Abkürzung atic
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
ATIC: Bedeutung | ||
ATIC | Association Technique de l [Frankreich] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie atic
- ADAC - Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub
- ADCA - Allgemeine Deutsche Creditanstalt
- a.d.G. - auf dem Gelände
- Adgo - Allgemeine Deutsche Gebührenordnung
- ADHS - Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- und Hyperaktivitätssyndrom
- ADIG - Allgemeine Deutsche Investmentgesellschaft
- ADIZ - Air Defense Identification Zone
- adj. - adjektivisch
- ADK - Anti-Doping-Kommission
- ADKA - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Krankenhausapotheker
- ADKI - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Konstruktionsingenieure
- ad oc. - ad oculos
- ADS - aktives Dämpfungssystem
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen atic vorkommt
- AFC - automatic flight control
- AFC - automatic frequency control
- AFCE - automatic flight control equipment
- AGC - automatic gain control
- AIM - automatic identification manufacturer
- AIM - automatic interface management
- AIS - automatic identification system
- AMS - American Mathematical Society
- APC - automatic performance control
- APS - automatic program search
- APT - automatic picture transmission
- ARQ - automatic repeat of request
- ASC - Automatic Sensitivity Control
- ATC - Automatic Train Control
- ATS - automatic tuning system
- ATTS - automatic tape tuning system
- AVC - Automatic Volume Control
- CAVE - cave automatic virtual environment
- CIAM - computer aided integrated automatical manufacturing
- CSTN - color super twisted nematic
- DP - Democratic Party
- Dr.sc./scient.math. - Doctor scientiarum mathematicarum
- DSTN - double super twisted nematic
- esu - electrostatic unit
- ESU - electrostatic unit
- ETHEL - European Health Telematics Association
- EULISP - European Legal Informatics Study Program
- FST-LCD - film super twisted nematic liquid cristal display
- GATS - Global Automotive Telematics Standard
- IADL - International Association of Democratic Lawyers
- IAGC - instantaneous automatic gain control
- IAVC - instantaneous automatic volume control
- IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control
- IMU - International Mathematical Union
- INC - International Numismatic Commission
- MAA - Mathematical Association of America
- MANIAC - Mathematical
- MARK - Machine for Automatical Results and Kinetics
- MathML - Mathematical Markup Language
- MBI - Master of Business Informatics
- PDS - Partito Democratico della Sinistra
- PTSD - posttraumatic stress disorder
- SCAM - SCSI Configured Automatically
- SRAM - static random access memory
- STN-LCD - Super Twisted Nematic LCD
- TIMSS - Third International Mathematics and Sciences Study
- TN - twisted nematic
- TSRAM - tunneling-based static random access memory
- TSTN-LCD - Triple Super Twisted Nematic LCD
- UNIVAC - universal automatic computer
- ADF - automatic document feeder