Abkürzung eas
4 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
EAS: Bedeutung | ||
EAS | Eingabe-Ausgabe-System [EDV] | |
EAS | elektronische Artikelsicherung | |
EAS | European Atomic Society [vgl. EAES] | |
EAS | Evangelische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Soldatenbetreuung |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie eas
- Es - Einsteinium
- EAAC - East African Airways Corporation
- EAC - European Advisory Commission
- EAEG - East-Asian Economic Group
- EAES - European Atomic Energy Society
- EAG - Elektroatriogramm
- EAK - Eingabe-Ausgabe-Kanal
- EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency
- EAX - environmental audio extension
- EAZ - Endgeräte-Auswahlziffer
- ec - Eurocheque
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen eas vorkommt
- A.A. - Automobile Association
- AIWM - American Institute of Weights and Measures
- AOA - American Overseas Airlines
- AR - Aeroli´neas Argentinas
- ASAP - Association of South-East Asian States
- ASEA - African Stock Exchange Association
- ASEAN - Association of South-East Asian Nations
- ASMS - Active Sample and Measure System
- BDL - Bundesverband Deutscher Leasing-Unternehmen
- B.m. - Board measurement
- CAFEA - Commission for Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
- CAFTA - Central American Free Trade Association
- CAMAC - computer-aided/ assisted measurement and control
- CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- CEE - Central Eastern Europe
- ChTA - chemisch-technische Assistentin
- CJD - Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Disease
- CRH - Corticotropin-Releasing-Hormon
- CWD - chronic wasting disease
- DAD - diffuse alveolar disease
- DME - distance measuring equipment
- DME-Verfahren - Distance-Measuring-Equipment-Verfahren
- DMP - Disease-Management-Programm
- DNasen - Dornasen; Desoxyribonucleasen
- Dornasen - Desoxyribonucleasen
- E - East
- EAA - East African Airways
- EAAC - East African Airways Corporation
- EADB - East African Development Bank
- EAEG - East-Asian Economic Group
- EAP - Employee Assistance Program
- ECAFE - Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
- ECM[-Flugzeug] - electronic counter measurement
- ECME - Economic Commission for the Middle East
- EFTA - European Free Trade Association
- ELFAA - European Low Fares Airline Association
- EMEA - Europe/Middleeast/ Asia
- ENA - European Neuroscience Association
- ETA - elektrotechnische Assistentin
- FAsp - Fernmeldeaspirant
- FAss. - Fernmeldeassistent
- FET - Far East Time
- FRT - Figure Reasoning Test
- GEM - gender empowerment measure
- GvHD - Graft-versus-Host-Disease
- HRA - Himalayan Rescue Association
- IALA - International Auxiliary Language Association
- IATA - International Amateur Theatre Association
- IAU - International Astronomical Union/Internationale Astronomische Union
- IBWM - International Bureau of Weights and Measures
- ICD - International Classification of Diseases
- ICIA - International Credit Insurance Association
- ICRU - International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements
- ICSA - International Customer Service Association
- IHA - International Horse Association
- IMU - Inertial Measurement Unit
- pls - please
- plz - please
- IPA - International Police Association
- IPSA - International Political Science Association
- IPU - International Peasant Union
- ISWA - International Solid Waste Association
- IUAA - International Union of Alpine Associations
- LAFTA - Latin-American Free Trade Association
- LAP - Lineas Aereas Paraguayas
- LCR - least cost routing
- LISA - Local Area Software Architecture
- LLDC - Least Developed Countries
- LLDCs - Least Developed Countries
- LSB - least significant bit
- LTE - Lineas Transportadores Espan
- MDAP - Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- MEA - Middle East Airlines
- meas. - measure
- MEEC - Middle East Economic Commission
- MENA - Middle East News Agency
- MLA - Modern Language Association
- MRH - Melanozyten-stimulierendes Releasing-Hormon
- MTA-G - Gesetz über technische Assistenten in der Medizin
- MTM - methods [of] time measurement
- MTRA - medizinisch-technische Radiologieassistenz
- NRA - National Rifle Association of America
- OSR - OEM Service Release
- PI - Proteaseinhibitor[en]
- PTA-APrV - Ausbildungsund Prüfungsordnung für pharmazeutisch-technische Assistenten
- p.t.o. - please turn over
- P.T.O. - please turn over
- RB-ILD - respiratory bronchiolitis-interstitial lung disease
- SAA - Schweizerische Astronautische Arbeitsgemeinschaft
- SANE - scanner access now easy
- SE - South-East
- SEATO - South-East Asia Treaty Organization
- SLB - sale and lease back
- STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease[s]
- SVR - System V Release
- TAFTA - Transatlantic Free Trade Association
- TFAss - Technischer Fernmeldeassistent
- UDA - Ulster Defence Association
- UNTAET - United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
- v. - vide, videas, videatur
- vCJD - Variante der Creutzfeld-Jakobs-Disease
- VD - venereal disease[s]
- VDRL-Test - Venereal-Diseases-Research-Laboratories-Test
- vid. - vide, videas, videatur
- WABA - World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
- WEVA - World Electric Vehicle Association
- WFTGA - World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations
- w/m - weight or measurement
- W/M - weight or measurement
- WTAA - World Trade Alliance Association
- YAC - yeast artificial chromosome
- ZAs - Zentrale Erfassungsstelle asbeststaubgefährdeter Arbeitnehmer
- psa - please see attached
- pto - please turn over
- pp - party please
- mbp - mail back pleas
- ATw - Andreas Trautwein
- XTC - extease
- boac - British Overseas Airways Corporation
- spantax - Spanish Air Taxi Lineas Aereas S. A.
- visa - Visa International Service Association
- TRH - Thyreotropin-releasing-hormone
- ICD 10 - (I)nternational (C)lassification of (D)iseases 10.Revision / Internationale Krankheitscodes-/Klassif
- AMA - American Motorcycle Association