Abkürzung com
4 Abkürzungen gefunden in 4 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- Com. (11 Bedeutungen)
- com. (10 Bedeutungen)
- .com (2 Bedeutungen)
- COM (4 Bedeutungen)
Com.: Bedeutung | ||
Com. | commander [engl.] | |
Com. | commerce [engl. , franz.] | |
Com. | commentary [engl.] | |
Com. | commissary [engl.] | |
Com. | commission [engl., franz.] | |
Com. | commissioner [engl.] | |
Com. | comite´ [franz.); committee (engl.] | |
Com. | communication [engl. , franz.] | |
Com. | community [engl.] | |
Com. | comunaute´ [franz.] | |
Com. | Commodore |
com.: Bedeutung | ||
com. | commander [engl.] | |
com. | commerce [engl. , franz.] | |
com. | commentary [engl.] | |
com. | commissary [engl.] | |
com. | commission [engl., franz.] | |
com. | commissioner [engl.] | |
com. | comite´ [franz.); committee (engl.] | |
com. | communication [engl. , franz.] | |
com. | community [engl.] | |
com. | comunaute´ [franz.] |
.com: Bedeutung | ||
.com | command file [Dateierweiterung] | |
.com | commercial [kommerzielle Angebote] |
COM: Bedeutung | ||
COM | communication port | |
COM | component object model | |
COM | computer output microfilm | |
COM | Komoren |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie com
- CAM - computer-aided/assisted manufacturing
- CAME - Chlorameisensäuremethylester
- Can. - Canada; Canadian[s]
- CanA - Canonici Augustinianus
- ccm - Kubikzentimeter
- CEM - Confe´rence Europe´enne des Marchandises
- CEMA - Centrale Marketinggesellschaft der deutschen Agrarwirtschaft
- CEN - Centre d
- .cgm - computer graphics metafile
- cham. - chamois
- chem. - chemisch
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen com vorkommt
- AFT - aeronautical fixed telecommunication
- AFTN - aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
- AHC - Allied High Commission
- ALDC - advanced lossless data compression
- ANC - Air Navigation Commission
- A&P - The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
- APPC - Advanced Program to Program Communication
- APTU - African Postal and Telecommunications Union
- ARAMCO - Arabian-American Oil Company
- ARC - Aids-Related Complex
- Arcnet - Attached Resource Computer Network
- ASC - application service computing
- ATC - Air Training Command
- AT&T - American Telephone and Telegraph Company
- AWACS - Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Access Communication System
- BAC - Bureau des Affaires Communes
- BAT - British-American Tobacco [Company]
- BC - Bordcomputer
- BC - Bürocomputer
- BCS - Bachelor of Computer Science in Banking and Finance
- B.F.C.E. - Banque Francaise¸ du Commerce Exte´rieur
- BIAC - Business and Industry Advisory Commission
- BICI - Bureau International du Commerce et de l
- BIRC - Bureau International des Relations Commerciales
- Bp - British Petroleum Company
- BSC - Banking Supervision Committee
- BT - British Telecom
- BTS - Brevet de Technicien Supe´rieur Compatibilite´Gestion
- CAAD - computer-aided/assisted architectural design
- CAB - Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau
- CAD - computer-aided/assisted design
- CAD - computer-aided diagnosis
- CADAM - computer-aided/ assisted design and manufacturing
- CAFEA - Commission for Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
- CAFM - computer aided/assisted facility management
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted indexing
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted industry
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted inking
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted instruction
- CAL - computer-aided/assisted learning
- CALL - computer-aided language learning
- CAM - computer-aided/assisted manufacturing
- CAMAC - computer-aided/ assisted measurement and control
- CAMD - computer-aided/assisted molecular design
- CAO - computer-aided/assisted office
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted planning
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted printing
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted publishing
- CAPC - Civil Aviation Planning Committee
- CAPE - computer-aided/assisted process engineering
- CAPI - common application programming interface
- CAQ - computer-aided/ assisted quality assurance/ control
- CAR - computer-assisted retrieval system
- CAS - computer-aided/assisted sales
- CASE - computer-aided/assisted software/system engineering
