4 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
cap.: Bedeutung |
cap. | capitulum |
cap. | caput |
CAP: Bedeutung |
CAP | Chloramphenicol |
CAP | computer-aided/assisted planning |
CAP | computer-aided/assisted printing |
CAP | computer-aided/assisted publishing |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie cap
- .cab - cabinet
- c.a.f. - cost and freight
- c. & f. - cost and freight
- CAFEA - Commission for Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
- c.aff. - con affetto
- CAPE - computer-aided/assisted process engineering
- CAPI - common application programming interface
- capp. - cappella
- CAV - constant angular velocity
- CAVE - cave automatic virtual environment
- Cb - Columbium
- C/B - cashbook
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen cap vorkommt
- a c. - a cappella
- BVCA - British Venture Capital Association
- c. - capitulum
- c. - caput
- C/A - capital account
- c/a - capital account
- cap. - capitulum
- cap. - caput
- capp. - cappella
- caps. - capsula
- Capt. - Captain
- capt. ben. - captatio benevolentiae
- CEPAL - Comisio´n Econo´mica pan America Latina
- Cfos - capi fossil
- Cpt. - Captain
- d.c. - da capo
- DCI - Defense Capabilities Initiative
- DMPS - Dimercaptopropansulfonsäure
- ECP - enhanced capability port
- EPS - encapsulated PostScript
- Esc - escape
- ESP - encapsulating security payload
- EVCA - European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
- HCP - high capacity profile
- HiFD - high capacity floppy disk
- MDax - Mid-Cap-Dax
- MPB - Musica Popular Brassileira
- NN - Netscape Navigator
- NSAPI - Netscape Server Application Programming Interface
- O.S.T. - Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis redemptionis captivorum
- OST - Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis redemptionis captivorum
- RAROC - risk adjusted return on capital
- ROCE - return on capital employed
- RORAC - return on risk adjusted capital
- SDax - Small-Cap-Dax
- SMAX - Small Cap Exchange
- SW-CMM - Software-Capability Maturity Model
- UCCE - Union des Capitales de Communaute´ Europe´enne
- VC - Venture Capital
- WACC - weighted average cost of capital
- Nsg - Nederlandse sportbond voor gehandicaptensport
- CTF - Capture the Flag