Union
- Aria - Aeroflot Russian International Airlines
- a.S. - American Statistical Association
- ATAF - Allied Tactical Air Force
- AUA - American Urological Association
- AVMA - American Veterinary Medical Association
- AVS - Advanced Vertical and Short Take-off and Landing Weapon System
- B.A. - Baccalaureus Artium; Bachelor of Arts
- B.A.A. - British Archaeological Association
- B.A.A. - British Astronomical Association
- Bacc. - Baccalaureus
- Bakk. - Bakkalaureat; Bakkalaureus
- BAM - Baikal-Amur-Magistrale
- B.Ch. - Baccalaureus Chirurgiae
- B.Chir. - Baccalaureus Chirurgiae
- B.C.L. - Baccalaureus Canonici Legis
- B.C.L. - Baccalaureus Civilis Legis
- BDA - Bundesdenkmalamt
- BKA - Bundeskriminalamt
- B.L. - Baccalaureus Legum
- BLKA - Bayerisches Landeskriminalamt
- B.M. - Baccalaureus Medicinae
- BNS-Krämpfe - Blitz-Nick-Salaam-Krämpfe
- B.P. - Baccalaureus Pharmaciae
- BPA - Bundespersonalausschuss
- BPA - Bundespersonalausweis
- BPAG - Bundespersonalausweisgesetz
- BPersA - Bundespersonalausschuss
- BPersA - Bundespersonalausweis
- BPersAVO - Verordnung über den Bundespersonalausschuss
- B.Ph. - Baccalaureus Philosophiae
- B.Phil. - Baccalaureus Philosophiae
- BPrA - Bundespräsidialamt
- BSC - balanced scorecard
- B.Sc. - Baccalaureus Scientiae
- B.Th. - Baccalaureus Theologiae
- BVCA - British Venture Capital Association
- BZA - Berliner Zentralausschuss für soziale Aufgaben
- BZA - Biologische Zentralanstalt
- C/A - capital account
- c/a - capital account
- CAA - Central African Airways [Corporation]
- CAFTA - Central American Free Trade Association
- cal. - calando
- CCIA - Commission of the Churches on International Affairs
- CD-DA - compact disc digital audio
- CENTAG - Central Army Group Central Europe
- CEPAL - Comisio´n Econo´mica pan America Latina
- CFA - chartered financial analyst
- CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
- ChBPr. - Chef des Bundespräsidialamtes
- CHBPrA - Chef des Bundespräsidialamtes
- CIA - Certified International Auditor
- D - Dalasi
- DAB - Digital Audio Broadcasting
- DAE - digital audio extraction
- DAP - Diallylphthalatharz
- DARS - Digital Audio Radio System
- DAT - Differenzialagglutinationstest
- DAT - Digital Audio Tape
- DAU - Digital-Analog-Umsetzer/Umwandler
- DAV - digital audio video
- DAW - Digital-analog-Wandler
- DBSH - Deutscher Berufsverband für Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik und Heilpädagogik
- DEHP - Diethylhexylphthalat
- DETO - Dyes Environmental and Toxicology Organization
- DGV - Deutscher Generalagenturen-Verband
- DINP - Diisononylphthalat
- Dipas - Dialog-Informations- und Personalabrechnungs-System
- Dipl.-Soz.-Arb. - Diplomsozialarbeiter[in]
- DMT - Dimethylterephthalat
- Dopa - Dihydroxyphenylalanin
- DOPA - Dihydroxyphenylalanin
- DPA - Deutscher Personalausweis
- DVDIS - Datenerfassung, Verarbeitung, Dokumentation und Informationsverbund in den sozialärztlichen Diensten
- EAR - external access register
- EAX - environmental audio extension
- ECLA - European College of Liberal Arts
- ECSC - European Coal and Steel Community
- EFFAS - European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies
- EMI - Electrical and Musical Industries
- EML - European Media Laboratory
- EMS - Europäische Makroseismische Skala
- EPTA - Expanded Program of Technical Assistance
- ESCA - electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
- EVCA - European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
- EZA - Eisenbahnzentralamt
- EZA - Evangelisches Zentralarchiv
- FAP - Federal Arts Project
- FAR - Federal Aviation Requirements
- FASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board
- FATF - Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
- FNAL - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- FTZ - Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt
- FZA - Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt; Fernmeldezentralamt
- FZA - Funktechnisches Zentralamt
- GA - Generalagent[ur]
- GA - General Assembly
- GA - general availability
- g.a. - general agent
- G.A. - general agent
- g.a. - general average
- G.A. - general average
- GAISF - General Association of International Sports Federations
- Gal. - Galaterbrief
- GAM - goal automated manufacturing
- Gama - General Aviation Manufacturers Association
- GAN - Generalauftragnehmer
- GAN - Global Area Network
- GATS - General Agreement on Trade in Services
- GATS - Global Automotive Telematics Standard
- GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GAVI - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
- GCA - Guatemala
- GenAktVfg. - Generalaktenverfügung
- Gen.-Amn. - Generalamnestie
- Guat. - Guatemala; Guatemalteke
- HKAG - Hessisches Kommunalabgabengesetz
- HRA - Himalayan Rescue Association
- IA - International Auctioneers
- IAA - International Advertising Association
- IAAC - International Agricultural Aviation Centre
- IAAF - International Amateur Athletic Federation
- IAAM - International Association of Assembly Managers
- IAAP - International Association of Applied Psychology
- IAARC - International Administrative Aeronautical Radio Conference
- IABA - International Aircraft Broker
- IABA - International Amateur Boxing Association
- IABSE - International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
- IAC - International Advisory Committee on Research in the Natural Sciences Program of UNESCO
- IAC - International Air Convention
- IACME - International Association of Crafts and Small and Medium sized Enterprises
- IACP - International Association of Chiefs of Police
- IACS - International Association of Classification Societies
- IAD - International Astrophysical Decade
- IADL - International Association of Democratic Lawyers
- IADR - International Association for Dental Research
- IADS - International Association of Department Stores