Abkürzung eana
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
EANA: Bedeutung | ||
EANA | European Alliance of News Agencies |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie eana
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen eana vorkommt
- CEAA - Congress/Council of European-American Associations
- CEAC - Committee on European Airspace Coordination
- DAU - Diskussionsgruppe Analytik im Umweltschutz
- DGTA - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Analyse
- EAA - European Aluminium Association
- EAA - European Athletic Association
- EAAA - European Association of Advertising Agencies
- EAAP - European Association for Animal Production
- EABA - European Amateur Boxing Association
- EAC - European Advisory Commission
- EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
- EAEP - European Association for the Earthquakeprophecy
- EAES - European Atomic Energy Society
- E.A.I.B. - European Association of International Booksellers
- EAMA - European Automobiles Manufacturers Association
- EAN - European Article Number
- EANA - European Alliance of News Agencies
- EANDC - European American Nuclear Dates Committee
- EANPC - European Association of National Productivity Centers
- E.A.P.C.T. - European Association of Poison Control Center and Toxicologists
- EAPPI - European Association of the Plasma Products Industry
- EARB - European Airlines Research Bureau
- EARN - European Academic Research Network
- EAS - European Atomic Society
- EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency
- EASA - The European Advertising Standards Alliance
- EASD - European Association for the Study of Diabetes
- EASDAQ - European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation
- EATA - European Association for Transaction Analysis
- EATS - European Air Transport Service
- EAUE - European Academy of the Urban Environment
- EURATOM - Europäische Atomgemeinschaft; European Atomic Energy Community
- Euratom - Europäische Atomgemeinschaft; European Atomic Energy Community
- GMAT - Greenwich mean astronomical time
- IAAS - Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
- I.A.N. - Internationale anatomische Nomenklatur
- JurA - Juristische Analysen
- KAL - Korean Airlines
- MAP - mean arterial pressure
- MEDEA - Microelectronics Development for European Applications
- MTA - Motion Time Analysis
- OLAP - online Analytical Processing
- PA - perniziöse Anämie
- SEAP - Society of European Affairs Professionals
- TARGET - Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross-Settlement Express Transfer System
- TEAM - The European-Atlantic Movement
- T.E.A.M. - Top European Advertising Media
- TIVA - totale intravenöse Anästhesie
- WEAA - Western European Airports Association
- WEAG - Western European Armaments Group
- ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers´ Association