Abkürzung co
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 9 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- .ci (1 Bedeutungen)
- co. (1 Bedeutungen)
- .co (1 Bedeutungen)
- C.O. (2 Bedeutungen)
- Co. (1 Bedeutungen)
- CIV (1 Bedeutungen)
- CO (6 Bedeutungen)
- CI (2 Bedeutungen)
- Co (2 Bedeutungen)
.ci: Bedeutung | ||
.ci | Co [Elfenbeinküste] |
co.: Bedeutung | ||
co. | company [Gesellschaft] |
.co: Bedeutung | ||
.co | Kolumbien |
C.O.: Bedeutung | ||
C.O. | Commanding Officer [engl.] | |
C.O. | Congregatio Oratorii [kath. Orden der Oratorianer] |
Co.: Bedeutung | ||
Co. | Compagnie [franz.] |
CIV: Bedeutung | ||
CIV | Co [Elfenbeinküste] |
CO: Bedeutung | ||
CO | Coburg [Kfz] | |
CO | Colorado [Staat der USA] | |
CO | Kolumbien [Kfz] | |
CO | Coburg | |
CO | Kolumbien | |
CO | Colorado |
CI: Bedeutung | ||
CI | Co [Elfenbeinküste; Kfz] | |
CI | Co [Elfenbeinküste] |
Co: Bedeutung | ||
Co | Cobalt | |
Co | Cobalt [Element] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie co
- c - cycle
Abkürzungen für die Bedeutung co | ||
CI | Co [Elfenbeinküste; Kfz] | |
.ci | Co [Elfenbeinküste] | |
CI | Co [Elfenbeinküste] | |
CIV | Co [Elfenbeinküste] |
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen co vorkommt
- AAC - advanced audio coding
- AC - Army Corps
- Admin-C - Administrative Contact
- AECB - Atomic Energy Control Board
- AECS - Australia Europe Container Service
- AEI - Association des Ecoles Internationales
- AFAST - Association Franco
- AFC - American Football Conference
- AFC - automatic flight control
- AFC - automatic frequency control
- AFCE - automatic flight control equipment
- AFM - Atomic Force Microscope
- AFT - aeronautical fixed telecommunication
- AFTN - aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
- AGC - automatic gain control
- AGMR - Advanced Gascooled Maritime Reactor
- AGR - Advanced Gascooled Reactor
- AHC - Allied High Commission
- AIC - Administration Internationale de Coope´ration
- AIC - American Institute of Cooperation
- AIDEC - Association for European Industrial Development and Economic Cooperation
- AIPC - Association Internationale des Palais de Congre`s
- AIPCN - Association Internationale Permanente des Congre`s de Navigation
- AIPCR - Association Internationale Permanente des Congre`s de la Route
- AISE - Association Internationale des Sciences Economiques
- ALC - Arab League Council
- Alcor - Algol converter
- ALDC - advanced lossless data compression
- Aldehyd - Alcoholus dehydrogenatus
- Aldi - Albrecht Discount
- AMBV - Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- AMC - American Motors Corporation
- a.m.c. - a mundo condito
- AME - Accord Mone´taire Europe´en
- AMS - American Microscopical Society
- ANC - African National Congress
- ANC - Air Navigation Commission
- a/o - account of
- a.o. - account of
- a.o.c. - anno orbis conditi
- AOCJ - Airport Operators Council International
- A&P - The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
- APC - Argo-Plasma-Coagulation
- APC - automatic performance control
- APC-Viren - adenoidal-pharyngeal-conjunctival-Viren
- Apec - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- APPC - Advanced Program to Program Communication
- APTU - African Postal and Telecommunications Union
- ARAMCO - Arabian-American Oil Company
- ARC - Aids-Related Complex
- Arcnet - Attached Resource Computer Network
- ARD - American Research and Development Corporation
- AS - account sales
- ASC - Anti-Schlupf-Control
- ASC - application service computing
- ASC - Automatic Sensitivity Control
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ASIC - Association Suisse des Inge´nieurs-Conseils
- ASPAC - Asian Pacific Council
- ASQC - American Society for Quality Control
- ATC - Air Traffic Control
- ATC - Air Training Command
- ATC - Automatic Train Control
- ATCC - Air Traffic Control Center
- ATCO - Air Traffic Coordinating Office
- Atrac - adaptive transform acoustic coding
- AT&T - American Telephone and Telegraph Company
- ATUC - African Trade Union Confederation
- AVC - Automatic Volume Control
- AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System
- AWACS - Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Access Communication System
- BABS - Beam/Blind Approach Beacon System
- BAC - Bureau des Affaires Communes
- BAPco - Business Applications Performance Corporation
- BAT - British-American Tobacco [Company]
- BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
- BC - Binärcode
- BC - Bordcomputer
- BC - Bürocomputer
- b.c. - basso/Basso continuo
- B.c. - basso/Basso continuo
- BCC - blind carbon copy
- BCD - binary coded decimals
- BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integracio´n Econo´mica
- BCS - Bachelor of Computer Science in Banking and Finance
- BCS-Theorie - Bardeen-, Cooper-, Schrieffer-Theorie
- BDIC - Bund Deutscher Ingenieur-Corporationen
- BDVT - Berufsverband für Trainer, Berater und Coaches e.V.
- BECIB - Belgium Convention and Incentive Bureau
- BEUC - Bureau Europe´en des Unions des Consommateurs
- B.F.C.E. - Banque Francaise¸ du Commerce Exte´rieur
- BIAC - Business and Industry Advisory Commission
- BIC - bank identity/identifier code
- BIC - Bureau International des Containers
- BICI - Bureau International du Commerce et de l
- BID - Banco Interamericano de Desarollo
- BIMCO - Baltic and International Maritime Conference
- B.I.P.O. - British Institute of Public Opinion
- BIPO - British Institute of Public Opinion
- BIRC - Bureau International des Relations Commerciales
- BIRD - Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le De´veloppement
- BJC - bubble jet color
- BMC - bone mineral content
- BMI - Broadcast Music Incorporated
- Bp - British Petroleum Company
- bps - bits per second
- Bps - bits per second
- BSC - balanced scorecard
- BSC - Banking Supervision Committee
- BSC - British Steel Corporation
- BSCH - Banco Santander Central Hispano
- BT - British Telecom
- BtC - Business to Consumer
- B2C - Business to Consumer
- BTS - Brevet de Technicien Supe´rieur Compatibilite´Gestion
- c - Code
- c - Coulomb
- c - Coupe´
- CA - cost Aa verage
- ca. - contra
- C/A - capital account
- c/a - capital account
- C/A - credit account
- c/a - credit account
- C/A - current account
- c/a - current account
- c.a. - coll
- C.A. - Collegium Academicum
- C.A. - Confessio Augustana
- CAA - Central African Airways [Corporation]
- CAA - Council of African Affairs
- CAAD - computer-aided/assisted architectural design
- CAB - Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau
- CAD - computer-aided/assisted design
- CAD - computer-aided diagnosis
- CADAM - computer-aided/ assisted design and manufacturing
- c.a.f. - cost and freight
- c. & f. - cost and freight
- CAFEA - Commission for Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
- c.aff. - con affetto
- CAFM - computer aided/assisted facility management
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted indexing
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted industry
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted inking
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted instruction
- CAI - Confe´rence Ae´ronautique Internationale
- CAL - computer-aided/assisted learning
- CALL - computer-aided language learning
- CAM - computer-aided/assisted manufacturing
- CAMAC - computer-aided/ assisted measurement and control