Abkürzung oa
10 Abkürzungen gefunden in 3 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- o.a. (3 Bedeutungen)
- o.A. (7 Bedeutungen)
- OA (10 Bedeutungen)
o.a.: Bedeutung | ||
o.a. | oben angeführt | |
o.a. | oben angegeben | |
o.a. | oder andere[s] |
o.A.: Bedeutung | ||
o.A. | ohne Adresse | |
o.A. | ohne Akten | |
o.A. | ohne Angabe[n] | |
o.A. | ohne Anhang | |
o.A. | ohne Anlage[n] | |
o.A. | ohne Anzeige[n] | |
o.A. | ohne Auftrag |
OA: Bedeutung | ||
OA | Oberallgäu | |
OA | Oberamt | |
OA | Oberarzt/Oberärztin | |
OA | Oberaufsicht | |
OA | Oberausschuss | |
OA | Offiziersanwärter [Bw.] | |
OA | Originalausgabe | |
OA | Ortsamt | |
OA | Ortsausfahrt/ -ausgang | |
OA | Ortsausschuss |
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen oa vorkommt
- a.a.Chr. - anno ante Christum
- a.a.Chr.n. - anno ante Christum natum
- AAV - adenoassoziierte Viren
- AECB - Atomic Energy Control Board
- AFRTS - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
- AIB - Agency Investigation Board
- ALADI - Asociacio´n Latinoamericana de Integracio´n
- APC - Argo-Plasma-Coagulation
- ART - AASHO-Road-Test
- ARTS - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
- B/. - Balboa
- BAAB - British Amateur Athletic Board
- BABS - Beam/Blind Approach Beacon System
- BAL - bronchoalveoläre La-vage
- Barig - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- BARIG - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
- BBS - bulletin board system
- BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integracio´n Econo´mica
- BDVT - Berufsverband für Trainer, Berater und Coaches e.V.
- BFBS - British Forces Broadcasting Services
- B.m. - Board measurement
- BMI - Broadcast Music Incorporated
- BOT - Broadcast Online Television
- BVL - Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa
- BWMB - British Wool Marketing Board
- C.A. - Confessio Augustana
- CAB - Civil Aeronautics Board
- CARL - Colorado Alliance of Research Laboratories
- CAS - Chicago Academy of Sciences
- Castor - cask for storage and transport of radioactive material
- CASTOR - cask for storage and transport of radioactive material
- CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- CBJO - Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations
- CBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange
- CBoT - Chicago Board of Trade
- CBOT - Chicago Board of Trade
- CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System
- CBT - Chicage Board of Trade
- CCB - Croatian Convention Bureau
- C.G. - Coast Guard
- CIRC - Computer Integrated Road Construction
- CLO - collateralised loan obligation
- CNI - Coalition for Networked Information
- c.t.a. - cum testamento annexo
- CTB - Combined Travel Board
- DAB - Digital Audio Broadcasting
- DGPT - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie
- DIAG - Deutsch-Ibero-Amerikanische Gesellschaft
- d.l.o. - dispatch loading only
- DPG - Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft
- DPV - Deutsche Psychoanalytische Vereinigung
- DRAC - Deutscher Radio-Amateur-Club
- DTA - Differenzialthermoanalyse
- DVB - Digital Video Broadcasting
- DVB-T - digital video broadcasting
- DVCT - Deutscher Verband für Coaching und Training
- EA - Enteroanastomose
- EAG - Elektroatriogramm
- Eag - Elektroatriogramm
- EAMS - Euro-Arab Management School
- EAPC - Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
- EAPR - Euro-Atlantischer Partnerschaftsrat
- EBB - European Biodiesel Board
- EBU - European Broadcasting Union
- ECO - European Coal Organization
- ECSC - European Coal and Steel Community
- ela - elektroakustisch
- Ela - Elektroakustik
- ELAG - Elektroakustikanlage
- EOBD - Electronic on Board Diagnostic
- ESP - encapsulating security payload
- EUROC - Europäische Roadster-Challenge
- FASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board
- f.b.h. - free on board at harbor
- FCD - floating car data
- FEAS - Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges
- FIABV - Federacion Iboamericana de Bolsas de Valores
- FLOPS - floating point operations per second
- FMB - Federal Maritime Board
- FoA - Fotoarchiv
- FoArch. - Fotoarchiv
- fob - free onboard
- f.o.b. - free onboard
- FOB - free onboard
- fob/fob - free on board/free off board
- f.o.b./f.o.b. - free on board/free off board
- f.o.r. - free on road
- FOR - free on road
- FPU - floating point unit
- GAM - goal automated manufacturing
- GCA - ground controlled approach
- HFC - hybrid fiber coaxial cable
- HR - Kroatien
- HWC - heavy weight coated
- IAAB - Interamerican Association of Broadcasters
- IAB - Internet Architecture Board
- IADB - Inter-American Defense Board
- IASB - International Accounting Standards Board
- IBB - International Broadcasting Bureau
- IBBY - International Board on Books for Young People
- IBE - Internationale Benzoat-Einheit
- IBO - International Broadcasting Organization
- IBPGR - International Board for plant genetic Resources
- IBU - International Broadcasting Union
- IDB - Industrial Development Board
- IDB - Irish Development Board
- IFRB - International Frequency Registration Board
- IHB - International Hockey Board
- ILB - International Labour Board
- IMB - International Maritime Board
- INCB - International Narcotics Control Board
- afk - away from keyboard
- bak - back at keyboard
- ga - go ahead
- IPA - Internationale Psychoanalytische Vereinigung
- .as - Amerikanisch-Samoa
- .hr - Kroatien
- .ws - Samoa
- IRAC - Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee
- IRAM - Institut für Radioastronomie im Millimeterwellenbereich
- IRAM - Instituto Argentino de Racionalizacio´n de Materiales
- IRF - International Road Federation
- IRTU - International Road Transport Union
- IRU - International Road Transport Union
- ISF - International Snowboard Federation
- ITVA - Internationaler Verband der Video-Anwender
- kA - Kiloampere
- KA - Kontoauszug
- .kbd - keyboard mapping
- k.d.c.l. - knocked down in carloads
- KDCL - knocked down in carloads
- GOA - Sankt Goar
- GOH - Sankt Goarshausen
- HR - Kroatien
- WS - Samoa
- Kr. - Kroate[n]; Kroatische
- KSR - keyboard send/receive
- Kto.-Ausz. - Kontoauszug; Kontoauszüge
- Lash - lighter aboard ship
- LEAP - lightweight exo-atmospheric projectile
- LHD[-Technik] - Load-hauldump-Technik
- LIA - Lumineszenzimmunoassay
- LILO - Linux Loader
- LP - load point
- LSF - load sharing facility
- LWC - light weight coated
- MAO - Monoaminoxidase
- MASM - Microsoft Makro-Assembler
- MAV - Micro Air Vehicle[s]