Abkürzung elec
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
ELEC: Bedeutung | ||
ELEC | European League for Economic Cooperation |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie elec
- EALG - Entschädigungs- und Ausgleichsleistungsgesetz
- Eilg. - Eilgut
- ELAG - Elektroakustikanlage
- ELG - Elektrizitätslieferungsgesellschaft
- ElHz - elektrische Heizung
- ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- ELK - Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche
- Elka - Elektrokarren
- Elko - Elektrolytkondensator
- ELLK - Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche
- Ellok - elektrische Lokomotive
- E-Lok - elektrische Lokomotive
- els. - elsässisch
- ELSA - excimerlaser subepitheliale ablation
- ELSY - Einsatzleitsystem
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen elec vorkommt
- AFT - aeronautical fixed telecommunication
- AFTN - aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
- AIEE - American Institute of Electrical Engineers
- APTU - African Postal and Telecommunications Union
- ASE - Association Suisse des Electriciens
- ASEE - Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers
- ASESA - Armed Services Electro Standards Agency
- BEA - British Electricity Authority
- BeV - billion electron volts
- B.L. - benevole lector
- BT - British Telecom
- CD-EB - compact disc electronic book
- CEI - Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
- CENELEC - Comite´ Europe´en de Normalisation Electrotechniques
- CEPS - common electronic purse specifications
- CES - Comite´ Electrotechnique Suisse
- CIGRE - Confe´rence Internationale des Grands Re´seaux Electriques
- CSTA - computer-supported telecommunications applications
- CTIA - Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association
- DECT - digital enhanced/European cordless telephony/ telecommunication
- DK-IEC - Deutsches Komitee der International Electrotechnical Commission
- EAROM - electrically alterable read only memory
- EB - electronic banking
- E-Book - Electronic Book
- EBPP - electronic bill presentment und payment
- eBPP - electronic bill presentment und payment
- EBT - Electron Beam Tomography
- E-Cash - Electronic Cash
- ECM[-Flugzeug] - electronic counter measurement
- ECN - Electronic Communication Network
- ECO - Electronic Commerce Forum
- E-Commerce - Electronic Commerce
- ECR - electronic combat reconnaissance
- EDA - electronic design automation
- EDC - Electronic Diesel Control
- EdF - Electricite´ de France
- EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
- EDIFACT - Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
- EDPM - Electronic Data Processing Machine[s]
- EEPO - European Electricity Prices Observatory
- EEPROM - electrically erasable and programmable read only memory
- EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EFS - Electronic Film System
- EIA - Electronics Industries Alliance
- EIDE - enhanced integrated device electronics
- E-Learning - Electronic Learning
- ELM - electronic listening music
- E-Mail - electronic mail
- E-Market - electronic market
- emf - electromotive force
- EMF - electromotive force
- EMI - Electrical and Musical Industries
- EMP - electromagnetic pulse
- EMS - electronic mail service
- emu - electromagnetic unit
- EMU - electromagnetic unit
- E.M.U. - electromagnetic unit
- emu - electromotive unit
- EMU - electromotive unit
- E.M.U. - electromotive unit
- ENG - electronic news gathering
- ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
- EOBD - Electronic on Board Diagnostic
- EP - Electronic Partner
- EPG - electronic program guide
- EPS - electronic publishing system
- ERA - Electric Response Audiometry
- ESCA - electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
- ESD - Electronic Software Distribution
- ESONE - European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
- Esone - European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
- esu - electrostatic unit
- ESU - electrostatic unit
- eTIN - electronic Taxpayer Identification Number
- ETS - Electronic Toll Station
- ETS - European Telecommunication Standard
- ETSI - European Telecommunication Standardization Institute
- EUTELSAT - European Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- EVR - Electronic Video Recording
- E-Zine - electronic magazine
- FLC - ferroelectric liquid crystal
- FRAM - ferroelectric/ferromagnetic random access memory
- GBDe - Global Business Dialog on Electronic Commerce
- GE - General Electric [Company]
- GEIS - general electric information system
- GENIE - General Electric Network For Information Exchange
- HEED - High Efficiency Electron-Emission Device
- HEMT - high electron mobility transistor
- HEW - Hamburgische Electricitäts-Werke
- IATME - International Association of Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity
- IATU - Inter-American Telecommunications Union
- ICCEE - International Classification Commission for Electrical Engineering
- IDE - injection directe electronique
- IDE - integrated device equipment/electronics
- IDE - integrated driver electronics
- IDEA - International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
- IEA - International Electrical Association
- IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
- IEEE - Institut of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- INEA - International Electronics Association/Internationaler Elektronik-Arbeitskreis
- Intel - Integrated Electronics Corp.
- Intelsat - International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium
- ISFED - International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy
- I.T.C. - International Telecommunication Convention
- ITC - International Telecommunication Convention
- ITU - International Telecommunication Union
- IUT - International Union of Telecommunications
- JEIDA - Japan Electronic Industry Development Association
- LEED[-Verfahren] - low energy electron diffraction
- Lep - large electron positron collider
- LEP - Large Electron-Positron Collider
- MEDEA - Microelectronics Development for European Applications
- mev - million electron volts
- Mev - million electron volts
- MoSET - merchant originated secure electronic transaction
- NEC - Nippon Electronic Corporation
- PET - personal electronic transaction
- PICS - Platform for Internet Content Selection
- RHEED[-Verfahren] - reflection high energy electron diffraction
- RTG - Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
- SCR - selective catalytic reduction
- SEMPER - Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe
- SET - secure electronic transaction/transmission
- S.W.I.F.T. - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- TIPHON - Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks
- Tirex - Telecoms International Rate Exchange
- TSB - Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
- UCTE - Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity
- UICC - unio internationalis contra cancrum/Union Internationale contre le Cancer
- UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
- VESA - Video Electronic Standards Association
- WEVA - World Electric Vehicle Association
- Xetra - Exchange Electronic Trading
- EDS - Electronic Data Systems
- INTEL - INTegrated ELectronics (integrierte Elektronik)
- FFT - Fédération Française des Télécoms
- TASS - Traffic Actuated Signalplan Selection