Abkürzung ce
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- CE (6 Bedeutungen)
- Ce (2 Bedeutungen)
CE: Bedeutung | ||
CE | Celle [Kfz] | |
CE | Collip-Einheit | |
CE | concurrent engineering | |
CE | Conformite´ Europe´enne [europäische Normung] | |
CE | Conseil Exe´cutif [franz.: »Vollzugsrat«] | |
CE | Celle |
Ce: Bedeutung | ||
Ce | Cerium [Element] | |
Ce | Cerium |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ce
- c - cycle
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ce vorkommt
- AAC - advanced audio coding
- ADN - Advanced Digital Network
- AECB - Atomic Energy Control Board
- AECS - Australia Europe Container Service
- AES - advanced encryption standard
- AF - Air Force
- AF - Air France
- AFB - Air Force Base
- AFC - American Football Conference
- AFCENT - Allied Forces Central Europe
- A.F.I.D. - Agence Francaise¸ d
- AFM - Atomic Force Microscope
- AFMED - Allied Forces Mediterranean
- AFN - American Forces Network
- AFNORTH - Allied Forces Northern Europe
- AFP - Agence France Press
- AFPS - Armed Forces Press Service
- AFRTS - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
- AFS - aeronautical fixed service
- AFS - American Field Service
- AFSOUTH - Allied Forces Southern Europe
- AFSS - Air Force Secret Satellite
- AGA - advanced graphics adapter
- AGE - advanced glycation endproducts
- AGI - Alliance Graphique Internationale
- AGMR - Advanced Gascooled Maritime Reactor
- AGP - accelerated graphics port
- AGR - Advanced Gascooled Reactor
- a.h.v. - ad hanc vocem
- AI - artificial intelligence
- AID - Alliance Internationale de la Diffusion par Fil
- A.I.D.A. - Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
- AIEA - Agence Internationale de l
- AIM - advanced information management
- AIM - automatic interface management
- AIP - Association Internationale de Police
- AIR - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Incentive-Reiseagenturen/ Veranstalter
- AIRCENT - Allied Air Forces Central Europe
- AIRNORTH - Allied Air Forces Northern Europe
- AIRSOUTH - Allied Air Forces Southern Europe
- AIS - Arbeitgeber-Informations-Service
- AISE - Association Internationale des Sciences Economiques
- AISJ - Association Internationale des Sciences Juridiques
- AISP - Acade´mie/Association Internationale de Science Politique
- AIT - advanced intelligent tape
- AIT - Alliance Internationale du Tourisme
- AIU - Alliance Israe´lite Universelle
- AIX - advanced interactive executive
- ALDC - advanced lossless data compression
- ALFCENT - Allied Land Forces Central Europe
- ALO - Air Liaison Officer
- ALP - Automated Learning Process
- AMD - Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
- AME - advanced metal evaporated
- AMF - Allied Mobile Force
- AMP - American Military Police
- AMPS - advanced mobile phone system
- AMS - Arbeitsmarktservice
- AMSA - Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft
- ANF - Atlantic Nuclear Force
- Ann. - Annonce
- Ann.-Exp. - Annoncenexpedition
- AOC - Accent Office Center
- AOD - advanced optical disc
- AOPU - Asian-Oceanic Postal Union
- AP - access point
- APC - asynchronous procedure call
- APC - automatic performance control
- Apec - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- APEX - Advance-Purchase-Excursion-Tarif
- API - Application Programming Interface
- APM - advanced power management
- APO - Army Post Office
- APPC - Advanced Program to Program Communication
- APS - Academy of Political Science
- APS - Advanced Photo System
- APS - Alge´rie-Presse-Service
- APSS - Academy of Political and Social Science
- AR - ascensio recta
- Arcnet - Attached Resource Computer Network
- ARCS - Austrian Research Centers
- ARM - Alliance Re´forme´e Mondiale
- ARTS - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
- AS - Academy of Sciences
- AS - Acade´mie des Sciences
- AS - advanced server
- a.S. - Automobil-Service-Ausrüstung[en]
- ASAP - any service
- ASAS - American Society of Agricultural Sciences
- ASC - application service computing
- ASESA - Armed Services Electro Standards Agency
- .asf - advanced streaming format
- ASG - Abonnenten-Service- Gesellschaft
- ASIS - Ausbildungs-Stellen-Informations-Service
- A.S.M.P. - Acade´mie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
- ASMS - Advanced Surface Missile System
- ASP - application service provider/providing
- ASPI - advanced SCSI programming interface
- ASR - Airport Surveillance Radar
- ASS - Acetylsalicylsäure
- Ass.-Pol. - Assekuranzpolice
- AT - advanced technology
- ATA - advanced technology attachment
- ATAF - Allied Tactical Air Force
- ATAPI - advanced technology attachment packet interface
- ATCC - Air Traffic Control Center
- ATCO - Air Traffic Coordinating Office
- ATPL - airline transport pilot license
- ATR - Anti-Transmitting Receiving
- ATS - air traffic service
- ATS - Army Transport Service
- ATTAS - Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System
- AUI - attachment unit interface
- AUI - audio user interface
- AVS - Advanced Vertical and Short Take-off and Landing Weapon System
- AWACS - Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Access Communication System
- AWL - absence/absent with/ without leave
- AWOL - absence/absent without official leave
- AWS - Air Warning Service
- AWS - Air Weather Service
- BAAS - British Association for the Advancement of Science
- B.A.E.A. - British Atomic Energy Authority
- BAERE - British Atomic Energy Research Establishment
- BAMBI - Ballistic Anti Missile Boost Intercept
- BAPco - Business Applications Performance Corporation
- BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integracio´n Econo´mica
- BCM - body cell mass
- BCS - Bachelor of Computer Science in Banking and Finance
- BDC - Berlin Document Center
- B.d.F. - Banque de France
- BDF - Banque de France
- BECIB - Belgium Convention and Incentive Bureau
- BeIA - Be internet access
- B.F. - Banque de France
- BFBS - British Forces Broadcasting Services
- B.F.C.E. - Banque Francaise¸ du Commerce Exte´rieur
- BFM - Bachelor of Finance and Management
- BFN - British Forces Network
- BGS - Betriebsgründungsservice
- BI - business intelligence
- BIC - Business Innovation Center
- BICI - Bureau International du Commerce et de l
- BIH - Bosna i Hercegovina
- BIMCO - Baltic and International Maritime Conference
- b.m. - bene misceatur
- BNF - Bibliothe`que Nationale de France
- BPO - business process outsourcing
- B.P.O. - British Post Office
- BPO - British Post Office
- BSA - Business Software Alliance