Abkürzung leo
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
LEO: Bedeutung | ||
LEO | Leonberg [Württemberg) (BB] | |
LEO | low earth orbit |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie leo
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen leo vorkommt
- Cham. - Chamäleon
- CISG - United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- DPN - Diphosphopyridinnukleotid
- DSO - Division Spezielle Operationen
- ERT - European Round Table of Industrialists
- FAD - Flavin-Adenin-Nucleotid
- FMN - Flavinmononucleotid
- GBM - [Great Britain] Isle of Man
- GOS - gymnasiale Oberstufe
- ILCO - Deutsche Ileostomie-, Colostomie-, Urostomie-Vereinigung
- imho - in my humble opinion
- IOA - Internationale Olympische Akademie
- IOM - Internationale Organisation/International Organization for Migration
- IOZV - Internationale Organisation für Zivilverteidigung
- .im - Isle of Man
- .sl - Sierra Leone
- IPU - International Paleontological Union
- IWTO - International Wool Textile Organization
- JexeOS - Java executable Operating System
- SOK - Saale-Orla-Kreis
- LEO - Leonberg
- WAL - Sierra Leone
- Le - Leone
- MMO - mobile module operation
- MOK - maximale Organ-Konzentration
- N - Nukleon
- NAD - Nikotinamid-Adenindinukleotid
- NADP - Nikotinadenindinukleotidphosphat
- POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface for Unix
- SNP - single nucleotide polymorphism
- SOAP - simple object access protocol
- SOK - Saale-Orla-Kreis
- SL - Sierra Leone
- SLE - Sierra Leone
- .toc - table of contents
- UNAMSIL - United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone
- WAL - Sierra Leone
- SLL - Leone
- WTAO - World Touring and Automobile Organization
- COSI - Client Oriented Scale of Improvement
- mock - multiple orchestrated conversion kick of the can
- eåpeoeirer er - eerptrprkrejemeemrleoe,iepeoooiaew
- mob - Mobile Objekt
- nogua - Nationale Organisation gegen unerwünschte Abkürzungen