Abkürzung alla
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
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Abkürzungen ähnlich wie alla
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen alla vorkommt
- AFA - Amateur Football Association
- AIL - Academy of International Law
- allarg. - allargando
- ANL - Argonne National Laboratory
- ASIL - American Society of International Law
- Ball. - Ballade
- Ball. - Ballast
- BNL - Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Pd - Palladium
- CMV - Christlicher Metallarbeiterverband
- DMV - Deutscher Metallarbeiter-Verband
- DTC - Deutscher Tourenwagen-Challange
- ELAN - educational language
- El.-Inst. - Elektroinstallateur; Elektroinstallation[en]
- Emb. - Emballage
- EVU - Europäische Vereinigung für Unfallforschung und Unfallanalyse
- FA - Football Association
- f. a. a. - free of all average
- faa - free of all average
- FIBA - Fe´de´ration Internationale de Basketball Amateur
- FIFA - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Football Associations
- Fifa - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Football Associations
- FWSA - First-World-Skaterball-Association
- IACME - International Association of Crafts and Small and Medium sized Enterprises
- ICCTA - installable client driver
- IFS - installable file system
- IHF - International Lawn Hockey Federation
- IIL - Institute of International Law
- ILA - International Language for Aviation
- ILA - International Laundry Association
- ILA - International Law Association
- ILB - International Labour Board
- ILC - International Law Commission
- ILO - International Labour Office
- ILO - International Labour Organization
- ILTF - International Lawn Tennis Federation
- IMB - Internationaler Metallarbeiterbund
- Inst. - Installateur; Installation[en]; Installierung
- IVBA - International Volleyball Association
- KGWA - Kindergeldwegfallauftrag
- MAG - Metall-Aktivgas-Schwei
- NBA - National Basketball Association
- NLP - natural language programming
- NLP - natural language processing
- Par. - Parallaxe
- Parsec - Parallaxensekunde
- Parsek - Parallaxensekunde
- Pd - Palladium
- PL/SQL - Procedural Language/Structured Query Language
- RWA - Rentenwegfallauftrag
- UEFA - Union Europe´enne des Football Associations/ Union of European Football Associations
- UMLS - unified medical language system
- VSAT - very small aperture terminal
- WB - Wasserballast
- ZL - Zentrallabor[atorium]
- ZLB - Zentrallaboratorium
- FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association
- UEFA - Union OF European Football Associations
- $-) - Dallas (J. R. Ewing)