1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 7 Gruppen
C.f.: Bedeutung |
C.f. | Cantus firmus |
.cf: Bedeutung |
.cf | Zentralafrika |
cf.: Bedeutung |
cf. | collectio formarum |
cf. | confer |
c.f.: Bedeutung |
c.f. | cost and freight |
c.f. | Cantus firmus |
c.f. | carried/Carried forward |
CF: Bedeutung |
CF | compact flash |
CF | Zentralafrikanische Republik |
Cf: Bedeutung |
Cf | Californium |
Cf | Californium |
cf: Bedeutung |
cf | cost and freight |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie cf
- .cab - cabinet
- c.a.f. - cost and freight
- c. & f. - cost and freight
- CAFEA - Commission for Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
- c.aff. - con affetto
- CAP - Chloramphenicol
- CAPE - computer-aided/assisted process engineering
- CAPI - common application programming interface
- capp. - cappella
- CAV - constant angular velocity
- CAVE - cave automatic virtual environment
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen cf vorkommt
- AFC - automatic flight control
- AFC - automatic frequency control
- AFCE - automatic flight control equipment
- AFM - Atomic Force Microscope
- CFA - cryptogenic fibrosing Alveolitis
- CFS - chronic fatigue syndrom
- EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EFS - Electronic Film System
- IAAF - International Amateur Athletic Federation
- ICFB - International Catholic Film Bureau
- IGF - International Gymnastic Federation
- ISFA - International Scientific Film Association
- NAFO - North-Atlantic Fishing Organization
- SPF - Superplastic Forming
- SSF - supersonic frequency
- TAFTA - Transatlantic Free Trade Association
- UDF - universal disc format
- VBA - Visual Basic for Applications
- WEF - World Economic Forum
- OTF - Off Topic Forum
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