3 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
Cath.: Bedeutung |
Cath. | cathedral |
Cath. | cathode |
Cath. | catholic |
cath.: Bedeutung |
cath. | cathedral |
cath. | cathode |
cath. | catholic |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie cath
- CAAD - computer-aided/assisted architectural design
- CAD - computer-aided/assisted design
- CAT - city air terminal
- CATIA - computer-graphics aided three dimensional interactive application system
- CCD - charge coupled device
- CCITT - Comite´ Consultatif International Te´le´graphique et Te´le´phonique
- CCT - Craniale Computertomographie
- cd - Candela
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen cath vorkommt
- BICE - Bureau International Catholique de l
- BIJC - Bureau International de la Jeunesse Catholique
- cath. - cathedral
- Cath. - cathedral
- cath. - cathode
- Cath. - cathode
- cath. - catholic
- Cath. - catholic
- CCFL - cold cathode fluorescent light
- C.I.E.C. - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Etudiants Catholiques
- CIEO - Catholic International Education Office
- CRT - cathode ray tube
- FICEP - Fe´de´ration Internationale Catholique d
- FIHC - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Hommes Catholiques
- FIJC - Fe´de´ration Internationale de la Jeunesse Catholique
- FMJFC - Fe´de´ration Mondiale des Jeunesses Fe´minines Catholiques
- FSEC - Fe´de´ration Suisse des Etudiantes Catholiques
- ICCC - International Conference of Catholic Charities
- ICFB - International Catholic Film Bureau
- ICMC - International Catholic Migration Commission
- ICMICA - International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs
- ICPU - International Catholic Press Union
- IFCJ - International Federation of Catholic Journalists
- IMCS - International Movement of Catholic Students
- IUCWL - International Union of Catholic Women
- MIEC - Mouvement International des Etudiants Catholiques »Pax Romana«
- MIJARC - Mouvement International de la Jeunesse Agricole et Rurale Catholique
- MIJC - Mouvement International des Intellectuels Catholiques »Pax Romana«
- SAC - Societas Apostolatus Catholici
- UCISS - Union Catholique Internationale de Service Social
- UMOFC - Union Mondiale des Organisations Fe´minines Catholiques
- UNIAPAC - Union Internationale des Associations Patronales Catholiques