Abkürzung cei
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
CEI: Bedeutung | ||
CEI | Centre d [Genf] | |
CEI | Commission Electrotechnique Internationale |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie cei
- c - cycle
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen cei vorkommt
- AID - Alliance Internationale de la Diffusion par Fil
- AIEA - Agence Internationale de l
- AIT - Alliance Internationale du Tourisme
- AIU - Alliance Israe´lite Universelle
- ATR - Anti-Transmitting Receiving
- BCS - Bachelor of Computer Science in Banking and Finance
- CCI - Chambre de Commerce Internationale
- CICB - Confe´rence Internationale Permanente des Centres du Ba
- CID - Confe´rence Internationale Douanie`re
- C.I.D. - Confe´rence Internationale Douanie`re
- CIGRE - Confe´rence Internationale des Grands Re´seaux Electriques
- CIMP - Confe´rence Internationale des Matie`res Premie`res
- CIPQ - Confe´rence Internationale Permanente de la Qualite´
- .die - device independent bitmap
- DOCSIS - data over cable service interface specifications
- DRs - depository receipts
- DVI - device independent
- EMSM - Executive Master of Science in Management
- ESDI - enhanced small device interface
- GDI - graphical device interface
- GTL+ - gunning transceiver logic plus
- ICI - Investor Confidence Index
- iCOMP - Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance Index
- IPSI - International Political Science Institute
- KSR - keyboard send/receive
- LFR - lost frame received
- OIE - Office International des Epizooties
- OIEC - Office International de l
- OSI - Open Source Initiative
- PEXP - Pfandbrief-Performance-Index
- PFI - Private Finance Initiative
- PIC - Peace Implementation Council
- PSI - Präsent-Service-Institut
- REXP - Rex-Performance-Index
- RFI - Radio France International
- SI - service indicator
- SIF - source input format
- SPDR - special depositary receipt
- TOPIX - Tokyo Stock Price Index
- UART - universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
- UNFICYP - United Nations Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus
- UNIFIL - United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
- URI - uniform resource identifier
- W/R - warehouse receipt
- KPI - Key Performance Indicator
- ADR - American Depository Receipt
- OBII - Online Business Intelligence Integration
- CPI - Cost Performance Index, Wirkungsgrad des Teams
- AIIC - International Association of Conference Interpreters