Abkürzung dy
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
Dy: Bedeutung | ||
Dy | Dysprosium | |
Dy | Dysprosium [Element] |
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen dy vorkommt
- AGL - automatisierte Gruppen-Lerndynamik
- AI - aerodynamisches Institut
- AIA - Aerodynamisches Institut Aachen
- AIB - Aerodynamisches Institut Braunschweig
- AID - Aerodynamisches Institut Darmstadt
- AO/DI - always on/dynamic ISDN
- AVA - Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt
- AWR - Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problems
- BCM - body cell mass
- BDD - body dismorphic disorder
- BMI - Body-Mass-Index
- BMT - Basic Motion-Time-Study
- CDRAM - cached dynamic random access memory
- CDTV - Commodore dynamic total vision
- Dy - Dysprosium
- Nd - Neodym
- Pr - Praseodym
- DBKV - Deutscher Bodybuilding- und Kraftsport-Verband
- DDA - dynamic data transfer
- DDE - dynamic data exchange
- DDNS - dynamic domain name service
- DETO - Dyes Environmental and Toxicology Organization
- DHCP - dynamic host configuration protocol
- DHTML - dynamic HTML
- DLL - dynamic link library
- DMD - Duchenne Muskeldystrophie
- DNL - dynamic noise limiter
- DNR - dynamic noise reduction
- DRAM - dynamic random access memory
- DRC - dynamic ride control
- DSC - Dynamic Stability Control
- DSP - Dynamisches Schaltprogramm für Automatikgetriebe
- DSR - data set ready
- DTDS - Düsseldorfer Test für Dynamisches Sehen
- DTR - data terminal ready
- Dy - Dysprosium
- dyn. - dynamisch
- dyn. - dynastisch
- Dyn. - Dynamik
- Dyn. - Dynamit
- Dyn. - Dynamo
- Dyn. - Dynastie
- Dynamo - Dynamomaschine
- DynAPS - dynamisches Autopilotsystem
- Dywidag - Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG
- EASD - European Association for the Study of Diabetes
- ED - erektile Dysfunktion
- EDRAM - exhanced dynamic random access memory
- EULISP - European Legal Informatics Study Program
- EWSF - European Work Study Federation
- FDR - Fahrdynamik-Regelung
- gdm - geodynamisches Meter
- GDV - Gasdynamische Versuchsanstalt
- IFDR - integraler Fahrdynamikregler
- ITSG - International Tin Study Group
- IWSG - Internationale Wollstudiengruppe/International Wool Study Group
- JFK - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- L. - Lady
- LDE - low dynamic ESP
- MAYA - Most Advanced Yet Acceptable
- MCD - minimal cerebral dysfunction
- MDRAM - multibank dynamic random access memory
- MGD - Magnetogasdynamik
- MHD - Magnetohydrodynamik
- MPD - Magnetoplasmadynamik
- NABBA - National Amateur Bodybuilding Association
- Nd - Neodym
- Org. - Organdy
- PDT - photodynamische Therapie
- Pr - Praseodym
- QCD - Quantenchromodynamik
- RDRAM - rambus dynamic random access memory
- RTS - ready to send
- SAFS-BETA - School for Aerobic and Fitness Studies & Bodylife European Trainer Academy
- SDRAM - synchronous dynamic random access memory
- SLDRAM - synchronous link dynamic random access memory
- TIMSS - Third International Mathematics and Sciences Study
- TRS-80 - Tandy Radio Shack mit Z80-Prozessor
- VC-SDRAM - virtual channel synchronous dynamic random access memory
- VDC - Vehicle Dynamics Control
- ZAMG - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik
- AIFS - American Institute For Foreign Study
- ABC - Active Body Control
- Nokia - Handy
- Handy - Handy