Abkürzung app.
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 3 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- app. (1 Bedeutungen)
- App. (8 Bedeutungen)
- APP (2 Bedeutungen)
app.: Bedeutung | ||
app. | appassionato [ital.: »leidenschaftlich«; Musik] |
App.: Bedeutung | ||
App. | Apparat | |
App. | Apparatur | |
App. | Apparatschik | |
App. | Appartement | |
App. | Appell | |
App. | Appellativ[um] [Sprachw.] | |
App. | Appendix | |
App. | Apposition |
APP: Bedeutung | ||
APP | Amyloid-Precursor-Protein | |
APP | Audio-Psycho-Phonologie [Audio-Psycho-Phonologie] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie app.
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen app. vorkommt
- AAppO - Approbationsordnung für Apotheker
- ÄAppO - Approbationsordnung für Ärzte
- a c. - a cappella
- AG - Appellationsgericht
- AI - Appenzell Innerrhoden
- AI - Appraisal Institute
- AILA - Association Internationale de la Linguistique Applique´e
- AIPA - Association Internationale de Psychologie Applique´e
- AK - Appellationskammer
- AKV - Allgemeiner Knappschaftsverein
- AO - Approbationsordnung
- A.O.C. - Appellation d
- AOP - Appellation d
- API - Application Programming Interface
- app. - appassionato
- App. - Apparat
- App. - Apparatur
- App. - Apparatschik
- App. - Appartement
- App. - Appell
- App. - Appellativ[um]
- App. - Appendix
- App. - Apposition
- appass. - appassionato
- App.-Ger. - Appellationsgericht
- Appl. - Applaus
- Appl. - Applikation
- Appl. - Applikant
- AppO - Approbationsordnung für
- Appos. - Apposition
- appr. - appretieren; appretiert
- appr. - approbieren; approbiert
- appr. - approximate
- appr. - approximativ
- Appr. - Appretur
- Appr. - Approbation
- Appr. - Approximation
- ApprO - Approbationsordnung
- approb. - approbieren; approbiert
- Approb. - Approbation
- approx. - approximate
- approx. - approximately
- approx. - approximativ
- Approx. - Approximation
- APV - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der papier- und pappeverarbeitenden Industrie
- AR - Appenzell Au
- ASC - application service computing
- ASIC - application-specific integrated circuit
- ASP - application service provider/providing
- ATP - application transaction program
- ATS - Applications Technology Satellite
- Attr. - Attrappe
- A/UX - Apple Unix
- BABS - Beam/Blind Approach Beacon System
- BAPco - Business Applications Performance Corporation
- CAPI - common application programming interface
- capp. - cappella
- CATIA - computer-graphics aided three dimensional interactive application system
- CSTA - computer-supported telecommunications applications
- DECHEMA; Dechema - Deutsche Gesellschaft für chemisches Apparatewesen
- Dir.-App. - Direktapparat
- Et. - Etappe
- FNCA - [Fach-]Normenausschuss Chemischer Apparatebau
- GCA - ground controlled approach
- GEA - Group for Efficient Appliances
- gel. - gelappt
- HHL - Hypophysenhinterlappen
- HPV - Hauptverband der Papier, Pappe und Kunststoffeverarbeitenden Industrie
- HVL - Hypophysenvorderlappen
- HZvG - Hüttenknappschaftliches Zusatzversicherungsgesetz
- IAAP - International Association of Applied Psychology
- IAC - inter-application communication
- IALA - international application launch accelerator
- i.M. - in Mappe
- ISAPI - internet server application programming interface
- IUAO - International Union for Applied Ornithology/Internationale Union für Angewandte Ornithologie
- IUPAC - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- IUPAP - International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
- IUTAM - International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
- IUVSTA - International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications
- JAD - Joint Application Design/Development
- .kbd - keyboard mapping
- Kl. - Klappe
- KLM - Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij
- KnRt - Knappschaftsrente
- knRV - knappschaftliche Rentenversicherung
- KnRV - Knappschaftsrentenversicherung
- KnV - Knappschaftsversicherung
- KnVersAnpG - Knappschaftsversicherungs-Anpassungsgesetz
- KnVNG - Knappschaftsrentenversicherungs-Neuregelungsgesetz
- KV - Knappschaftsversicherung
- KVAG - Knappschaftsversicherungs-Anpassungsgesetz
- MAI - Commercial Member of Appraisal Institute
- MAPI - messaging application programming interface
- MEDEA - Microelectronics Development for European Applications
- Mij. - Maatschappij
- m.K. - mit Kappe
- MLS - Mittellappensyndrom
- MW - Mappenwerk
- NAM - Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij
- NAPT - Nasaler Applikator-Test
- NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications
- NDA - New Drug Application
- NIMA - National Imagery an Mapping Agency
- NPa - Normenausschuss Papier und Pappe
- NSAPI - Netscape Server Application Programming Interface
- Oak - object application kernel
- P - Pappband
- PAL - paradox application language
- PAM - Personal Application Manager
- PAR - precision approach radar
- Pbd. - Pappband
- Pd. - Pappdose
- Ph - Papphülse
- Pp. - Pappe; Papp[ein]band
- Ppb. - Papp[ein]band
- Ppbd. - Papp[ein]band
- RAD - rapid application development
- Rp. - Rappen
- RR - Riva-Rocci[-Apparat]
- SAA - system application architecture
- SALT - Script Application Laguage for Telix
- SAP - Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing
- SAPI - speech application programming interface
- SAR - Stock Appreciation Right
- TAPI - telephone/telephony application programming interface
- TAT - thematischer Apperzeptionstest
- TELAS - telephone application system
- TSAPI - telephony services application programming interface
- UIP - Union Internationale de Physique Pure et Applique´e
- UIPPA - Union Internationale de la Physique Pure et Applique´e
- VBA - Visual Basic for Applications
- VBPV - Verband der Bayerischen Papier, Pappe und Kunststoff verarbeitenden Industrie
- VDW - Verband der Wellpappen-Industrie
- VVK - Verband Vollpappe-Kartonagen
- WABI - Windows Application Binary Interface
- WAP - wireless application protocol
- WEMA - Wirtschaftsverband Eisen-, Maschinen- und Apparatebau
- HTF - Happy Tree Friends
- SCMAD - Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer
- H.B-Day - happy birthday
- g-style - ein deutscher rapper
- TNO - toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek (Nederlandse Organisaie voor ~)
- (:<) - Plappermaul