Abkürzung fed
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- FED (3 Bedeutungen)
- Fed (2 Bedeutungen)
FED: Bedeutung | ||
FED | Feldemissions-Display | |
FED | Flugzeugerkennungsdienst [Mil.] | |
FED | Fonds Europe´en de De´veloppement |
Fed: Bedeutung | ||
Fed | Federal Reserve Bank of New York [USA] | |
Fed | Federal Reserve System |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie fed
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen fed vorkommt
- AF - Ausschuss Federn
- AFL - American Federation of Labor
- ATUC - African Trade Union Confederation
- CBI - Confederation of British Industry
- CEIF - Council of European Industrial Federations
- CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries
- CGIL - Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro
- CIFE - Council of Industrial Federation of Europe
- CISL - Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori
- EBC - European Billiards Confederation
- EBF - European Banking Federation
- ECA - European Confederation of Agriculture
- ECF - European Caravan Federation
- EFA - European Federation of Fine Art Auctioneers
- EFATCA - European Federation of Air Traffic Controllers
- EFC - European Federation of Corrosion
- EFCT - European Federation of Conference Towns
- EFF - European Franchise Federation
- EFF - European Furniture Federation
- EFFAS - European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies
- EFFE - European Federation of Flight Engineers
- EFFS - European Federation of Funeral Services
- EFM - European Federalist Movement
- EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries
- EFPW - European Federation for the Protection of Waters
- EFSP - European Federation of Sales Promotion
- E.F.S.P. - European Federation of Sales Promotion
- EHPM - European Federation of Health Product Manufacturer
- EMF - European Motel Federation
- EMMF - European Multimedia Federation
- EPF - European Packaging Federation
- EPMF - European Powder Metallurgy Federation
- EUF - European Union of Federalists
- EWF - European Weightlifting Federation
- EWSF - European Work Study Federation
- FAP - Federal Arts Project
- FAR - Federal Aviation Requirements
- FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FBI - Federation of British Industries
- FCC - Federal Communications Commission
- Fdg. - Federung
- FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- FEAS - Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges
- Fed - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Fed - Federal Reserve System
- Fed-Cup - Federation-Cup
- FEIEA - Federation of European Industrial Editors Associations
- FESE - Federation of European Stock Exchanges
- ffd. - federführend
- FFIF - Finnish Forest Industries Federation
- FFS - Ferrovie Federali Svizzere
- FIABV - Federacion Iboamericana de Bolsas de Valores
- FITIM - Federacio´n Internacional de Trabajadores de las Industrias Metalurgicas
- FIYTO - Federation of International Youth Travel Organisation
- FMB - Federal Maritime Board
- FMC - Federal Maritime Commission
- FTC - Federal Trade Commission
- GAISF - General Association of International Sports Federations
- GCPF - Global Crop Protection Federation
- GFR - German Federal Republic
- IAAF - International Amateur Athletic Federation
- IAF - International Aeronautical Federation
- IAF - International Astronautical Federation
- IAF - International Automobile Federation
- IBE - International Bureau of Education/Internationales Büro für Erziehung
- IBF - International Badminton Federation
- IBF - International Bookseller-Federation
- IBF - International Boxing Federation
- ICA - International Confederation of Agriculture
- ICAA - International Confederation of Artists
- ICATU - International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions
- ICDP - International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace
- ICF - International Canoe Federation
- ICIW - International Confederation of Professional and Intellectual Workers
- IDF - International Dairy Fe-deration
- IDF - International Dental Federation
- IDF - International Diabetes Federation
- IFA - International Federation of Actors
- IFAC - International Federation of Accountants
- IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control
- IFAFP - International Federation of Associations of Film Producers
- IFALPA - International Federation of Air Line Pilots
- IFALS - International Federation of Arts, Letters and Sciences
- IFAP - International Federation of Agricultural Producers
- IFATCA - International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers
- IFBPW - International Federation of Business and Professional Women
- IFBWW - International Federation of Building and Woodworkers
- IFCATI - International Federation of Cotton and Allied Textile Industries
- IFCC - International Federation of Camping and Caravanning
- IFCJ - International Federation of Catholic Journalists
- IFCTU - International Federation of Christian Trade Unions
- IFD - International Federation for Documentation
- IFES - International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services
- IFF - International Fencing Federation
- IFFA - International Federation of Film Archives
- IFFJ - International Federation of Free Journalists
- IFFS - International Federation of Film Societies
- IFFTU - International Federation of Free Teachers
- IFHP - International Federation for Housing and Planning
- IFIEC - International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers
- IFIP - International Federation for Information Processing
- IFJ - International Federation of Journalists
- IFLA - International Federation of Library Associations
- IFMSA - International Federation of Medical Students Associations
- IFOAM - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
- IFPI - International Federation of the Phonographic Industry
- IFPM - International Federation of Physical Medicine
- IFPMA - International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- IFR - International Federation of Robotics
- IFRM - International Federation for the Rights of Man
- IFS - International Federation of Ski
- IFS - International Federation of Surveyors
- IFSCC - International Federation of the Societies of Cosmetic Chemists
- IFSDA - International Federation of Stamp Dealers
- IFTA - International Federation of Teachers
- IFTU - International Federation of Trade Unions
- IFTWA - International Federation of Textile Workers
- IFUW - International Federation of University Women
- IFWHA - International Federation of Women
- IFWL - International Federation of Women Lawyers
- IFYC - International Federation of Young Cooperators
- IFYHA - International Federation of Youth Hostels Associations
- IGF - International Graphical Federation
- IGF - International Gymnastic Federation
- IHDV - Verordnung zur Durchführung des Gesetzes über die Investitionshilfe der gewerblichen Wirtschaft
- IHF - International Hospital Federation
- IHF - International Lawn Hockey Federation
- IIHF - International Ice Hockey Federation
- IJF - Internationale Judoföderation/International Judo Federation
- ILTF - International Lawn Tennis Federation
- IMF - International Marketing Federation
- IMF - International Motocycle Federation
- INF - International Naturists Federation
- IPPF - International Planned Parenthood Federation
- IRF - International Road Federation
- IRF - International Rowing Federation
- ISA - International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations
- ISAF - International Sailing Federation
- ISF - International Shipping Federation
- ISF - International Snowboard Federation
- ITF - International Tennis Federation
- ITMF - International Textile Manufacturers Federation
- ITTF - International Table Tennis Federation/Internationale Tischtennis-Föderation
- IYHF - International Youth Hostels Federation
- Luftfed. - Luftfederung
- luftgef. - luftgefedert
- LWF - Lutheran World Federation
- MassG - Gesetz über die Ausübung der Berufe des Masseurs und medizinischen Bademeisters und Krankengymnasten
- OFHEO - Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
- RsprEinhG - Gesetz zur Wahrung der Einheitlichkeit der Rechtsprechung der obersten Gerichtshöfe des Bundes