Abkürzung cont
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
Cont.: Bedeutung | ||
Cont. | Container | |
Cont. | Continuo [Musik] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie cont
- CAMD - computer-aided/assisted molecular design
- cand. - candidatus
- cant. - cantabile
- CEMT - Confe´rence Europe´enne des Ministres de Transport
- cent. - central
- CENTO - Central Treaty Organization
- Chemot. - Chemotechnik[er]
- Chemoth. - Chemotherapeut[in]; Chemotherapie
- CND - Christlicher Nachrichtendienst
- Cnt. - Centesimi
- cond. - conditio
- conti - continental
- CSNET - Computer Science Network
- cmd - Defradmentation
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen cont vorkommt
- Admin-C - Administrative Contact
- AECB - Atomic Energy Control Board
- AECS - Australia Europe Container Service
- AFC - automatic flight control
- AFC - automatic frequency control
- AFCE - automatic flight control equipment
- AGC - automatic gain control
- APC - automatic performance control
- ASC - Anti-Schlupf-Control
- ASC - Automatic Sensitivity Control
- ASQC - American Society for Quality Control
- ATC - Air Traffic Control
- ATC - Automatic Train Control
- ATCC - Air Traffic Control Center
- AVC - Automatic Volume Control
- AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System
- b.c. - basso/Basso continuo
- B.c. - basso/Basso continuo
- BIC - Bureau International des Containers
- BMC - bone mineral content
- ca. - contra
- CAMAC - computer-aided/ assisted measurement and control
- CAQ - computer-aided/ assisted quality assurance/ control
- CAR - Controlled Automobile Reporting
- CBC - curve brake control
- CCL - connection control language
- CCL - Container Control and Logistics
- CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- CFR - contact flight rule
- C.I.C. - Commission Internationale de Contro
- CILB - Commission Internationale de Lutte Biologique contre les Ennemis des Cultures
- CIPR - Commission Internationale pour la Protection contre les Radiations
- CIS - Contact Image Sensor
- CISG - United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- CLS - continuous linked settlement
- CMDC - Content Management and Distribution Center
- CMR - Contrat de Transport International de Marchandises par Route
- CMS - content management system
- CNC - computerized numerical control
- Cntr. - Container
- Cont. - Container
- Cont. - Continuo
- conti - continental
- Cont.-Schiff - Containerschiff
- Cont.-Term. - Containerterminal
- CPAP - continous positive airway pressure
- CP/M - Control Program Microcomputers
- CPPV - continous positive pressure ventilation
- CSS - content scrambling system
- CT - Containerterminal
- CT - continuous tone
- CTC - Central Train Control
- CTR - Controlled Thermonuclear Reaction
- CTS - Container-Transportsystem
- CTU - Container-Umschlagplatz
- CU - control unit
- CVFR - controlled visual flight rules
- CVT - continuously variable transmission
- DCI - display control interface
- DCTP - digital transmission content protection
- DDC - direct digital control
- DiSEqC - digital satellite equipment control
- DNC - Direct Numerial Control
- DOC - Denominazione di Origine Controllata
- D.O.C. - Denominazione di Origine Controllata
- DOCG - Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita
- D.O.C.G. - Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita
- DRC - dynamic ride control
- DSC - Dynamic Stability Control
- E.A.P.C.T. - European Association of Poison Control Center and Toxicologists
- ECT - Europe Container Terminus
- EDC - Electronic Diesel Control
- EFATCA - European Federation of Air Traffic Controllers
- EOQC - European Organization for Quality Control
- ETCS - European Train Control System
- EWPCA - European Water Pollution Control Association
- FCB - file control block
- FDC - floppy disk controller
- GCA - ground controlled approach
- GCL - ground controlled landing
- GCR - ground controlled radar
- GCS - gate controlled switch
- GDLC - generic datalink control
- GMCH - graphics and memory controller hub
- HAST - Hyper Amorphous Silicon TFT
- HCA - high contrast addressing
- HDLC - high level datalink control
- IAGC - instantaneous automatic gain control
- IAVC - instantaneous automatic volume control
- ICAP - internet content adaption protocol
- ICB - International Container-Bureau
- ICBM - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
- ICH - input/output controller hub
- ICL - intraokulare Contactlinse
- ICMP - internet control message protocol
- ICP - internet content provider
- IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control
- IFATCA - International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers
- IHC - Intercontinental Hotels Corporation
- INCB - International Narcotics Control Board
- LCP - link control protocol
- LICRA - Ligue Internationale contre le Racisme et l
- MAC - medium access control
- MBC - Master of Business Controlling
- MCF - meta content framework
- MCI - media control interface
- MCU - micro controller unit
- NC - network control
- NC - numeric control
- OPC - optimum picture control
- PCA - patient controlled analgesia
- PIC - programmable interrupt controller
- PICS - Platform for Internet Content Selection
- QC - quality control
- RBAC - role-based access control
- RCL - Rhein-Container-Linie
- RTCP - realtime control protocol
- SCC - Sicherheit-Certifikat-Contraktoren
- SCS - Scientific Control System
- SDLC - synchronous data link control
- SEC - single edge contact/cartidge
- SECC - single edge contact cartridge
- STC - Stabilitäts- und Traktions-Controlling
- TAC - terminal access controller
- TC - Traktionscontrolling
- TCP/IP - transmission control protocol/internet protocol
- TERCOM - terrain contour matching/terrain comparison
- .toc - table of contents
- UAC - universal access control
- UIA - Union Internationale contre l
- UICC - unio internationalis contra cancrum/Union Internationale contre le Cancer
- UNDCP - United Nations Drug Control Programme
- UN-ODCCP - United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention
- .VBX - Visual Basic Custom Control Extension
- VC - vector control
- VCO - voltage controlled oscillator
- VDC - Vehicle Dynamics Control
- VDC - Vereinigung Deutscher Contactschalen-Spezialisten
- WCM - Web Content Management
- pdc - Park Distant Control
- ABC - Active Body Control
- SPOC - Single Point of Contact
- Diplom Betriebswirt - controller
- ECMS - Enterprise Content Management System
- CDI - contrat à durée indéterminée
- fcl - full container load
- DCP - Disk Control Program
- SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
- lcl - less than container load
- ESC - European Song Contest