Abkürzung cea
7 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
CEA: Bedeutung | ||
CEA | carcino-embryonales Antigen [Med.] | |
CEA | Comite´ Europe´en des Assurances | |
CEA | Commissariat a` l [Frankreich] | |
CEA | Commission Economique pour l [UNO] | |
CEA | Commission de l | |
CEA | Confe´de´ration Europe´enne de l | |
CEA | Council of Economic Advisers [Beratergremium des US-Präsidenten] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie cea
- c - cycle
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen cea vorkommt
- AOPU - Asian-Oceanic Postal Union
- a.S. - Automobil-Service-Ausrüstung[en]
- BFM - Bachelor of Finance and Management
- b.m. - bene misceatur
- CAI - Confe´rence Ae´ronautique Internationale
- CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
- DASA - Deutsche Aerospace AG
- EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
- EDIFACT - Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
- EMFA - European Mortgage Finance Agency
- ENA - European Neuroscience Association
- ESA - European Space Agency
- HPA - high performance addressing
- IACCP - Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production
- IAPO - International Association of Physical Oceanography
- IBSA - International Best-Service-Award
- ICIA - International Credit Insurance Association
- ICO - International Commission on Oceanography
- ICSA - International Customer Service Association
- IMPA - International Movement for Peace Action
- IOC - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
- IODP - Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
- IPA - International Police Association
- IPSA - International Political Science Association
- MAAG - Military Assistance Advisory Group
- MDA - Missile Defence Agency
- NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NIBH - National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technologie
- NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- ODP - Ocean Drilling Program
- PSA - Personal-Service-Agentur
- RAMPS - Resource Allocation and Multiproject Scheduling
- SAL - Surface Airlifted
- SAP - service access point
- SAP - service advertising protocol
- SAW - surface acoustic wave
- SOC - Southampton Oceanographic Centre
- TAA - Technical Assistance Administration
- UDA - Ulster Defence Association
- UNOG - United Nations Office at Geneva
- UNON - United Nations Office at Nairobi
- UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna
- WTAA - World Trade Alliance Association
- FACS - Fluorescence activated cell sorting
- visa - Visa International Service Association