Abkürzung oi
3 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
OI: Bedeutung | ||
OI | Oberingenieur | |
OI | Oberinspektor | |
OI | Offene Immobilienfonds |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie oi
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen oi vorkommt
- A.I. - anno inventionis
- A.I.D.A. - Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
- AIDP - Association Internationale du Droit Pe´nal
- AIFF - audio interchange file format
- .aiff - audio interchange file format
- AIS - Association Internationale de la Soie
- AITP - Autoimmunthrombozytopenie
- ALFT - Aluminium-Formol-Toxoid
- AML - akute myeloische Leukämie
- AP - access point
- APC-Viren - adenoidal-pharyngeal-conjunctival-Viren
- APP - Amyloid-Precursor-Protein
- A&R - Artist und Repertoire
- ARAMCO - Arabian-American Oil Company
- avdp. - Avoirdupois
- AVI - audio video interleave
- AWE - Arbeitsgruppe Werbung Elektroindustrie
- BID - Banco Interamericano de Desarollo
- BIDA - Bureau International des Droits d
- BIP - Bruttoinlandsprodukt
- BIPM - Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
- BIS - Büroinformationssystem[e]
- B.P. - boi
- BWR - Boiling Water Reactor
- CDI - Commission du Droit International
- CECOMA - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne des Commerces de Mobilier, Machines de Bureau et Accessoires
- CEDH - Convention Europe´enne des Droits de l
- CEIB - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne des Industries du Bois
- CFL - Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois
- cham. - chamois
- CIC - Confe´de´ration Internationale de la Coiffure
- CICR - Comite´ International de la Croix-Rouge
- CIDA - Comite´ Intergouvernemental du Droit d
- CIM - Consejo Internacional de Mujeres
- CIP - Centro International de la Papa
- CIPM - Comite´ International des Poids et Mesures
- CJTF - Combined Joint Task Forces
- CLT - Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Te´le´diffusion
- CML - chronisch myeloische Leukämie
- cp - counterpoise
- CP - counterpoise
- CRI - Croix Rouge Internationale
- DDGI - Deutscher Dachverband für Geoinformation
- DNL - dynamic noise limiter
- DNR - dynamic noise reduction
- DPH - Diphenylhydantoin
- DVI - digital video interactive
- E.A.P.C.T. - European Association of Poison Control Center and Toxicologists
- EBI - Europäisches Bioinformatik-Institut
- ECPS - European Credit Point System
- EdT - Eau de Toilette
- E.d.T. - Eau de Toilette
- EIC - Euro-Info-Centre
- EICC - Euro-Info-Correspondance-Centre
- El.-Ind. - Elektroindustrie
- El.-Inst. - Elektroinstallateur; Elektroinstallation[en]
- epil. - epileptisch; epileptoid
- EPO - Erythropoietin
- Esso - Standard Oil
- EURIBOR - Euro Interbank Offered Rate
- FE - Fachverband der Elektroindustrie
- FIDH - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Droits de l
- FLOPS - floating point operations per second
- F.P. - freezing point
- FPU - floating point unit
- GANT - gastrointestinaler autonomer Nerventumor
- GIS - geographisches Informationssystem; Geoinformationssystem
- GIST - gastrointestinaler Stromatumor
- GRP - gross rating point
- HAPDAR - Hard Point Demonstration Array Radar
- HAVI - home audio video interoperability
- IBS - Inter-African Bureau of Soils
- ICAI - International Committee for Aid to Intellectuals
- IDI - Institut du Droit International
- IEI - International Esperanto Institute
- IIDP - Institut International du Droit Publique
- IIF - Institut International du Froid
- IL - Illinois
- Ill. - Illinois
- I.N.B. - Institut National du Bois
- INB - Institut National du Bois
- Intr. - Introitus
- gfc - going for coffee
- Isis - Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System
- IS-IS - Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System
- ISSS - International Society of Soil Science
- IVR - Interactive Voice Response
- IZM - [Fraunhofer-]Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration
- JAA - Joint Aviation Authorities
- JAD - Joint Application Design/Development
- JANET - Joint Academic Network
- JAR - Joint Aviation Requirements
- JBIG - Joint Bi-Level Image Experts Group
- JEIA - Joint Export-Import Agency
- JESSI - Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative
- JET - Joint European Torus
- JEV - Joint European Venture
- JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- JRC - Joint Research Centre
- KGB - Komitet gossudarstwennoi besopasnosti
- GV - Grevenbroich
- koll. - kolloid[al]
- Koll. - Kolloid
- Konv. - Konvoi
- LIDH - Ligue Internationale des Droits de l
- LIP - lymphoide interstitielle Pneumonie
- LMDS - local multipoint distributing system
- LNC - low noise converter
- LP - load point
- Mem. - Memoiren
- M-JPEG - Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group
- Mlle. - Mademoiselle
- Mlles. - Mesdemoiselles
- mong. - mongoloid
- M.P. - melting point
- MP - melting point
- MPPE - Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption
- NAP - network access point
- NCP - network connection point
- NIAG - NATO Industrial Advisory Group
- NIDS - NATO Integrated Data Service
- NIOC - National Iranian Oil Company
- NRS - noise-reduction-system
- NSAR - Nichtsteroidales Antirheumatikum
- Ob. - Oboe; Oboist
- OSTIV - Organisation Scientifique et Technique Internationale du Vol a` Voile
- P - Poise
- pal. - paläozoisch
- Pal. - Paläozän; Paläozoikum
- PAP - point authorization protocol
- PAP-NAK - point authorization protocol negative acknowledgement
- PES - Polyellipsoid-Scheinwerfer
- PHM - Patrol Hydrofoil Missile
- PID - Photo-Ionisationsdetektoren
- PMP - point to multipoint/ Punkt zu Multipunkt
- PoP - Point of Presence
- POP - Point of Presence
- PoP - Point of Purchase
- POP - Point of Purchase
- POP - point of purchase
- PoS - point of sale
- POS - point of sale
- P.O.S. - point of sale
- PP - Pudel-Pointer
- ppi - points per inch
- PPP - point-to-point protocol
- PPTP - Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
- PRBO - Point Reyes Bird Observatory
- pt - point[s]
- Pt. - Point