Abkürzung comp
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- Comp. (1 Bedeutung)
- comp (1 Bedeutung)
Comp.: Bedeutung | ||
Comp. | Compagnie [franz.); Company (engl.] | |
Comp. | Composer | |
Comp. | Compound | |
Comp. | Computer |
comp: Bedeutung | ||
comp | computer [alles, was in irgendeiner Form mit Computern zu tun hat, also Hardware, Software, Programmierung ...] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie comp
- cAMP - cyclisches Adenosin3,5-monophosphat
- Cemb. - Cembalist[in]; Cembalo
- cGMP - cyclic
- Champ. - Champagner
- chem. Fa. - chemische Fabrik
- CIMP - Confe´rence Internationale des Matie`res Premie`res
- CMF - Conseil du marche´ financier
- CMOPE - Confe´de´ration Mondiale des Organisations de la Profession Enseignante
- CMP - chemisch-mechanische Poliermittel
- CMV - Christlicher Metallarbeiterverband
- CNMV - Comisio´n Nacional de Mercado de Valores
- COMAF - Comite´ des Constructeurs de Mate´riel Frigorifique de la CEE
- conf. - conferatur
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen comp vorkommt
- ALDC - advanced lossless data compression
- A&P - The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
- ARAMCO - Arabian-American Oil Company
- ARC - Aids-Related Complex
- Arcnet - Attached Resource Computer Network
- ASC - application service computing
- AT&T - American Telephone and Telegraph Company
- BAT - British-American Tobacco [Company]
- BC - Bordcomputer
- BC - Bürocomputer
- BCS - Bachelor of Computer Science in Banking and Finance
- Bp - British Petroleum Company
- BTS - Brevet de Technicien Supe´rieur Compatibilite´Gestion
- CAAD - computer-aided/assisted architectural design
- CAD - computer-aided/assisted design
- CAD - computer-aided diagnosis
- CADAM - computer-aided/ assisted design and manufacturing
- CAFM - computer aided/assisted facility management
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted indexing
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted industry
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted inking
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted instruction
- CAL - computer-aided/assisted learning
- CALL - computer-aided language learning
- CAM - computer-aided/assisted manufacturing
- CAMAC - computer-aided/ assisted measurement and control
- CAMD - computer-aided/assisted molecular design
- CAO - computer-aided/assisted office
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted planning
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted printing
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted publishing
- CAPE - computer-aided/assisted process engineering
- CAQ - computer-aided/ assisted quality assurance/ control
- CAR - computer-assisted retrieval system
- CAS - computer-aided/assisted sales
- CASE - computer-aided/assisted software/system engineering
- CASP - computer-aided/assisted synthesis planning
- CASW - computer assisted social work
- Catch - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides
- CATCH - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides
- CATIA - computer-graphics aided three dimensional interactive application system
- .cbt - computer-based training
- CBT - computer based training
- CCC - Chaos Computer Club
- CCC - Comprehensive Cancer Center
- CCIP - Chambre de Compensation Internationale des Produits
- CCP - Certificate in Computer Programming
- CCP - compliance checking program
- CCT - Craniale Computertomographie
- CD - Compact Disc
- CDAX - Composite Dax
- CD-DA - compact disc digital audio
- CDDB - compact disc database
- CD-E - compact disc erasable
- CD-EB - compact disc electronic book
- CD+G - compact disc plus graphics
- CDI - compact disc interactive
- CD-MRW - compact disc Mount Rainier rewritable
- CD-R - compact disc recordable
- CD-Rom - Compact Disc Read only memory
- CD-RW - compact disc rewritable
- CDV - Compact-Disc-Video
- CD-WORM - compact disc write once read many
- .cdx - compound index
- CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team
- CF - compact flash
- .cgm - computer graphics metafile
- cHTML - compact HTML
- CIAM - computer aided integrated automatical manufacturing
- CIC - Conseil International des Compositeurs
- CID - computer integrated manufacturing
- CIE - computer integrated engineering
- Cie. - Compagnie
- C.I.I. - Compagnie Internationale d
- CIM - CompuServe Information Manager
- CIM - computer integrated manufacturing [system[s]]
- CIP - computer integrated purchasing
- CIRC - Computer Integrated Road Construction
- CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer
- CIT - Compagnia Italiana del Turismo
- CIT - computer integrated telephony
- CIWL - Compagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits
- CIWLT - Compagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits et du Tourisme
- CLT - Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Te´le´diffusion
- CLZ - Computerlernzentrum
- CMI - computer-managed instructions
- CMOS - complementory metal oxide semiconductor
- CMV - Computer-Missbrauch-Versicherung
- CNC - computerized numerical control
- Co. - Compagnie
- CODEC - Compressor/ Decompressor
- COM - component object model
- COM - computer output microfilm
- Comdex - computer dealers exposition
- Comp. - Compagnie
- Comp. - Composer
- Comp. - Compound
- Comp. - Computer
- Compaq - Compatibility and Quality
- compr. - compressus
- CPC - compound parabolic concentrator
- CPC - color personal computer
- CPLD - complex programmable logic device
- CP/M - Control Program Microcomputers
- cpt. - comptant
- CRS - Computerreservierungssystem
- CSCW - computer-supported cooperative work
- CSI - Computer Security Institute
- CSLIP - compressed serial line protocol
- CSMI - Computer Systems Management Institute
- CSNET - Computer Science Network
- CSO - Computing Services Office
- CSP - compact strip production
- CSTA - computer-supported telecommunications applications
- CT - Computertomogramm; Computertomograph[ie]
- CTBT - Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
- CTI - computer telephone integration
- CTR - Computer Tabulating Recording
- CUU - computerunterstützter Unterricht
- CVBS - Composite Video Burst Sync
- DACT - data compressing technology
- DCC - digital compact cassette
- DCE - distributed computing environment
- DCLZ - data compression nach Lempel und Ziv
- DCOM - distributed component object model
- DCS - diolen composite system
- Dipl.-Comp.-Math. - Diplomcomputermathematiker[in]
- DLC - dual listed company
- EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
- ECDL - european computer driving licence
- ECMA - European Computer Manufacturer
- ECTF - Enterprise Computer Telephony
- ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
- EPIC - explicit parallel instruction computing
- ETB - estimated time of completion
- ETUC - European Trade Union Company
- FCGU - fernseh- und computerunterstützter Gruppenunterricht
- GCR - gray component replacement
- GE - General Electric [Company]
- GmbH & Co. KG - Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung und Compagnie Kommanditgesellschaft
- GPC - General Purpose Computer
- HBCI - homebanking computer interface
- HCMOS - high speed complementary metal oxide semiconductor
- HDCD - high definition compatible digital
- HDCD - high density compact disk
- High-Com - High-Fidelity-Compander
- HPC - high performance computing
- HPCN - high performance parallel computing and networking
- HPTC - high performance technical computing
- HRCT - high resolving computer tomography