Abkürzung fic
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- f. i. c. (1 Bedeutungen)
- FIC (2 Bedeutungen)
f. i. c.: Bedeutung | ||
f. i. c. | freight, insurance, carriage [engl.: »Fracht, Versicherung, Transport«] |
FIC: Bedeutung | ||
FIC | Fe´de´ration Internationale de Canoe | |
FIC | Flight Information Centre |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie fic
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen fic vorkommt
- ADIZ - Air Defense Identification Zone
- AI - artificial intelligence
- AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- AIM - automatic identification manufacturer
- AIS - automatic identification system
- AL - artificial life
- ALEF - asset/liability efficient frontier
- A-Life - artificial life
- ALO - Air Liaison Officer
- AOC - Accent Office Center
- A&P - The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
- Apec - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- APO - Army Post Office
- ASIC - application-specific integrated circuit
- ASPAC - Asian Pacific Council
- ATC - Air Traffic Control
- ATCC - Air Traffic Control Center
- ATCO - Air Traffic Coordinating Office
- ATS - air traffic service
- AWOL - absence/absent without official leave
- B.P.O. - British Post Office
- BPO - British Post Office
- BTO - Business Technology Office
- CA - certification authority
- CAO - computer-aided/assisted office
- CBO - Congressional Budget Office
- CC - classification code
- CCP - Certificate in Computer Programming
- CD - Certificate of Deposit
- CDIO - Concours de Dressage International Officiel
- CDT - carbohydrat deficient transferrin
- CDU - Classification De´cimale Universelle
- CEO - Chief Executive Officer
- CEPS - common electronic purse specifications
- cert. - certificate
- Cert. - certificate
- CFO - Chief Financial Officer
- CHIO - Concours Hippique International Officiel
- C/I - certificate of insurance
- CIEO - Catholic International Education Office
- CILS - Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera
- CIO - Chief Information Officer
- CIO - Chief Investment Officer
- CIRO - Certified Investor Relations Officer
- CLIP - calling line identification presentation
- CLIR - calling line identification restriction
- C.O. - Commanding Officer
- COA - Certificate of Authenticity
- COIRT - Central Office for International Railway Transport
- COO - Chief Operating Officer
- COST - European Cooperation of Scientific and Technical Research
- CP - Calorific Power
- C.P. - Calorific Power
- CPR - Canadian Pacific Railway
- CPUID - central processing unit identification
- CRO - Chief Risk Officer
- CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSO - Computing Services Office
- CTO - Chief Technology Officer
- CUSIP - common universal security identification product
- D&O - Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
- DOCSIS - data over cable service interface specifications
- DSSSL - document style syntax and specification language
- ECPAT - End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes
- ECR - Efficient Consumer Response
- EDID - extended display identification
- EEMS - enhanced expanded memory specification
- EFATCA - European Federation of Air Traffic Controllers
- eff. - effektiv; efficiency
- EMS - expanded memory specification/system
- e.o. - ex officio
- ERO - European Radio Communications Office
- ERTMS - European Rail Traffic Management System
- eTIN - electronic Taxpayer Identification Number
- EUTO - European Union of Tourist Officers
- ex off. - ex officio
- FACT - Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests
- Fi. - Fichte
- F.O. - Foreign Office
- GEA - Group for Efficient Appliances
- GSO - General Staff Officer
- G.S.O. - General Staff Officer
- HEED - High Efficiency Electron-Emission Device
- HEPA-Filter - High Efficiency Particulate Air-Filter
- HIV - Human Immundeficiency Virus
- H.O. - Home Office
- IACS - International Association of Classification Societies
- IAI - International Association for Identification
- IBCC - International Building Classification Committee
- IC - Identification Card
- ICCEE - International Classification Commission for Electrical Engineering
- ICD - International Classification of Diseases
- ICSM - International Committee of Scientific Management
- ICSU - International Council of Scientific Unions
- ID - Identification [Card]
- IFATCA - International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers
- IFF[-Gerät] - identification friend or foe
- IGES - initial graphics exchange specification
- IGT - Indicazione Geografica Tipica
- I. G. T. - Indicazione Geografica Tipica
- ILO - International Labour Office
- IOCU - International Office of Consumers
- IOE - International Office of Epizootics
- IOMTR - International Office/Organization for Motor, Trades and Repairs
- ISFA - International Scientific Film Association
- ISIC - International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities
- ISIN - international securities identification number
- ISIS - International Scientific Information Service
- ISM - Industrial Scientific Medical Band
- ITGS - intelligent traffic guidance system
- IUOTO - International Union of Official Travel Organizations
- IUSP - International Union of Scientific Psychology
- IWO - International Wine Office
- Laser - light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
- LSB - least significant bit
- Maser - microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
- MSB - most significant bit
- NAICS - North American Industry Classification System
- NATS - National Air Traffic Services
- NDIS - network driver interface specification
- NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- NSIP - nichtspezifische interstitielle Pneumonie/nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
- NTC - negative temperature coefficient
- O2C - open office connection
- O.B.E. - Officer/Order of the British Empire
- OBE - Officer/Order of the British Empire
- Off. - Office
- OFHEO - Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
- OFT - Office of Fair Trade
- OHR - Office of the High Representative
- OIC - Office Central des Transports Internationaux par Chemin de fer
- OIE - Office International des Epizooties
- OIEC - Office International de l
- Olaf - Office Europe´en de Lutte Anti-Fraude
- OMG - Office of Military Government
- OMGUS - Office of Military Government of the United States
- ONERA - Office Nationale d
- ORE - Office de Recherches et d
- ORTF - Office de Radiodiffusion-Te´le´vision Francaise
- OSS - Office of Strategic Services
- OTA - Office of Technology Assessment
- PATA - Pacific Asia Travel Association
- PEEC - Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
- PEFC - Pan-European Forest Certification
- PI - Program Identification
- PO - Project Office
- P.O. - Post Office
- PO - Post Office
- POP - Post Office Protocol
- PTY - Program Type Identification