1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 3 Gruppen
Irl.: Bedeutung |
Irl. | Irland |
IRL: Bedeutung |
IRL | Internationaler Ring für Landarbeit |
IRL | Irland |
IRL | Republik Irland |
IRL | Irland |
irl: Bedeutung |
irl | in real life |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie irl
- IRLA - International Religions Liberty Association
- Irrl. - Irrläufer
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen irl vorkommt
- AA - American Airlines
- ALCM - air launched cruise missile
- ALO - Air Liaison Officer
- AMP - airlines management partnership
- AOA - American Overseas Airlines
- Aria - Aeroflot Russian International Airlines
- ATPL - airline transport pilot license
- AUA - Austrian Airlines
- Barig - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- BARIG - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- CAL - China Airlines
- EARB - European Airlines Research Bureau
- ELFAA - European Low Fares Airline Association
- ERA - European Regions Airlines
- IAC - Indian Airlines Corporation
- IANC - International Airline Navigators Council
- IAPA - International Airline Passengers
- IFALPA - International Federation of Air Line Pilots
- .ie - Irland
- IRL - Irland
- Irl. - Irland
- JAL - Japan Air Lines
- KAL - Korean Airlines
- IRL - Republik Irland
- MEA - Middle East Airlines
- PAL - Philippine Airlines
- PIA - Pakistan International Airlines
- SAL - Surface Airlifted
- SAS - Scandinavian Airlines System
- IE - Irland
- IRL - Irland
- TCA - Trans-Canada Airlines
- TWA - Trans World Airlines
- UAA - United Arab Airlines
- UAL - United Air Lines
- UIA - Ukraine International Airlines
- WAEA - World Airline Entertainment Association
- gf - girl friend
- tml - tut mir leid
- JiAl - Jump In Air Laughing
- GGG - German Goo Girls