7 Abkürzungen gefunden in 3 Gruppen
Gh.: Bedeutung |
Gh. | Gesamthochschule |
Gh. | Gasthaus |
Gh. | Gasthof |
Gh. | Gehalt |
Gh. | Gehöft |
Gh. | Gehör |
Gh. | Gesamthöhe |
GH: Bedeutung |
GH | Gas[etagen]heizung |
GH | Gerichtshof |
GH | Ghana |
GH | Gro |
GH | growth hormone |
GH | Gesamthochschule |
GH | Ghana |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie gh
- äg. - ägyptisch
- G - General
- Ga - Gallium
- Ge - Germanium
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen gh vorkommt
- Af - Afghani
- AFC - automatic flight control
- AFCE - automatic flight control equipment
- AFG - Afghanistan
- afgh. - afghanisch
- Afgh. - Afghane
- Afgh. - Afghanistan
- AFP - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Flughafenplanung
- AHC - Allied High Commission
- AIWM - American Institute of Weights and Measures
- AVH - Arbeitsrechtliche Vereinigung Hamburg
- AWF - Allweather Fighter/Allwetterjagdflugzeug
- AWK - Aho, Weinberer, Kernighan
- BADV - Verordnung über Bodenabfertigungsdienste auf Flughäfen
- BFG - Berliner Flughafengesellschaft
- Bg.-Hauptm. - Berghauptmann
- Bg.-Hptm. - Berghauptmann
- BH - Berghauptmann
- BM - Bergheim/Erftkreis
- BMF - Bundesverband Montagebau und Fertighäuser
- SH - Schleswig-Holstein
- BVfK - Bundesverband freier Kraftfahrzeughändler
- c.a.f. - cost and freight
- c. & f. - cost and freight
- CCFL - cold cathode fluorescent light
- CCP - Commission on Civil Rights
- CESR - Center for Economic and Social Rights
- cf - cost and freight
- c.f. - cost and freight
- c.&f. - cost and freight
- CFR - contact flight rule
- C.H. - clearing house
- cif - cost, insurance, freight
- c.i.f. - cost, insurance, freight
- cif & c - cost, insurance, freight and commission
- c.i.f.c. - cost, insurance, freight and commission
- cifci - cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
- c.i.f.c.i. - cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
- c.i.f.c.&i. - cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
- cif&e - cost, insurance, freight and exchange
- c.i.f.&e. - cost, insurance, freight and exchange
- cif&i - cost, insurance, freight and interest
- c.i.f.&i. - cost, insurance, freight and interest
- cifw - cost, insurance, freight, war
- c.i.f.w. - cost, insurance, freight, war
- CLP - Citylight-Poster
- CNL - CityNightLine
- cop. - copyrighted
- Cop. - Copyright
- CRH - Corticotropin-Releasing-Hormon
- CVFR - controlled visual flight rules
- cwt. - centweight
- cwt - centweight
- DCHV - Deutscher Caravaning-Handelsverband
- df - dead freight
- DHFI - Deutsches High-Fidelity-Institut
- dhfi - Deutsches High-Fidelity-Institut
- DJB - Deutscher Junghandwerkerbund
- DL - Deutsch Langhaar
- DRM - digital rights management
- DRMS - digital rights management system
- d.s. - days after sight
- d/s - days after sight
- dw - deadweight
- dwt - deadweight tonnage/tons
- DWT - deadweight tonnage/tons
- ECHA - European Council for High Ability
- ED - extra-high density
- EFFE - European Federation of Flight Engineers
- EFM - eight to fourteen modulation
- EHF - extremly high frequency
- EHT - extra high tension
- EONIA - Euro Overnight Index Average
- ETF - estimated time of flight
- EWF - European Weightlifting Federation
- FAG - Flughafen Frankfurt/ Main AG
- FDHD - floppy drive with high density
- FFH - Feldflughafen
- Fgt. - freight
- FH - Flugzeughandbuch
- FHR - Fachvereinigung Hartpapierwaren und Rundgefä
- FIBT - Fe´de´ration Internationale de Bobsleigh et Tobogganing
- FIC - Flight Information Centre
- f. i. c. - freight, insurance, carriage
- FL - flight level
- Fl.-H. - Flughalle
- Fl.-Hf. - Flughafen; Flughäfen
- Flugh. - Flughafen; Flughäfen; siehe auch übersicht IATA-Codes
- FMS - Flight-Management-System
- FOC - flight operation center
- f.r.o.f. - fire risk on freight
- frt. - freight
- frt.fwd. - freight forward
- frt. pp[d]. - freight prepaid
- Geha - Georg Hübner
- GH - Ghana
- ghan. - ghanaisch
- gr.wt. - gross weight
- HAG - Gesetz über die Rechtsstellung heimatloser Ausländer im Bundesgebiet
- HAuslG - Gesetz über die Rechtsstellung heimatloser Ausländer im Bundesgebiet
- HAWC - High Active Waste Concentrate
- HBN - Hildburghausen
- HBS - hue, brightness, saturation
- H.C. - High Church
- HCA - high contrast addressing
- HCMOS - high speed complementary metal oxide semiconductor
- HCP - high capacity profile
- HD - high density
- HDCD - high definition compatible digital
- HDCD - high density compact disk
- HDL - High-Density-Lipoprotein[e]
- HDLC - high level datalink control
- HDSL - high data rate DSL
- HDTV - High Definition Television
- h.e. - high explosive
- HE - high explosive
- HEED - High Efficiency Electron-Emission Device
- HeimatlAuslG - Gesetz über die Rechtsstellung heimatloser Ausländer im Bundesgebiet
- HeimatlG - Gesetz über die Rechtsstellung heimatloser Ausländer im Bundesgebiet
- HEMT - high electron mobility transistor
- HEPA-Filter - High Efficiency Particulate Air-Filter
- HEU - high enriched Uran
- HIBEX - High Acceleration Booster Experiment
- HICOG - High Commissioner for Germany
- HICOM - High Commission for Germany
- HIFAM - high-fidelity amplitude modulation
- HiFD - high capacity floppy disk
- Hi-Fi - high fidelity
- HiFi - high fidelity
- Hifi - high fidelity
- Hifo-Methode - highest in, first out
- High-Com - High-Fidelity-Compander
- himem.sys - high memory system
- HiperLAN - High-Performance European Radio LAN
- HLI - Highly Leveraged Institution[s]
- HLL - high level language
- HLS - hue, lightness, saturation
- HMA - high memory area
- HNWI - High Net Worth Individual[s]
- HP - high pressure
- HPA - high performance addressing
- HPC - high performance computing
- HPCN - high performance parallel computing and networking
- HPFS - high performance file system
- HPLC - High Performance/ Pressure Liquid Chromatography
- HPTC - high performance technical computing
- HRCT - high resolving computer tomography
- H.R.H. - His Royal Highness
- HRH - His Royal Highness
- HRW - Human Rights Watch