Abkürzung econ
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
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- Econ. (1 Bedeutung)
- econ. (1 Bedeutung)
Econ.: Bedeutung | ||
Econ. | economical, economics, economy [engl.] |
econ.: Bedeutung | ||
econ. | economical, economics, economy [engl.] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie econ
- ECM - elektrochemische Metallbearbeitung
- ECMA - European Computer Manufacturer
- ECME - Economic Commission for the Middle East
- ECN - Electronic Communication Network
- EGMA - European Guitar and Mandolin Association
- EGmuH - Eingetragene/eingetragene Genossenschaft mit unbeschränkter Haftpflicht
- EGN - Einzelgebührennachweis
- Ehzgn. - Erzherzogin
- Ehzgin. - Erzherzogin
- Eichm. - Eichmeister
- eigenh. - eigenhändig
- Eigenw. - Eigenwert
- Eign. - Eignung
- eisenh. - eisenhaltig
- EKHN - Evangelische Kirche von Hessen und Nassau
- ESEM - Elasto-Statik-Elementmethode
- ESNA - European Society of Nuclear Methods in Agriculture
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen econ vorkommt
- Admin-C - Administrative Contact
- AECS - Australia Europe Container Service
- AIDEC - Association for European Industrial Development and Economic Cooperation
- AIPC - Association Internationale des Palais de Congre`s
- AISE - Association Internationale des Sciences Economiques
- APC - automatic performance control
- Apec - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- AVC - Automatic Volume Control
- BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integracio´n Econo´mica
- BIMCO - Baltic and International Maritime Conference
- BIRD - Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le De´veloppement
- bps - bits per second
- Bps - bits per second
- CBC - curve brake control
- CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- CEA - Commission Economique pour l
- CEA - Council of Economic Advisers
- CEAEO - Commission Economique pour l
- CEAL - Commission Economique pour l
- CED - Committee for Economic Development
- CEDEAO - Communaute´ Economique des Etats de l
- CEE - Commission Economique pour l
- CEE - Communaute´ Economique Europe´enne
- CEEC - Committee for European Economic Cooperation
- CEPAL - Comisio´n Econo´mica pan America Latina
- CEPES - Comite´ Europe´en pour le Progre`s Economique et Social
- CEPR - Centre for Economic Policy Research
- CES - Conseil Economique et Social
- CESR - Center for Economic and Social Rights
- C.I.C. - Commission Internationale de Contro
- CILB - Commission Internationale de Lutte Biologique contre les Ennemis des Cultures
- CIM - Convention Internationale concernant le Transport des Marchandises par Chemin de fer
- CIV - Convention Internationale concernant le Transport des Voyageurs et des Bagages par Chemins de fer
- cps - characters per second
- cps - counts per second
- cps - cycles per second
- Dipl.oec. - diplomatus oeconomiae
- Dipl.rer.oec. - diplomatus rerum oeconomicarum
- DOC - Denominazione di Origine Controllata
- D.O.C. - Denominazione di Origine Controllata
- DOCG - Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita
- D.O.C.G. - Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita
- Dr.oec. - Doctor oeconomiae
- Dr.oec.publ. - Doctor oeconomiae publicae
- Dr.rer.oec. - Doctor rerum oeconomicarum
- Dr.rer.soc.oec. - Doctor rerum socialium oeconomicarumque
- Dr.sc./scient.oec. - Doctor scientiarum oeconomicarum
- DRC - dynamic ride control
- EAEG - East-Asian Economic Group
- EAMC - Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
- EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ECA - Economic Commission for Africa
- ECA - Economic Cooperation Administration
- ECAFE - Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
- ECE - Economic Commission for Europe
- ECLA - Economic Commission for Latin America
- ECME - Economic Commission for the Middle East
- ECO - Economic Cooperation Organization
- econ. - economical, economics, economy
- Econ. - economical, economics, economy
- ECOSOC - Economic and Social Council
- ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States
- ECR - electronic combat reconnaissance
- ECT - Europe Container Terminus
- EEA - European Economic Area
- EEC - European Economic Community
- EIU - economist intelligence unit
- ELEC - European League for Economic Cooperation
- EMLE - European Master in Law and Economics
- ESC - Economic and Social Council
- ESCWA - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
- ESSEC - Ecole Supe´rieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
- EVA - economic value added
- FCB - file control block
- FCEDA - Fairfax County Economic Development Authority
- FLOPS - floating point operations per second
- fps. - feet per second
- f.p.s. - feet per second
- fps. - frames per second
- f.p.s. - frames per second
- F.-P.-S.-System - Foot-Pound-Second-System
- Gbps - gigabits per second
- GBPS - gigabits per second
- GCS - gate controlled switch
- HAWC - High Active Waste Concentrate
- IAEE - International Association of Energy Economists
- IAVC - instantaneous automatic volume control
- IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ICA - Internationale Congress Akademie
- ICAE - International Conference of Agricultural Economists
- ICL - intraokulare Contactlinse
- ICT - intensivierte conventionelle Insulintherapie
- IEA - International Economic Association
- IIE - Institute for International Economics
- IMCO - Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
- INSEE - Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques
- Intelsat - International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium
- ips - inches per second
- ISIC - International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities
- JDBC - Java Database Connectivity
- kc/s - kilocycle per second
- kcps - kilocycle per second
- LECE - Ligue Europe´enne de Coope´ration Economique
- LICRA - Ligue Internationale contre le Racisme et l
- LNC - low noise converter
- LSE - London School of Economics
- MC - Marianische Congregation
- MEA - Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging
- MEEC - Middle East Economic Commission
- MIPS - millions of instructions per second
- MOPS - million operations per second
- MPC - maximum permissible concentration
- NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research
- O2C - open office connection
- ODBC - open database connectivity
- OPC - optimum picture control
- PEEC - Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
- p.p.c. - pour prendre conge´
- PR - Photo Reconnaissance
- p.s. - par seconde
- r.p.s. - revolutions/ rotations per second
- rps - revolutions/ rotations per second
- RTCP - realtime control protocol
- s.c. - sine confectione
- SCA - single connector attachment
- s.conf. - sine confectione
- SE - second edition
- SEC - single edge contact/cartidge
- SECC - single edge contact cartridge
- SELA - Sistema Econo´mico Latinoamericano
- SLD - second level domain
- TEP - Transatlantic Economy Partnership
- TIPS - Tera Instructions per Second
- tps - transactions per second
- tps - triangles per second
- UAMCE - Union Africaine et Malgache de Coope´ration Economique
- UEBL - Union Economique Belgo-Luxembourgeoise
- UEC - Union Europe´enne des Experts Comptables Economiques et Financiers
- UEMOA - Union Economique et Mone´taire Quest Africaine
- UIA - Union Internationale contre l
- UICC - unio internationalis contra cancrum/Union Internationale contre le Cancer
- UN-ECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- UN-ECLAC - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and Carribean
- UNESCAP - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- UN-ESCWA - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
- VCO - voltage controlled oscillator
- WEF - World Economic Forum
- WPC - World Peace Conference
- fps - Frame per second
- leader - Liaison entre actions de développement de l'économie rurale