Abkürzung conf
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- Conf. (2 Bedeutungen)
- conf. (2 Bedeutungen)
Conf.: Bedeutung | ||
Conf. | Confessio [lat.: »Bekenntnis«] | |
Conf. | Confoederatio |
conf.: Bedeutung | ||
conf. | conferatur [lat.:»man vergleiche«] | |
conf. | conference [engl.); confe´rence(franz.] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie conf
- cAMP - cyclisches Adenosin3,5-monophosphat
- Cemb. - Cembalist[in]; Cembalo
- cGMP - cyclic
- Champ. - Champagner
- chem. Fa. - chemische Fabrik
- CIMP - Confe´rence Internationale des Matie`res Premie`res
- CMF - Conseil du marche´ financier
- CMOPE - Confe´de´ration Mondiale des Organisations de la Profession Enseignante
- CMP - chemisch-mechanische Poliermittel
- CMV - Christlicher Metallarbeiterverband
- CNMV - Comisio´n Nacional de Mercado de Valores
- COMAF - Comite´ des Constructeurs de Mate´riel Frigorifique de la CEE
- Comp. - Compagnie
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen conf vorkommt
- AFC - American Football Conference
- ATUC - African Trade Union Confederation
- BIMCO - Baltic and International Maritime Conference
- C.A. - Confessio Augustana
- CAI - Confe´rence Ae´ronautique Internationale
- CBI - Confederation of British Industry
- CCEE - Concilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae
- CD - Conference on Disarmament
- CE - Conformite´ Europe´enne
- CEA - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne de l
- CEAC - Confe´rence Europe´enne de l
- CEB - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne de Billard
- CECOMA - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne des Commerces de Mobilier, Machines de Bureau et Accessoires
- CEH - Confe´rence Europe´enne des Horaires des Trains du Voyageurs
- CEIB - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne des Industries du Bois
- CEM - Confe´rence Europe´enne des Marchandises
- CEMT - Confe´rence Europe´enne des Ministres de Transport
- CENL - Conference of European National Librarians
- CEPAC - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne de l
- CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries
- CER - Confe´rence Europe´enne de Radiodiffusion
- CETS - Confe´rence Europe´enne des Te´le´communications par Satellites
- cf. - confer
- C.F.D.T. - Confe´de´ration Francaise Democratique¸ des Travailleurs
- CFDT - Confe´de´ration Francaise Democratique¸ des Travailleurs
- cfr. - confer
- CFTC - Confe´de´ration Francaise du Travail
- CGC - Confe´de´ration Ge´ne´rale des Cadres
- CGIL - Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro
- CH - Confoederatio Helvetica
- CIA - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Accorde´onistes
- CIA - Confe´ de´ration Internationale de l
- CIAA - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Associations d
- CIBP - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Banques Populaires
- CIC - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Cadres
- CIC - Confe´de´ration Internationale de la Coiffure
- CICA - Confe´de´ration Internationale du Cre´dit Agricole
- CICB - Confe´rence Internationale Permanente des Centres du Ba
- CICF - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Cadres Fonctionnaires
- CID - Confe´rence Internationale Douanie`re
- C.I.D. - Confe´rence Internationale Douanie`re
- CIDADEC - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Associations d
- CIE - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Etudiants
- C.I.E.C. - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Etudiants Catholiques
- CIETT - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Entreprises du Travail Temporaire
- CIGRE - Confe´rence Internationale des Grands Re´seaux Electriques
- CIMP - Confe´rence Internationale des Matie`res Premie`res
- CINOA - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Ne´gociants en Oeuvres d
- CIPQ - Confe´rence Internationale Permanente de la Qualite´
- CIPS - Confe´de´ration Internationale de la Pe
- CISAC - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Socie´te´s d
- CISC - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Syndicats Chre´tiens
- CISL - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Syndicats Libres
- CISL - Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori
- CMOPE - Confe´de´ration Mondiale des Organisations de la Profession Enseignante
- conf. - conferatur
- conf. - conference
- Conf. - Confessio
- Conf. - Confoederatio
- Confr. - Confrater
- CoSy - Conferencing System
- C.T. - conference terms
- DHCP - dynamic host configuration protocol
- EBC - European Billiards Confederation
- ECA - European Confederation of Agriculture
- ECAC - European Civil Aviation Conference
- ECMT - European Conference of Ministers of Transport
- ECSO - European Conference of Symphony Orchestras
- EFCT - European Federation of Conference Towns
- H.C. - Helvetia Confessio
- IAARC - International Administrative Aeronautical Radio Conference
- IAC - Inter-American Conference
- IACSS - Inter-American Conference of Social Security
- IC - International Conference
- ICA - International Confederation of Agriculture
- ICAA - International Confederation of Artists
- ICAE - International Conference of Agricultural Economists
- ICATU - International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions
- ICC - International Communications Conference
- ICCC - International Conference of Catholic Charities
- ICDP - International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace
- ICH - International Conference on Harmonisation
- ICI - Investor Confidence Index
- ICIW - International Confederation of Professional and Intellectual Workers
- ICSW - International Conference of Social Work
- IMC - International Materials Conference
- IMC - International Monetary Conference
- ISC - International Standards Conference
- MASFET - metal alumina silicon field effect transistor
- MESFET - metal silicon field effect transistor
- MISFET - metal insulator silicon field effect transistor
- NFC - National Football Conference
- OIC - Organization of Islamic Conferences
- s.c. - sine confectione
- SCAM - SCSI Configured Automatically
- s.conf. - sine confectione
- UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- WCL - World Confederation of Labor
- WCOTP - World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Professors
- WPC - World Peace Conference
- WPC - World Power Conference
- CMDB - Configuration Management Database
- CFTC - Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens
- AIIC - International Association of Conference Interpreters
- AIIC - Association internationale des interprètes de conférence
- AIIC - Asociación Internacional de Intérpretes de Conferencias
- AIIC - Associazione internazionale degli interpreti di conferenza
- AIIC - Associação internacional de intérpretes de conferência