Abkürzung fai
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
FAI: Bedeutung | ||
FAI | Fe´de´ration Ae´ronautique Internationale |
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen fai vorkommt
- BAC - Bureau des Affaires Communes
- Barig - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- BARIG - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- CAA - Council of African Affairs
- CAFEA - Commission for Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
- CCIA - Commission of the Churches on International Affairs
- EAMC - Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
- EAP - Ecole des Affaires de Paris
- E.B.I.F. - European Banking and Insurance Fair
- EBIF - European Banking and Insurance Fair
- EBTF - European Banking and Technology Fair
- EFATCA - European Federation of Air Traffic Controllers
- EIPAL - European Institute for Public Affairs and Lobbying
- ESRA - European Society for Regulatory Affairs
- FCEDA - Fairfax County Economic Development Authority
- FCTC - Fairfax County Technology Center
- f.m. - fair merchandise
- fs - faire suivre
- FS - faire suivre
- g.f.a. - good fair average
- ICMICA - International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs
- IFALPA - International Federation of Air Line Pilots
- IFATCA - International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers
- ISFED - International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy
- M - Mühldorf a. Inn
- MTBF - mean time between failures
- M - Mühldorf a. Inn
- NDAC - Nuclear Defense Affairs Committee
- OFT - Office of Fair Trade
- PA - public affairs
- p.f.v. - pour faire visite
- SEAP - Society of European Affairs Professionals
- UI - UEFA-Intertoto
- UIC - UEFA-Intertoto-Cup
- unf. - unfair
- UN-OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- MTTF - Mean Time To Failue
- IFAA - International Fairs of America Association
- DDRASS - direction régionale des affaires sanitaires et sociales