2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
a.n.C.: Bedeutung |
a.n.C. | ante nativitatem Christi |
ANC: Bedeutung |
ANC | African National Congress |
ANC | Air Navigation Commission |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie anc
- AEinkG - Alterseinkünftegesetz
- AMC - American Motors Corporation
- Amex - American Stock Exchange
- AMG - Allied Military Government
- AMK - Arbeitsgemeinschaft »Die moderne Küche«
- AMNG - Gesetz zur Neuordnung des Arzneimittelrechts
- ams - auto, motor & sport
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen anc vorkommt
- AAC - advanced audio coding
- ADN - Advanced Digital Network
- A.E.F. - Afrique Equatoriale Francaise
- AES - advanced encryption standard
- AF - Air France
- AFAST - Association Franco
- A.F.I.D. - Agence Francaise¸ d
- AFNOR - Association Francaise de Normalisation
- AFP - Agence France Press
- AGA - advanced graphics adapter
- AGE - advanced glycation endproducts
- AGI - Alliance Graphique Internationale
- AGMR - Advanced Gascooled Maritime Reactor
- AGR - Advanced Gascooled Reactor
- a.h.v. - ad hanc vocem
- AID - Alliance Internationale de la Diffusion par Fil
- A.I.D.A. - Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
- AIM - advanced information management
- AIT - advanced intelligent tape
- AIT - Alliance Internationale du Tourisme
- AIU - Alliance Israe´lite Universelle
- AIX - advanced interactive executive
- ALDC - advanced lossless data compression
- AMD - Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
- AME - advanced metal evaporated
- AMF - Autorite´ de marche´s financiers
- AMPS - advanced mobile phone system
- AMSA - Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft
- AOD - advanced optical disc
- APC - automatic performance control
- APEX - Advance-Purchase-Excursion-Tarif
- APM - advanced power management
- APPC - Advanced Program to Program Communication
- APS - Advanced Photo System
- ARM - Alliance Re´forme´e Mondiale
- AS - advanced server
- .asf - advanced streaming format
- ASMS - Advanced Surface Missile System
- ASPI - advanced SCSI programming interface
- ASR - Airport Surveillance Radar
- AT - advanced technology
- ATA - advanced technology attachment
- ATAPI - advanced technology attachment packet interface
- ATTAS - Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System
- AVS - Advanced Vertical and Short Take-off and Landing Weapon System
- BAAS - British Association for the Advancement of Science
- BAPco - Business Applications Performance Corporation
- BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integracio´n Econo´mica
- BCS - Bachelor of Computer Science in Banking and Finance
- B.d.F. - Banque de France
- BDF - Banque de France
- BdRB - Bundesverband der Reiseandenken-Branche
- BF - Brevet francais
- B.F. - Banque de France
- BFB - Branchenfernsprechbuch
- B.F.C.E. - Banque Francaise¸ du Commerce Exte´rieur
- BFM - Bachelor of Finance and Management
- BHT - branch history table
- BID - Banco Interamericano de Desarollo
- BNF - Bibliothe`que Nationale de France
- BPU - branch prediction unit
- Br. - Branche
- BS - Basiliani Melkitae Sanctissimi Salvatoris
- BSA - Business Software Alliance
- BSC - balanced scorecard
- BSCH - Banco Santander Central Hispano
- BTB - Branchentelefonbuch
- BTB - branch target buffer
- BV - Branchenverzeichnis
- BWA - Baptist World Alliance
- CAESAR - Center of Advanced European Studies and Research
- CAQ - computer-aided/ assisted quality assurance/ control
- CARE - Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe/Everywhere
- Care - Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe/Everywhere
- CARL - Colorado Alliance of Research Laboratories
- CASH - Clerici Apostolici Sancti Hieronymi
- CCB - Croatian Convention Bureau
- CCC - Comprehensive Cancer Center
- CCP - compliance checking program
- CEA - Comite´ Europe´en des Assurances
- Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- C.EDOK - C.eskoslovenska´ Dopravni´ Kance´lar.
- C.edok - C.eskoslovenska´ Dopravni´ Kance´lar.
- CFA - chartered financial analyst
- CFA-Franc - Communaute´ Financie`re Africaine
- C.F.D.T. - Confe´de´ration Francaise Democratique¸ des Travailleurs
- CFDT - Confe´de´ration Francaise Democratique¸ des Travailleurs
- CFO - Chief Financial Officer
- CFP - Certified Financial Planner
- CFP - Colonies Francaises du Pacifique
- CFS - Center for Financial Studies
- CFTC - Confe´de´ration Francaise du Travail
- Fr - Francium
- C/I - certificate of insurance
- c.i. - cost and insurance
- c. & i. - cost and insurance
- c.i.a. - cash in advance
- cif - cost, insurance, freight
- c.i.f. - cost, insurance, freight
- cif & c - cost, insurance, freight and commission
- c.i.f.c. - cost, insurance, freight and commission
- cifci - cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
- c.i.f.c.i. - cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
- c.i.f.c.&i. - cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
- cif&e - cost, insurance, freight and exchange
- c.i.f.&e. - cost, insurance, freight and exchange
- cif&i - cost, insurance, freight and interest
- c.i.f.&i. - cost, insurance, freight and interest
- cifw - cost, insurance, freight, war
- c.i.f.w. - cost, insurance, freight, war
- CMF - Conseil du marche´ financier
- C.O.D. - Central Ordnance Depot
- COST - European Cooperation of Scientific and Technical Research
- CSSR - Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris
- CTK - Ceska´ tiskova´ kancela´r
- D.A. - documents against acceptance
- D/A - documents against acceptance
- DAC - Development Assistance Committee
- DAG - Development Assistance Group
- DECT - digital enhanced/European cordless telephony/ telecommunication
- Dep. - Dependance
- DEVFP - Deutscher Verband Financial Planners
- DFV - Deutscher Franchise-Verband
- DME - distance measuring equipment
- DME-Verfahren - Distance-Measuring-Equipment-Verfahren
- D&O - Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
- EANA - European Alliance of News Agencies
- EAP - Employee Assistance Program
- EASA - The European Advertising Standards Alliance
- E.B.I.F. - European Banking and Insurance Fair
- EBIF - European Banking and Insurance Fair
- EC - European Community
- ECA - European Confederation of Agriculture
- ECA - European Council of Artists
- ECAC - European Civil Aviation Conference
- ECB - European Central Bank
- ECC - European Cultural Centre
- ECC - European Communication Council
- ECCA - European Cable Communications Association
- ECCC - European Communications Coordinating Committee
- ECCO - European Community Chamber Orchestra
- ECDL - european computer driving licence
- ECF - European Caravan Federation
- ECG - European Constitutional Group
- ECHA - European Council for High Ability
- ECHO - European Concert Halls Organization
- ECITO - European Central Inland Transport Organization
- ECJ - European Court of Justice
- ECLA - European College of Liberal Arts