2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
ntp: Bedeutung |
ntp | normal temperature and pressure |
NTP: Bedeutung |
NTP | network time protocol |
NTP | normal temperature and pressure |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ntp
- NADP - Nikotinadenindinukleotidphosphat
- Nat.-Bew. - Nationalbewusstsein
- NDB - Neue Deutsche Biografie
- NDF - Neue Deutsche Forschungen
- NetBEUI - NetBIOS Extended User Interface
- NNTP - network news transport protocol
- Notbeh. - Notbehelf
- notf. - notfalls
- NotV - Notverordnung
- NotVO - Notverordnung
- NTBA - Network-Termination-Basis-Anschluss
- Ntf. - Naturforscher
- NTPP - Natriumtripolyphosphat
- ntv - Nachrichten-TV
- 4-NDPA - 4-Nitrodiphenyamin
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ntp vorkommt
- AEMP - Associated European Management Publisher
- AMP - airlines management partnership
- ATAPI - advanced technology attachment packet interface
- CTCP - client to client protocol
- DCTP - digital transmission content protection
- DMP - Disease-Management-Programm
- DPS - document processing system
- EDIP - European Defense Improvement Program
- EPPO - European [and Mediterranean] Plant Protection Organization
- GAIP - German Association of Investment Professionals
- ICP - internet content provider
- IPS - intelligent protection system
- JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- M-JPEG - Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group
- MPA - Management-Potenzial-Analyse
- NCAP - New Car Assessment Program
- NivP - Nivellementpunkt
- PPP - point-to-point protocol
- RCD - residual current protective device
- rep - roentgen equivalent physical
- RPR - Rassemblement pour la Re´publique
- SNMP - simple network management protocol
- UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
- UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
- V.I.P. - very important person[s]
- VIP - very important person[s]
- WEP - wireless equivalent privacy
- ZIP - zone improvement plan
- ppp - Power Point Presentation
- IGMP - Internet Group Messaging/Membership/Management Protocoll
- pa - persönlicher assistent - personal assistent