1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
.exe: Bedeutung |
.exe | executable |
exe: Bedeutung |
exe | executable |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie exe
- Es - Einsteinium
- EAAC - East African Airways Corporation
- EAC - European Advisory Commission
- EAEG - East-Asian Economic Group
- EAES - European Atomic Energy Society
- EAG - Elektroatriogramm
- EAK - Eingabe-Ausgabe-Kanal
- EAS - Eingabe-Ausgabe-System
- EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen exe vorkommt
- AIX - advanced interactive executive
- CE - Conseil Exe´cutif
- CEO - Chief Executive Officer
- Daemon - disk and execution monitor
- DIME - direct memory execute
- e.c. - exempli causa
- e.g. - exempli gratia
- EK - Exekutivkomitee
- EKKI - Exekutivkomitee der Kommunistischen Internationale
- EMBA - Executive Master of Business Administration
- EMSM - Executive Master of Science in Management
- ETP - Executive Training Programme
- ex. - exemplarisch
- ex. - exerzieren; exerziert
- Ex. - Exekutive
- Ex. - Exempel
- Ex. - Exemplar
- .exe - executable
- exe - executable
- exempl. - exemplarisch
- exempl. - exemplifizieren; exemplifiziert
- exerz. - exerzieren; exerziert
- Exerz. - Exerzitien
- ex.g. - exempli gratia
- ex.gr. - exempli gratia
- Ex.-Kom. - Exekutivkomitee
- Expl. - Exemplar[e]
- Ex.-Pl. - Exerzierplatz
- FICCIA - Fe´de´ration internationale des cadres de la chimie et des industries annexes
- HSE - Herpes-simplex-Enzephalitis
- IEK - Internationales Exekutivkomitee
- JexeOS - Java executable Operating System
- KISS - keyed indexed sequential search
- Orig.-Ex. - Originalexemplar
- Orig.-Exempl. - Originalexemplar
- p.e. - par exemple
- p.ex. - par exemple
- RE - Restexemplare
- REXX - Restructured Extended Executor
- Rzs.-Ex. - Rezensionsexemplar[e]
- SITE - Society of Incentive & Travel Executives
- UNIX - Uniplexed Information and Computing System
- VDESB - Vereinigung Deutscher Executive-Search-Berater
- XIP - execute in place
- XO - Executive Officer
- ZE - zum Exempel
- ZEK - Zentralexekutivkomitee
- Expl. - Exemplar
- Expl - Exemplar
- ANE - Adnexektomie
- e. g. - exempli gratia
- LES - Logistik Execution System