Abkürzung centr
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
CENTR: Bedeutung | ||
CENTR | Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie centr
- cand.rev.min. - candidatus reverendi ministerii
- Cntr. - Container
- Cont.-Term. - Containerterminal
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen centr vorkommt
- AFCENT - Allied Forces Central Europe
- AIRCENT - Allied Air Forces Central Europe
- ALFCENT - Allied Land Forces Central Europe
- BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integracio´n Econo´mica
- BSCH - Banco Santander Central Hispano
- CAA - Central African Airways [Corporation]
- CAFTA - Central American Free Trade Association
- CCE - Conseil Central de l
- CCG - Centrale für Coorganisation
- CCH - Congress-Centrum Hamburg
- CDC - Carl-Duisberg-Centrum/Centren
- CDH - Centralvereinigung Deutscher Wirtschaftsverbände für Handelsvermittlung und Vertrieb
- CEC - Centre Europe´en de la Culture
- Cedefop - Centre Europe´en de la Formation professionelle
- CEDEFOP - Centre Europe´en de la Formation professionelle
- Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- CEDI - Centre Europe´en de Documentation et d
- CEE - Central Eastern Europe
- CEEP - Centre Europe´en d
- Cefta - Central European Free Trade Area
- CEFTA - Central European Free Trade Area
- CEI - Centre d
- CEMA - Centrale Marketinggesellschaft der deutschen Agrarwirtschaft
- CEN - Centre d
- cent. - central
- CENTAG - Central Army Group Central Europe
- CENTO - Central Treaty Organization
- CEPR - Centre for Economic Policy Research
- CEREM - Centre d
- CERN - Centre Europe´en de Recherches Nucle´aires
- CERP - Centre Europe´en des Relations Publiques
- CERS - Centre Europe´en de Recherches Spatiales
- CET - Central European Time
- CET - Centre Europe´en de Traduction
- CEU - Centre Europe´en Universitaire
- CHE - Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung
- CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
- C.I.C. - Centre International du Calcul
- CIC - Centre International du Calcul
- CICB - Confe´rence Internationale Permanente des Centres du Ba
- CICE - Centre d
- CICG - Centre International du Commerce de Gros
- CID - Centre d
- CID - Centre for Industrial Development
- CIDA - Centre International de De´veloppement de l
- CIE - Centre International de l
- C.I.F.E. - Centre International de Formation Europe´enne
- CIFJ - Centre International du Film pour la Jeunesse
- CIM - Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung
- CINCAIRCENT - Commander in Chief Allied Airforces Central Europe
- CINCENT - Commander in Chief Allied Forces Central Europe
- CIP - Centro International de la Papa
- CIPCE - Centre d
- CIT - Centre International du Tabac
- CMA - Centrale Marketinggesellschaft der deutschen Agrarwirtschaft
- CNC - Centre National de la Cinematographie
- CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- CNS - central nervous system
- C.N.S. - central nervous system
- C.O.D. - Central Ordnance Depot
- COIRT - Central Office for International Railway Transport
- COMAIRCENT - Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe
- COMLANDCENT - Commander Allied Land Forces Central Europe
- COMNAVCENT - Commander Allied Naval Forces Central Europe
- conc. - concentrate
- CPB - Central Planning Bureau
- CPC - compound parabolic concentrator
- CPE - central processing element
- CPU - central processing unit
- CPUID - central processing unit identification
- CRM - Centrum für Reisemedizin
- CST - Central Standard Time
- CT - Central Time
- CTC - Central Train Control
- ECB - Den Europaeiske Centralbank
- ECB - European Central Bank
- ECB - Europese Centrale Bank
- ECB - Europeiska Centralbanken
- ECC - European Cultural Centre
- ECITO - European Central Inland Transport Organization
- EIC - Euro-Info-Centre
- EICC - Euro-Info-Correspondance-Centre
- ENRC - European Nuclear Research Centre
- ESOC - European Space Operations Centre
- ETB - European Translation Centre
- ETEC - Essener Technologie-und Entwicklungs-Centrum
- EUMC - European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia
- EUSC - European Union Satellite Centre
- EUSC - European Usability Support Centres
- EVVC - Europäischer Verband der Veranstaltungs-Centren
- FIC - Flight Information Centre
- GCT - Greenwich Central/Civil Time
- HAWC - High Active Waste Concentrate
- IAAC - International Agricultural Aviation Centre
- ICC - International Computation Centre
- ICC - Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin
- ICE - Informations-Centrale Eiskrem
- ICER - Information Centre of the European Railways
- ICFC - International Centre of Films for Children
- ICIPE - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
- ICSID - International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
- IDC - Innovations- und Design-Centrum
- IRC - Innovation Relay Centres
- ITC - International Training Centre for Aerial Survey
- JRC - Joint Research Centre
- LANDCENT - Allied Land Forces Central Europe
- MDC - Max-Delbrück-Centrum für molekulare Medizin
- MNC - Metallnormcentralen
- MPC - maximum permissible concentration
- ODECA - Organizacio´n de Estados Centroamericanos
- OIC - Office Central des Transports Internationaux par Chemin de fer
- SICEC - Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre
- SOC - Southampton Oceanographic Centre
- TCO - Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation
- UNIC - United Nations Information Centre
- WDC - World Data Centre
- CTM - Central Tool Manager
- ECCE - European Centre for Community Education
- CDI - Centre de documentation et d'information
- CIRAD - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement
- CeBIT - Centrum für Büroautomation, Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation
- CRI - Centre Ressources Illettrisme
- CIS - Centre d'Intégration Socioprofessionnelle
- CCF - Centre Culturel Français
- BEC - Breedtesport Expertise Centrum
- CBS - Central Bureau voor de Statistiek
- CPB - Centraal Planbureau
- NeCeDo - Nederlands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken
- ROC - Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum
- TEC - Topsport Expertise Centrum