Abkürzung ard
3 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
ARD: Bedeutung | ||
ARD | Armenischer Dram [Währung] | |
ARD | American Research and Development Corporation | |
ARD | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlichrechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ard
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ard vorkommt
- AECB - Atomic Energy Control Board
- AES - advanced encryption standard
- Agra - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Redakteursausschüsse von ARD und ZDF
- AIB - Agency Investigation Board
- Alweg - Axel Lenard Wenner Gren
- AMI - akuter Myokardinfarkt
- ANSI - American National Standardization Institute
- AS - Australian Standard
- a.S. - American Standards Association
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ASESA - Armed Services Electro Standards Agency
- ASG - Aeronautical Standards Group
- AST - Atlantic Standard Time
- BAAB - British Amateur Athletic Board
- Barig - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- BARIG - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- Bast. - Bastard
- BBS - bulletin board system
- BC - Bahncard
- BC - Billardclub
- BCS-Theorie - Bardeen-, Cooper-, Schrieffer-Theorie
- BHN - Brinell hardness number
- Bhn - Brinell hardness number
- Bill. - Billard
- BK - Billardklub
- BKG - Ballistokardiographie
- Blvd. - Boulevard
- B.m. - Board measurement
- BMS - Bureau Militaire de Standardisation
- BNI - Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin
- BNK - Bundesverband Niedergelassener Kardiologen
- BS - British Standard
- B.S. - British Standard
- BSC - balanced scorecard
- BSI - British Standards Institution
- BTD - Building Technology Division of National Bureau of Standards
- BTW - belasting over de toegevoegde waarde
- BWMB - British Wool Marketing Board
- CAB - Civil Aeronautics Board
- CAMD - computer-aided/assisted molecular design
- CBJO - Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations
- CBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange
- CBoT - Chicago Board of Trade
- CBOT - Chicago Board of Trade
- CBT - Chicage Board of Trade
- CEB - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne de Billard
- c.f. - carried/Carried forward
- C/F - carried/Carried forward
- C.G. - Coast Guard
- ch.wd. - charges forward
- CSA - Canadian Standards Association
- CST - Central Standard Time
- CTB - Combined Travel Board
- CTG - Cardiotokogramm; Cardiotokographie
- DABB - Deutscher Amateur-Billardbund
- DAD - diffuse alveolar disease
- DBB - Deutscher Billard-Bund
- DES - data encryption standard
- DGK - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie
- DRSC - Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee
- DSR - Deutscher Standardisierungsrat
- DSS - digital signature standard
- EANDC - European American Nuclear Dates Committee
- EASA - The European Advertising Standards Alliance
- EBB - European Biodiesel Board
- EBC - European Billiards Confederation
- ECS - European Committee for Coordination of Standards
- Eduscho - Eduard Schopf
- EISA - enhanced/extended industry standard architecture
- EKG - Elektrokardiogramm
- Ekg - Elektrokardiogramm
- EOBD - Electronic on Board Diagnostic
- ESC - European Society for Cardiology
- ESCP - Epson Standard Code for Printers
- ESONE - European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
- Esone - European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
- Esso - Standard Oil
- ETS - European Telecommunication Standard
- ETSI - European Telecommunication Standardization Institute
- EVS - European Valuation Standards
- FASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board
- f.b.h. - free on board at harbor
- FCD - floating car data
- FMB - Federal Maritime Board
- fob - free onboard
- f.o.b. - free onboard
- FOB - free onboard
- fob/fob - free on board/free off board
- f.o.b./f.o.b. - free on board/free off board
- Fossil - fido opus seadog standard interface layer
- FRA - forward rate agreement[s]
- FRS - financial reporting standard[s]
- frt.fwd. - freight forward
- FSC - Forest Stewardship Council
- Gard. - Garderobe; Garderobiere
- Gard. - Gardinen
- GATS - Global Automotive Telematics Standard
- G.B.S. - George Bernard Shaw
- Gd. - Gardist
- Gde. - Garde
- Gep. - Gepard
- HAL - hardware abstraction layer
- HAPDAR - Hard Point Demonstration Array Radar
- HD - hard disk
- HDD - hard disk drive
- HDL - hardware description language
- HEL - hardware emulation layer
- HGC - Hercules Graphics Card
- .hgl - Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
- HKFRD - Hoher Kommissar der Französischen Republik in Deutschland
- HP - Hewlett-Packard
- HPGL - Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
- HP-UX - Hewlett-Packard Unix
- HT - Hardtop
- IAB - Internet Architecture Board
- IADB - Inter-American Defense Board
- IAS - International Accounting Standards
- IAS - International Aircraft Standards
- IASB - International Aircraft Standard Bureau
- IASB - International Accounting Standards Board
- IASC - International Accounting Standards Committee
- IBBY - International Board on Books for Young People
- IBFA - International Best-Factory-Award
- IBPGR - International Board for plant genetic Resources
- IBSA - International Best-Service-Award
- IC - Identification Card
- ID - Identification [Card]
- IDB - Industrial Development Board
- IDB - Irish Development Board
- IFRB - International Frequency Registration Board
- IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards
- IHB - International Hockey Board
- IIRS - Institute for Industrial Research and Standards
- ILB - International Labour Board
- IMB - International Maritime Board
- INCB - International Narcotics Control Board
- afk - away from keyboard
- bak - back at keyboard
- rgds - regards
- IOS - International Organization for Standardization
- .hm - Heard- und McDonaldinseln
- .sj - Svalbard und Jan Mayen-Inseln
- IRSC - International Radium Standard Commission
- ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
- ISA - International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations
- ISA - International Standard Atmosphere
- ISA - International Standards on Auditing
- ISBN - Internationale Standardbuchnummer
- ISC - International Standards Conference
- ISDN - Internationale Standarddatennummer