Abkürzung nic
5 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
NIC: Bedeutung | ||
NIC | Nicaragua | |
NIC | Network Information Center | |
NIC | network interface card | |
NIC | newly industrialized countries [»Schwellenländer«] | |
NIC | Nicaragua [Kfz] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie nic
- .nc - Neukaledonien
- .ng - Nigeria
- .nz - Neuseeland
- news
- NES - Bad Neustadt an der Saale/Rhön-Grabfeld
- NK - Neunkirchen
- NMS - Neumünster
- NEC - Neustadt bei Coburg
- NAC - network adapter card
- NACA - National Air Charter Association
- Nachh. - Nachhilfe
- Nachw. - Nachweis
- NAG - Nationale Arbeitnehmergemeinschaft
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen nic vorkommt
- AFT - aeronautical fixed telecommunication
- AFTN - aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
- AID - Association Internationale des Documentalistes et Techniciens de l
- ALE - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Leiter deutscher nichtbundeseigener Eisenbahnen
- a.n.g. - anderweitig nicht genannt
- an.n.g. - anderweitig nicht genannt
- ANIS - allgemeines nichtnumerisches Informationssystem
- an.n.v. - anderweitig nicht vergeben
- a.n.v. - anderweitig nicht vergeben
- an.n.v. - anderweitig nicht vorgesehen
- a.n.v. - anderweitig nicht vorgesehen
- AOPU - Asian-Oceanic Postal Union
- APPC - Advanced Program to Program Communication
- APTU - African Postal and Telecommunications Union
- AQJ - Arbeit und Qualifizierung für nicht ausbildungsgeeignete Jugendliche
- ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- AWACS - Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Access Communication System
- B.C.L. - Baccalaureus Canonici Legis
- BDZ - Bulgarski Darzavni Zeleznici
- BFS/N - Verordnung für Berufsfachschulen im Bereich nichtärztlicher Heilberufe
- BNS-Krämpfe - Blitz-Nick-Salaam-Krämpfe
- BTS - Brevet de Technicien Supe´rieur Compatibilite´Gestion
- CanA - Canonici Augustinianus
- CanAug - Canonici Augustinianus
- CanR - Canonici Regulares
- CanReg - Canonici Regulares
- CAP - Chloramphenicol
- CC - communication center
- CCIR - Comite´ Consultatif International des Radiocommunications
- CD-EB - compact disc electronic book
- CEM - Council of European Municipalities
- CEPS - common electronic purse specifications
- CETI - communication with extraterrestrial intelligence
- CETS - Confe´rence Europe´enne des Te´le´communications par Satellites
- CFA - cryptogenic fibrosing Alveolitis
- CFC - Cargo Future Communications
- CFS - chronic fatigue syndrom
- Cgm - Codex germanicus monacensis
- Ni - Nickel
- C.I.T. - Convention Internationale des Te´le´communications
- CIT - Convention Internationale des Te´le´communications
- C.J.C. - Corpus Juris Canonici; Codex Juris Canonici
- CJC - Corpus Juris Canonici; Codex Juris Canonici
- C.L.D. - Canonici Legis Doctor
- CLM - communications line multiplexing
- CNR - communication network riser
- COAE - Center for Organic Agriculture in Egypt
- Cod. Jur. Can. - Codex Juris Canonici
- COM - communication port
- com. - communication
- Com. - communication
- comm. - communication
- Comm. - communication
- COMSAT - Communication Satellite Corporation
- COPD - chronic
- Corp. Jur. Can. - Corpus Juris Canonici
- COST - European Cooperation of Scientific and Technical Research
- CRA - Clinical Research Associate
- CrNiSt - Chrom-Nickel-Stahl
- CSTA - computer-supported telecommunications applications
- CTIA - Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association
- CWD - chronic wasting disease
- DCE - data communication equipment
- DCS - digital communication system
- DECT - digital enhanced/European cordless telephony/ telecommunication
- DK-IEC - Deutsches Komitee der International Electrotechnical Commission
- Dr.jur.can. - Doctor juris canonici
- Dr. nat. techn. - Doctor naturalium technicarum
- Dr.rer.techn. - Doctor rerum technicarum
- Dr.sc./scient.techn. - Doctor scientiarum technicarum
- Dr.techn. - Doctor [rerum] technicarum
- EB - electronic banking
- E.B. - Encyclopaedia Britannica
- EB - Encyclopaedia Britannica
- E-Book - Electronic Book
- EBPP - electronic bill presentment und payment
- eBPP - electronic bill presentment und payment
- E-Cash - Electronic Cash
- ECC - European Communication Council
- ECCA - European Cable Communications Association
- ECCC - European Communications Coordinating Committee
- ECHO-Viren - Enteric-cytopathogenic-human-orphan-Viren
- ECM[-Flugzeug] - electronic counter measurement
- ECN - Electronic Communication Network
- ECO - Electronic Commerce Forum
- E-Commerce - Electronic Commerce
- ECR - electronic combat reconnaissance
- ECS - European Communications Satellite
- ECSA - European Communications Security Agency
- EDA - electronic design automation
- EDC - Electronic Diesel Control
- EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
- EDIFACT - Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
- EDPM - Electronic Data Processing Machine[s]
- EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EFS - Electronic Film System
- EIA - Electronics Industries Alliance
- EIDE - enhanced integrated device electronics
- E-Learning - Electronic Learning
- ELM - electronic listening music
- E-Mail - electronic mail
- E-Market - electronic market
- EMCC - European Municipal Credit Community
- EMS - electronic mail service
- ENG - electronic news gathering
- ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
- EOBD - Electronic on Board Diagnostic
- EP - Electronic Partner
- EPG - electronic program guide
- EPS - electronic publishing system
- EPTA - Expanded Program of Technical Assistance
- ERO - European Radio Communications Office
- ESD - Electronic Software Distribution
- ESONE - European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
- Esone - European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
- eTIN - electronic Taxpayer Identification Number
- ETS - Electronic Toll Station
- ETS - European Telecommunication Standard
- ETSI - European Telecommunication Standardization Institute
- EUTELSAT - European Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- EVR - Electronic Video Recording
- E-Zine - electronic magazine
- FCC - Federal Communications Commission
- FIET - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Employe´s et des Techniciens
- FITCE - Fe´de´ration des Inge´nieurs des Te´le´communications de la Communaute´ Europe´enne
- FNNE - [Fach-]Normenausschuss Nichteisenmetalle
- FOC - fiber optics communication
- GBDe - Global Business Dialog on Electronic Commerce
- GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication
- HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin/humanes Choriongonadotropin
- HeilbZustVO - Zuständigkeitsverordnung nichtärztlicher Heilberufe
- HPTC - high performance technical computing
- IAC - inter-application communication
- IAESTE - International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
- IAMCR - International Association for Mass Communication Research
- IAP - International Association of Psychotechnics
- IATU - Inter-American Telecommunications Union
- IATUL - International Association of Technical University Libraries
- IBMR - International Bureau for Mechanical Reproduction
- IBTE - International Bureau for Technical Education
- IBTT - International Bureau for Technical Training
- ICA - Independent Communication Architecture
- ICC - International Communications Conference
- IDE - integrated device equipment/electronics
- IDE - integrated driver electronics
- IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
- IEEE - Institut of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IFOAM - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
- IFTA - International Fine Technics Association
- INEA - International Electronics Association/Internationaler Elektronik-Arbeitskreis