6 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
C.I.T.: Bedeutung |
C.I.T. | Convention Internationale des Te´le´communications |
CIT: Bedeutung |
CIT | Centre International du Tabac |
CIT | Comite´ International des Transports par Chemin de fer |
CIT | Compagnia Italiana del Turismo |
CIT | computer integrated telephony |
CIT | Conseil International des Tanneurs |
CIT | Convention Internationale des Te´le´communications |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie cit
- CAAD - computer-aided/assisted architectural design
- CAD - computer-aided/assisted design
- CAT - city air terminal
- cath. - cathedral
- CATIA - computer-graphics aided three dimensional interactive application system
- CCD - charge coupled device
- CCITT - Comite´ Consultatif International Te´le´graphique et Te´le´phonique
- CCT - Craniale Computertomographie
- cd - Candela
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen cit vorkommt
- AEG - Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft
- BCSD - Bundesvereinigung City- und Stadtmarketing Deutschland
- BEA - British Electricity Authority
- c. - cito
- CAT - city air terminal
- CAV - constant angular velocity
- CB - Citizen-Band
- CIR - Comite´ International de la Radioe´lectricite´
- c.l. - citato loco
- CLP - Citylight-Poster
- CNL - CityNightLine
- COA - Certificate of Authenticity
- EC - EuroCity
- EdF - Electricite´ de France
- EEPO - European Electricity Prices Observatory
- EPIC - explicit parallel instruction computing
- fe. - fecit
- fec. - fecit
- HCP - high capacity profile
- HEW - Hamburgische Electricitäts-Werke
- HiFD - high capacity floppy disk
- H.R.I.P. - hic requiescit in pace
- IATME - International Association of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity
- IC - InterCity
- ICE - InterCityExpress
- ICN - Intercity Neigezug
- ICT - Intercity NeiTech
- i.f. - ipse fecit
- l.c. - loco citato
- l.s.c. - loco supra citato
- N.Y.C. - New York City
- op.cit. - opere citato
- q.s. - quantum satis/sufficit
- UBE - unsolicited bulk e-mail
- UCE - unsolicited commercial e-mail
- UCTE - Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity
- USCIS - US Citizenship and Immigration Services
- v - velocitas
- inv und fec - invenit und fecit
- CoH - City of Heroes
- CoV - City of Villains
- Attac - Association pour une Taxation des Transactions financières pour l'Aide aux Citoyens et Citoyennes
- VMG - Velocity Made Good
- vam - VAM - im Radsport für Steiggeschwindigkeit (ital. "Velocita Ascensionale Media")