Abkürzung ple
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
ple: Bedeutung | ||
ple | hafen | |
ple | people |
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ple vorkommt
- AMBV - Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- ARC - Aids-Related Complex
- ASMS - Active Sample and Measure System
- A/UX - Apple Unix
- CCD - charge coupled device
- ccTLD - country-code Top-Level-Domain
- CDMA - code division multiple access
- CENTR - Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries
- CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer
- CLM - communications line multiplexing
- CMOS - complementory metal oxide semiconductor
- CPLD - complex programmable logic device
- CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
- DCTL - direct coupled transistor logic
- DMSG - Deutsche Multiple Sklerose-Gesellschaft
- Dr.h.c.mult. - Doctor honoris causa multiplex
- Dr.mult. - Doctor multiplex
- DTMF - dual tone multiple frequency
- DU - depleted Uranium
- DWDM - dense wavelength division multiplexing
- ECL - emitter coupled logic
- ETB - estimated time of completion
- FDM - Frequency Division Multiplex
- fl.pl. - flore pleno
- gTLD - Generic Top-Level-Domain
- gTLD-MoU - Generic Top-Level-Domain Memorandum of Understanding
- HCD - head coupled display
- HCMOS - high speed complementary metal oxide semiconductor
- HDX - Halbduplex
- HSE - Herpes-simplex-Enzephalitis
- HSV - Herpes-simplex-Virus
- IBBY - International Board on Books for Young People
- IFL - International Friendship League/Internationale Freundschaftsliga
- IFOR - Implementation Forces
- Ifor - Implementation Forces
- bnfscd - but now for something completely different ...
- kiss - keep it simple and stupid
- pls - please
- plz - please
- KBR - Komplementbindungsreaktion
- kompl. - komplementär
- kompl. - komplett
- kompl. - komplex
- Kompl. - Komplement
- Kompl. - Komplementär
- Kompl. - Komplet
- Kompl. - Komplex
- Kompl. - Komplexion
- kpl. - komplett
- KPU - Kenya People
- MCPC - multiple channel per carrier
- MCS - multiple chemical sensitivity
- MDI - multiple document interface
- MEN - multiple endokrine Neoplasie
- MIMD - multiple instructions, multiple data
- MIRV - Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles
- MISD - multiple instructions, single data
- .mng - multiple image network graphics
- m.S. - multiple Sklerose
- MS - multiple Sklerose
- MSN - Multiple Subscriber Number
- MSV - Multiple-Sklerose-Vereinigung
- mult. - multiplex
- MVS - multiple virtual storage
- NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- p.e. - par exemple
- p.ex. - par exemple
- PFLP - Popular/People
- PIC - Peace Implementation Council
- Pl. - Plenum
- Plen.-Sitz. - Plenarsitzung
- Pl.-Sitz. - Plenarsitzung
- Pl.-Vers. - Plenarversammlung
- PMxAS - Primär-Multiplex-Anschluss
- P.T. - pleno titulo
- p.t. - pleno titulo
- p.t.o. - please turn over
- P.T.O. - please turn over
- QBE - query by example
- SD - statistical duplexing
- SIMD - single instruction,multiple data
- SIMD-FP - single instruction, multiple data for floating point
- SMA - supplementärisches motorisches Areal
- SMTP - simple mail transfer protocol
- SNMP - simple network management protocol
- SOAP - simple object access protocol
- Spl. - Supplement
- Suppl. - Supplement
- Suppl.-Bd. - Supplementband
- SWAPO - South West African People
- TDM - time division multiplexing
- TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access
- TIC - Token-Ring Interface Coupler
- TLD - Top-Level-Domain
- TMS - Tonfrequenz-Multiplex-System
- T.p. - Titulo pleno
- TSTN-LCD - Triple Super Twisted Nematic LCD
- UNIX - Uniplexed Information and Computing System
- UNPO - Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
- US GAAP - United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- US Gaap - United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- WDM - wavelength division multiplexing
- Yuppie - young upwardly mobile professional people; young urban professional people
- psa - please see attached
- SP - Simple Plan
- APB - Accounting Principles Board
- pto - please turn over
- pp - party please
- rss - Really Simple Syndication
- mbp - mail back pleas
- mock - multiple orchestrated conversion kick of the can
- sfp - stupid fucking people
- US-GAAP - United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- ple - people
- MOBG - Modernisering Opleidingen en Beroepsuitoefening Gezondheidszorg
- ROC - Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum