Abkürzung eat
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
EAT: Bedeutung | ||
EAT | Tansania [Kfz] | |
EAT | Tansania [East Africa Tanzania] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie eat
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen eat vorkommt
- ADGB - Air Defense of Great Britain
- ANTA - American National Theatre and Academy
- A&P - The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
- ARCI - Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana
- ARQ - automatic repeat of request
- ata - absolute Atmosphäre
- ATA - Atlantic Treaty Association
- atm - physikalische Atmosphäre
- AWF - Allweather Fighter/Allwetterjagdflugzeug
- AWS - Air Weather Service
- Bakk. - Bakkalaureat; Bakkalaureus
- BDAT - Bund Deutscher Amateurtheater
- BF - beat frequency
- BFO - Beat Frequency Oscillator
- BGT - Berufsgruppe Theater
- b.m. - beatae memoriae
- b.m. - bene misceatur
- B.M. - Beata Maria
- B.M. - beatae memoriae
- B.M.V. - Beatae Mariae Virginis
- bpm - beats per minute
- B.V.M. - Beata Maria Virgo
- CDA - Comite´ de De´fense Atlantique
- CENTO - Central Treaty Organization
- CHU - centigrade heat unit
- C.H.U. - centigrade heat unit
- CPK - Creatinphosphokinase
- CTBT - Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
- d - deleatur
- DAK - Deutsche Atom-Kommission
- DAtK - Deutsche Atomkommission
- del. - deleatur
- Dipl.-Theatr. - Diplomtheaterwissenschaftler[in]
- DNT - Deutsches Nationaltheater
- DT - Deutsches Theater
- DTHG - Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft
- DTS - Digital Theater/Tone System
- EAEG - Europäische Atomenergie-Gesellschaft
- EAG - Europäische Atomgemeinschaft
- EATO - Europäische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Theaterbesucherorganisationen
- ECMWF - European Center for medium-term Weatherforecast
- EMA - Europäische Musiktheater-Akademie
- EORTC - European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer
- ESTU - Europäische Studententheaterunion
- EURATOM - Europäische Atomgemeinschaft; European Atomic Energy Community
- Euratom - Europäische Atomgemeinschaft; European Atomic Energy Community
- EX-RL - Richtlinien für die Vermeidung der Gefahren durch explosible Atmosphäre
- FIAA - Fe´de´ration Internationale Athle´tique Amateur
- GB - Great Britain
- GBA - [Great Britain] Alderney
- GBG - [Great Britain] Guernsey
- GBJ - [Great Britain] Jersey
- GBM - [Great Britain] Isle of Man
- GGK - Gesellschaft für Gedächtnis- und Kreativitätsforderung
- GIMPS - Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
- Gt.Br. - Great Britain
- Gt.Brit. - Great Britain
- Haush.-Vorst. hans. - hanseatisch
- HDF - Hauptverband Deutscher Filmtheater
- HEK - Hanseatische Ersatzkasse
- ht. - heat
- IAEO - Internationale Atomenergieorganisation
- IATA - International Amateur Theatre Association
- IATO - Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Theaterbesucherorganisationen
- IB - International Baccalaureate
- IB - Internationales Bakkalaureat
- IBD - International Bureau for Declarations of Death (1952
- INTHEGA - Interessengemeinschaft der Städte mit Theatergastspielen
- rec - recreation
- ITI - Internationales Theaterinstitut/International Theatre Institute
- IWA - Internationales Weizenabkommen/International Wheat Agreement
- IWC - International Wheat Council
- KP - Kreatinphosphat
- Kr. - Kreation
- Kr. - Kreatur
- Lsp.-Th. - Lichtspieltheater
- Mar.-Th. - Marionettentheater
- Mar.-Theat. - Marionettentheater
- NATIS - North Atlantic Treaty Information Service
- NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Nato - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NDE - near death experiences
- NDT - Nederlands Dans Theater
- NPT - Non Proliferation Treaty
- O.B.M.V. - Ordo Beatae Mariae Virginis
- O.Theat. - Ordo Clericorum Regularium vulgo Theatinorum
- O.V.M. - Ordo de Visitatione Beatae Mariae Virginis
- OVM - Ordo de Visitatione Beatae Mariae Virginis
- PATT - physical air treatment technology
- PCT - Patent Cooperation Treaty
- PP - pankreatisches Polypeptid
- SEATO - South-East Asia Treaty Organization
- SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome
- SWOT - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
- TACT - Transactional Analysis in Customer Treatment
- TAT - Theater am Turm
- Th. - Theater
- theatr. - theatralisch
- TIA - transistorische ischämische Attacken
- TMD - Theatre Missile Defense
- TNT - Theater neuen Typs
- U.K. - United Kingdom [of Great Britain and Northern Ireland]
- UNOG - United Nations Office at Geneva
- UNON - United Nations Office at Nairobi
- UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna
- v. - vide, videas, videatur
- VaR - Value at Risk
- VDP - Verband Deutsche Puppentheater
- vid. - vide, videas, videatur
- WLT - Westfälisches Landestheater
- WWW - World Weather Watch
- psa - please see attached
- Unknown - If you want do delete your site from our spam bases - just email us with domain of your site: abuse-here@inbox.ru thank you!
- gr8 - great
- esad - eat shit and die
- CC - Creative Commons
- FAT - Female Athlete Triad
- CABD - Compagnie Atlantique des Bois et Dérivés
- KNAU - Koninklijke Nederlandse Atletiek Unie
- :-) ): - - Theatralische Kommentare