1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 3 Gruppen
grat.: Bedeutung |
grat. | gratis |
grat. | gratulieren |
Grat.: Bedeutung |
Grat. | Gratifikation |
Grat. | Gratulant[en]; Gratulation |
GRat: Bedeutung |
GRat | Geheimrat |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie grat.
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen grat. vorkommt
- AEI - Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration
- AIDS - Airborne Integrated Data Systems
- ASIC - application-specific integrated circuit
- BAMF - Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
- BergR - Bergrat
- BgR - Bergrat
- BLR - best lending rate
- BR - Bergrat
- CIAM - computer aided integrated automatical manufacturing
- CIC - customized integrated circuit
- CID - computer integrated manufacturing
- CIE - computer integrated engineering
- CIM - Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung
- CIM - computer integrated manufacturing [system[s]]
- CIME - Comite´ Intergouvernemental pour les Migrations Europe´ennes
- CIP - computer integrated purchasing
- CIRC - Computer Integrated Road Construction
- CIT - computer integrated telephony
- CTI - computer telephone integration
- D.G. - Dei gratia
- e.g. - exempli gratia
- EIDE - enhanced integrated device electronics
- ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
- ex.g. - exempli gratia
- ex.gr. - exempli gratia
- GAIN - German Advanced Integrated Network
- gr. - gratis
- gr. - gratulieren
- Gr. - Gratulant; Gratulation
- grat. - gratis
- grat. - gratulieren
- Grat. - Gratifikation
- Grat. - Gratulant[en]; Gratulation
- HSI - high scale integration
- I2C - inter integrated circuit
- IAD - integrated access device
- IBN - Integrated Business Network
- IC - integrated circuit
- ICEM - Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration
- ICM - International Committee for Migration
- ICMC - International Catholic Migration Commission
- IDE - integrated development environment
- IDE - integrated device equipment/electronics
- IDE - integrated driver electronics
- IDN - integrated data network
- IDT - Integrated Device Technologies
- IGP - integrated graphics processor
- Int. - Integration; Integrierung
- Integr. - Integration; Integrierung
- Intel - Integrated Electronics Corp.
- cg - congratulations
- gratz - congratulations
- IODP - Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
- IOM - Internationale Organisation/International Organization for Migration
- IPDT - Integrationsprogramm für Daten und Text
- ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
- IZM - [Fraunhofer-]Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration
- LSI - large scale integration
- MIF - Migrationsinhibitionsfaktor
- MSI - medium scale integration
- MVIP - multi vendor integration protocol
- NIDS - NATO Integrated Data Service
- OBR - Oberbergrat
- PICC - proximity integrated circuit card
- PMI - post merger integration
- RBgR - Regierungsbergrat
- S.G. - salutis gratia
- SHSI - super high scale integration SI-Einheiten
- SMIL - synchronized multimedia integration language
- SSI - small scale integration
- UDDI - universal description, discovery and integration
- ULSI - ultra large scale integration
- UNICOM - Universal Integrated Communication
- USCIS - US Citizenship and Immigration Services
- VHSI - Very High Scale Integration
- VLSI - very large scale integration
- ZEI - Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung
- iwms - Integrated Workplace Management System
- e. g. - exempli gratia
- fisi - Fachinformatiker/in (in Fachrichtung) Systemintegration
- OBII - Online Business Intelligence Integration
- INTEL - INTegrated ELectronics (integrierte Elektronik)
- CIS - Centre d'Intégration Socioprofessionnelle