Abkürzung ican
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
ICAN: Bedeutung | ||
ICAN | International Commission for Air Navigation |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ican
- IACME - International Association of Crafts and Small and Medium sized Enterprises
- ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- ICCMO - International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics
- ICEM - Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration
- ICM - image color matching
- ICMA - International Congress for Modern Architecture
- ICN - Intercity Neigezug
- ICOM - International Council of Museums
- ICSM - International Committee of Scientific Management
- ICZN - International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature
- IGM - Industriegewerkschaft Metall
- IGMW - Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft
- IGNM - Internationale Gesellschaft für Neue Musik
- IKN - Internationale Kommission für Numismatik
- i.Komm. - in Kommission
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ican vorkommt
- AA - American Airlines
- AATM - American Academy
- AFC - American Football Conference
- AfDB - African Development Bank
- AFI - American Film Institute
- AFL - American Federation of Labor
- AFN - American Forces Network
- AfPU - African Postal Union
- AFS - American Field Service
- AFVD - American Football Verband Deutschland
- AGA - American Gas Association
- AGU - American Geophysical Union
- AHA - American Heart Association
- AIA - American Institute of Aeronautics
- AIA - American Institute of Archeology
- AIA - American Institute of Architects
- AIA - American International Academy
- AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- AIB - American Institute of Banking
- AIC - American Institute of Chemists
- AIC - American Institute of Cooperation
- AIEE - American Institute of Electrical Engineers
- AIM - American Indian Movement
- AIP - American Institute of Physics
- AIR - Asociacio´n Interamericana de Radiodifusio´n
- AIRE - American Institute of Radio Engineers
- AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute
- AIWM - American Institute of Weights and Measures
- ALA - American Library Association
- ALADI - Asociacio´n Latinoamericana de Integracio´n
- ALI - American Library Institute
- AMA - American Medical Association
- AMC - American Motors Corporation
- Amex - American Stock Exchange
- AMEX - American Stock Exchange
- AMFAR - American Foundation for Aids Research
- AMG - American Military Government
- AMI - American Megatrends Inc.
- AMM - American Military Mission
- AMP - American Military Police
- AMREF - African Medical and Research Foundation
- AMS - American Mathematical Society
- AMS - American Meteorological Society
- AMS - American Microscopical Society
- AMU - African Mineworkers Union
- ANC - African National Congress
- ANPA - American Newspaper Publishers Association
- ANS - American Nuclear Society
- ANSI - American National Standardization Institute
- ANTA - American National Theatre and Academy
- AOA - American Overseas Airlines
- AP - american patent
- A&P - The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
- a.p. - ad publicandum
- APA - American Psychological Association
- API - American Petroleum Institute
- APS - American Philosophical Society
- APS - American Physical Society
- APS - American Physiological Society
- APS - American Polar Society
- APTU - African Postal and Telecommunications Union
- ARAMCO - Arabian-American Oil Company
- ARC - American Red Cross
- ARD - American Research and Development Corporation
- AREA - American Railway Engineering Association
- ARS - American Radium Society
- ARS - American Rocket Society
- a.S. - American Society of Agronomy
- a.S. - American Standards Association
- a.S. - American Statistical Association
- ASAS - American Society of Agricultural Sciences
- ASC - African Safari Club
- ASC - American Society of Cinematographers
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ASEA - African Stock Exchange Association
- ASEE - American Society for Engineering Education
- ASIL - American Society of International Law
- ASL - american sign language
- ASM - American Society for Metals
- ASMD - American Society of Metal Definitions
- ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- ASQC - American Society for Quality Control
- ASRE - American Society of Refrigerating Engineers
- ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials
- ASTM - American Society of Tropical Medicine
- ATA - American Transit Association
- ATA - American Translators Association
- ATA - American Transport Association
- ATRS - American Tanker Rate Scheme
- ATS - American Thoracic Society
- AT&T - American Telephone and Telegraph Company
- ATUC - African Trade Union Confederation
- AUA - American Urological Association
- AVMA - American Veterinary Medical Association
- AWF - African Wildlife Foundation
- AWS - American Welding Society
- BAMBI - Ballistic Anti Missile Boost Intercept
- BAT - British-American Tobacco [Company]
- BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integracio´n Econo´mica
- BID - Banco Interamericano de Desarollo
- BIMCO - Baltic and International Maritime Conference
- CAA - Central African Airways [Corporation]
- CAA - Council of African Affairs
- CAFTA - Central American Free Trade Association
- CARE - Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe/Everywhere
- Care - Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe/Everywhere
- CEAA - Congress/Council of European-American Associations
- CEFS - Comite´ Europe´en des Fabricants de Sucre
- CESR - Center for Economic and Social Rights
- COST - European Cooperation of Scientific and Technical Research
- CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- EAA - East African Airways
- EAAC - East African Airways Corporation
- EADB - East African Development Bank
- EAMC - Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
- EANDC - European American Nuclear Dates Committee
- ECOSOC - Economic and Social Council
- ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States
- ESC - Economic and Social Council
- ESCWA - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
- FECS - Fe´de´ration Europe´enne des Fabricants de Ce´ramiques Sanitaires
- FESFP - Fe´de´ration Europe´enne des Syndicats de Fabricants de Parquets
- FIABV - Federacion Iboamericana de Bolsas de Valores
- IAAB - Interamerican Association of Broadcasters
- IAC - Inter-American Conference
- IACCP - Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production
- IACSS - Inter-American Conference of Social Security
- IADB - Inter-American Defense Board
- IADB - Inter-American Development Bank
- IAI - International African Institute
- IANEC - Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission
- IAPA - Inter-American Press Association
- IASI - Inter-American Statistical Institute
- IATU - Inter-American Telecommunications Union
- IBS - Inter-African Bureau of Soils
- IDB - Interamerican Development Bank
- afaics - as far as I can see
- IRA - Irish Republican Army
- KANU - Kenya African National Union
- LAFTA - Latin-American Free Trade Association
- LSB - least significant bit
- MSB - most significant bit
- NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
- NAGS - North American Geosynthetics Society
- NAIAS - North American International Auto Show
- NAICS - North American Industry Classification System
- Nepad - New Partnership for African Development
- NEPAD - New Partnership for African Development
- NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration