Abkürzung ble
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
BLE: Bedeutung | ||
BLE | Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung | |
BLE | Bundesverband des Deutschen Lederwareneinzelhandels |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ble
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ble vorkommt
- abbl. - abblenden
- abl. - ablehnen
- A.G. - Assemble´e Ge´ne´rale
- A.L. - Arabische Liga; Arab League
- ALC - Arab League Council
- AMS - Assemble´e Mondiale de la Sante´
- APE - Assemble´e Parlementaire Europe´enne
- asap - as soon as possible
- AWR - Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problems
- Bd. - Blechdose
- BHT - branch history table
- BJC - bubble jet color
- Bl. - Blech
- Bl. - Blei
- Bl.-D. - Blechdose[n]
- Bld. - Blechdose[n]
- BleiZiG - Gesetz betreffend den Verkehr mit blei- und zinkhaltigen Gegenständen
- Bl.-Verschl. - Bleiverschluss
- b/p - bill[s] payable
- B/P - bill[s] payable
- CATV - Cable TV
- CD-E - compact disc erasable
- CD-MRW - compact disc Mount Rainier rewritable
- CD-R - compact disc recordable
- CD-RW - compact disc rewritable
- CLUT - color look-up table
- CNN - Cable News Network
- CPLD - complex programmable logic device
- CT - Cable-Transfer
- cv. - convertible
- CVT - continuously variable transmission
- DD - double density
- DDR - double data rate
- DEA - Deutsche Ensemble-Akademie
- DOCSIS - data over cable service interface specifications
- DS - double sided
- DSTN - double super twisted nematic
- Dubl. - Dublette[n]
- DVD-R - digital versatile disc recordable
- DVD-RW - digital versatile disc rewritable
- DX - double word external
- EAROM - electrically alterable read only memory
- EBM - Wirtschaftsverband Eisen, Blech und Metall verarbeitende Industrie
- ECCA - European Cable Communications Association
- EEPROM - electrically erasable and programmable read only memory
- EM - Ensemble Modern
- EPLD - Erasable Programmable Logic Device
- EPROM - erasable programmable read-only memory
- ERT - European Round Table of Industrialists
- ETTU - Europäische Tischtennis-Union; European Table Tennis Union
- Eureca - European retrievable carrier
- .exe - executable
- exe - executable
- EX-RL - Richtlinien für die Vermeidung der Gefahren durch explosible Atmosphäre
- FAT - file allocation table
- FFS - flexibles Fertigungssystem
- FITT - Fe´de´ration Internationale de Tennis de Table
- FMS - flexible manufacturing systems
- FPGA - free programmable gate array[s]
- gebl. - gebleicht
- gebl. - geblendet
- glbld. - gleich bleibend
- GPS - general problem solver
- GSMBK - Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Malerinnen, Bildhauerinnen und Kunstgewerblerinnen
- Hbl. - Halbleinen[einband]
- HDCD - high definition compatible digital
- H.E.L.P. - Hilfe bei Erektiler Leistungsschwäche und Potenzproblemen
- HFC - hybrid fiber coaxial cable
- HL - Halbleiter
- Hl. - Halbleder[einband]
- Hld. - Halbleder[einband]
- Hldr. - Halbleder[einband]
- Hldbd. - Halbleder[ein]band
- Hln. - Halbleinen[einband]
- Hlnbd. - Halbleinen[ein]band
- Hlwd. - Halbleinwand
- Hlwdbd. - Halbleinwand[ein]band
- ICCTA - installable client driver
- ICT - International Critical Tables
- IDRS - International Double Reed Society
- IEMA - Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie
- IFS - installable file system
- asap - as soon as possible
- imho - in my humble opinion
- kp - kein Problem
- np - no problem
- ITTF - International Table Tennis Federation/Internationale Tischtennis-Föderation
- JexeOS - Java executable Operating System
- Kapovaz - kapazitätsorientierte variable Arbeitszeit
- KO - Koblenz
- MYK - Mayen-Koblenz
- KHl. - Kunsthalbleinen[einband]
- KHld. - Kunsthalbleder[einband]
- KHldr. - Kunsthalbleder[einband]
- KM - Konvertible Mark
- KO - Koblenz
- LUT - lookup table
- MARC - Machine-Readable Cataloguing
- MARV - Maneuverable/Manoevrable Anti-Radar-Vehicle
- MASM - Microsoft Makro-Assembler
- MAYA - Most Advanced Yet Acceptable
- MBRV - Maneuverable/Maneuvering Ballistic Reentry Vehicle
- MIRV - Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles
- MOS - Metall mit einer Oxydzwischenschicht auf Silizium als Halbleiter
- MPC - maximum permissible concentration
- MPE - maximum permissible exposure
- MYK - Mayen-Koblenz
- NAEBM - Normenausschuss Eisen-, Blech- und Metallwaren
- NLM - netware loadable module
- OVD - optisch variables Grafiksystem
- OVI - optically variable ink
- PAD - packet assembler/disassembler
- PAL - programmable array logic
- PC-RW - phase change rewritable
- PDF - portable document format
- PGML - Programmable Graphics Markup Language
- PIC - programmable interrupt controller
- PLD - programmable logic device
- PNG - portable network graphic
- p.o.d. - payable/ payment on delivery
- P.O.D. - payable/ payment on delivery
- POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface for Unix
- Pr. - Problem
- probl. - problematisch
- Probl. - Problem[e]; Problematik
- PROM - programmable read only memory
- RMM - removable media manager
- RPR - Rassemblement pour la Re´publique
- RPROM - reprogrammable read only memory
- RW - rewritable
- saspo - [as] soon as possible
- SCI - scalable coherent interface
- SD - Sustainable Development
- SLR - scalable linear recording
- s.l.r. - sub lege remissionis
- SPARC - scalable processor architecture
- SRI - socially responsible investment
- SVG - scalable vector graphics
- Tabl. - Tablett
- Tabl. - Tablette[n]
- TAN - Table Area Network
- TASM - Turbo Assembler
- TAT - Trans-Atlantic Telephone Cable
- Tbl. - Tablette[n]
- TDI - tolerable daily intake
- THR - tolerable hazard rate
- .toc - table of contents
- TSE - transmissible spongiforme Enzephalopathie
- TVP - Textured Vegetable Protein
- UEC - Union Europe´enne des Experts Comptables Economiques et Financiers