Abkürzung conv
3 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
Conv.: Bedeutung | ||
Conv. | Convention | |
Conv. | Conversion | |
Conv. | Converter |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie conv
- cAMP - cyclisches Adenosin3,5-monophosphat
- Cemb. - Cembalist[in]; Cembalo
- cGMP - cyclic
- Champ. - Champagner
- chem. Fa. - chemische Fabrik
- CIMP - Confe´rence Internationale des Matie`res Premie`res
- CMF - Conseil du marche´ financier
- CMOPE - Confe´de´ration Mondiale des Organisations de la Profession Enseignante
- CMP - chemisch-mechanische Poliermittel
- CMV - Christlicher Metallarbeiterverband
- CNMV - Comisio´n Nacional de Mercado de Valores
- COMAF - Comite´ des Constructeurs de Mate´riel Frigorifique de la CEE
- Comp. - Compagnie
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen conv vorkommt
- Alcor - Algol converter
- BECIB - Belgium Convention and Incentive Bureau
- CC - Chargiertenconvent
- CC - Coburger Convent
- CC - Corps[burschen]-Convent
- CCB - Croatian Convention Bureau
- CDA - Convent Deutscher Akademikerverbände
- CDA - Convent Deutscher Altherrenverbände
- CDK - Convent Deutscher Korporationsverbände
- CEDH - Convention Europe´enne des Droits de l
- CFE - Conventional Forces in Europe
- CIM - Convention Internationale concernant le Transport des Marchandises par Chemin de fer
- CINA - Commission/Convention Internationale de la Navigation Ae´rienne
- CISG - United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- C.I.T. - Convention Internationale des Te´le´communications
- CIT - Convention Internationale des Te´le´communications
- CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- CIV - Convention Internationale concernant le Transport des Voyageurs et des Bagages par Chemins de fer
- CMS - conversational monitor system
- Conv. - Convention
- Conv. - Conversion
- Conv. - Converter
- CPU - Convention Postale Universelle
- cv. - convertible
- DC - Delegiertenconvent
- DC - Douglas Convair
- DCEI - Deka Converging Europe Indicator
- EBC - European Brewery Convention
- EuPC - European Plastics Converter Association
- G.A.C.C. - Gesamt-Altherrenverband des Coburger Convents
- G.C. - Geneva Convention
- GC - Geneva Convention
- GCB - German Convention Bureau
- HCB - Hungarian Convention Bureau
- H.K.S.C.V. - Hoher Kösener Senioren-Conventsverband
- IAC - International Air Convention
- i.A.d.C. - im Auftrag[e] des Convents
- I.C. - Innerer Convent
- ICCA - International Congress and Convention Association
- ICT - intensivierte conventionelle Insulintherapie
- I.T.C. - International Telecommunication Convention
- ITC - International Telecommunication Convention
- KSCV - Kösener Senioren-Convent-Verband
- LNC - low noise converter
- MICE - Meetings, Incentives, Conventions und Events
- O.M.Conv.Ref. - Ordo Minorum Conventualium Reformatorum
- PIC - Pharmazeutische Inspektions-Convention
- RAMDAC - random access memory digital-analog-converter
- SC - Senioren-Convent
- S.C. - Senioren-Convent
- SICEC - Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre
- UNC - uniform naming convention
- UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- VM/CMS - Virtual Machine/ Conversational Monitor System
- W.S.C. - Weinheimer Senioren-Convent
- C.C. - Coburger Convent der Landsmannschaften und Turnerschaften an Deutschen Hochschulen
- mock - multiple orchestrated conversion kick of the can
- ACE - Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
- GC - Games Convention