- CASP - computer-aided/assisted synthesis planning
- CASW - computer assisted social work
- Catch - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides
- CATCH - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides
- CATIA - computer-graphics aided three dimensional interactive application system
- CATV - Community Antenna TV
- C.B.E. - Commander of the Order of the British Empire
- CBE - Commander of the Order of the British Empire
- CBMC - Communaute´ de Travail des Brasseurs du Marche´ Commun
- CBR - Commodity Research Bureau-Index
- .cbt - computer-based training
- CBT - computer based training
- CC - communication center
- CCC - Chaos Computer Club
- CCC - Comprehensive Cancer Center
- CCE - Conseil des Communes d
- CCEP - Commission Consultative des Etudes Postales
- CCI - Chambre de Commerce Internationale
- CCI - Comite´ Consultatif International
- CCIA - Commission of the Churches on International Affairs
- CCIC - Comite´ Consultatif International du Coton
- CCIP - Chambre de Compensation Internationale des Produits
- CCIR - Comite´ Consultatif International des Radiocommunications
- CCITT - Comite´ Consultatif International Te´le´graphique et Te´le´phonique
- CCL - common command language
- CCP - Certificate in Computer Programming
- CCP - compliance checking program
- CCP - console command processor
- CCP - Commission on Civil Rights
- CCS - common command set
- CCT - Craniale Computertomographie
- CD - Compact Disc
- Cd. - Command
- CDA - Comite´ de De´fense Atlantique
- CDAX - Composite Dax
- CD-DA - compact disc digital audio
- CDDB - compact disc database
- CDE - common desktop environment
- CD-E - compact disc erasable
- CD-EB - compact disc electronic book
- CD+G - compact disc plus graphics
- CDI - Commission du Droit International
- CDI - compact disc interactive
- CD-MRW - compact disc Mount Rainier rewritable
- Cdr. - Commander
- CD-R - compact disc recordable
- CD-Rom - Compact Disc Read only memory
- CD-RW - compact disc rewritable
- CDTV - Commodore dynamic total vision
- CDV - Compact-Disc-Video
- CD-WORM - compact disc write once read many
- .cdx - compound index
- CEA - Comite´ Europe´en des Assurances
- CEA - Commissariat a` l
- CEA - Commission Economique pour l
- CEA - Commission de l
- CEAC - Committee on European Airspace Coordination
- CEAEO - Commission Economique pour l
- CEAL - Commission Economique pour l
- CEB - Comite´ Europe´en du Be´ton
- CEBR - Committee of European Banking Regulators
- CEC - Conseil Europe´en des Communes
- CECA - Communaute´ Europe´enne du Charbon et de l
- CECAL - Comite´ Europe´en pour la Coope´ration avec l
- CECIOS - Comite´ Europe´en du Conseil International pour l
- CECOMA - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne des Commerces de Mobilier, Machines de Bureau et Accessoires
- CED - Committee for Economic Development
- CEDEAO - Communaute´ Economique des Etats de l
- CEE - Commission Economique pour l
- CEE - Communaute´ Economique Europe´enne
- C.E.E.A. - Communaute´ Europe´enne de l
- CEEC - Committee for European Economic Cooperation
- CEF - Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning and Teaching
- CEFS - Comite´ Europe´en des Fabricants de Sucre
- CEGROB - Communaute´ Europe´enne des Associations du Commerce de Gros de Bie`re des Pays Membres de la
- CEI - Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
- CEIFAL - Comite´ europe´en d
- CEMA - Comite´ Europe´en des Groupements des Constructeurs de Machines Agricoles
- CEMS - Community of European Management Schools
- CEN - Comite´ Europe´en de Normalisation
- CENELEC - Comite´ Europe´en de Normalisation Electrotechniques
- CEP - Comite´ der Europäischen Privaten Krankenversicherung
- CEPAL - Comisio´n Econo´mica pan America Latina
- CEPES - Comite´ Europe´en pour le Progre`s Economique et Social
- CEPS - common electronic purse specifications
- CERD - Comite´ Europe´en de la Recherche et du De´veloppement
- CERD - Commission Europe´enne Recherche et De´veloppement
- CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team
- CES - Comite´ Electrotechnique Suisse
- CESR - Committee of European Securities Regulators
- CET - Commission Europe´enne du Tourisme
- CETI - communication with extraterrestrial intelligence
- CETS - Confe´rence Europe´enne des Te´le´communications par Satellites
- CF - compact flash
- CFA-Franc - Communaute´ Financie`re Africaine