Abkürzung sco
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
SCO: Bedeutung | ||
SCO | Santa Cruz Operation | |
SCO | Shanghai Cooperation Organization |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie sco
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen sco vorkommt
- AFM - Atomic Force Microscope
- AGMR - Advanced Gascooled Maritime Reactor
- AGR - Advanced Gascooled Reactor
- AIPCN - Association Internationale Permanente des Congre`s de Navigation
- AIPCR - Association Internationale Permanente des Congre`s de la Route
- Aldi - Albrecht Discount
- AMC - American Motors Corporation
- AMS - American Microscopical Society
- a.o.c. - anno orbis conditi
- AOCJ - Airport Operators Council International
- ASIC - Association Suisse des Inge´nieurs-Conseils
- AWACS - Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Access Communication System
- BAC - Bureau des Affaires Communes
- BEUC - Bureau Europe´en des Unions des Consommateurs
- BIC - Bureau International des Containers
- BIRC - Bureau International des Relations Commerciales
- BSC - balanced scorecard
- CC - Corps consulaire
- CCC - Chaos Computer Club
- CCC - Customs Cooperation Council
- CCE - Conseil des Communes d
- CCEE - Concilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae
- CEC - Conseil Europe´en des Communes
- CECOMA - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne des Commerces de Mobilier, Machines de Bureau et Accessoires
- CEMA - Comite´ Europe´en des Groupements des Constructeurs de Machines Agricoles
- CFCE - Conseil des Fe´de´rations Commerciales d
- CIC - Conseil International des Compositeurs
- CISG - United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- COCCEE - Comite´ des Organisations Commerciales des Pays de la CEE
- COMAF - Comite´ des Constructeurs de Mate´riel Frigorifique de la CEE
- corr. corr. impr. - correctis corrigendis imprimatur
- DC - Douglas Convair
- DCF - discounted-cash-flow
- Disc. - Discount[er]
- DRSC - Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee
- DUK - Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission
- EAAC - East African Airways Corporation
- EAMC - Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
- EANDC - European American Nuclear Dates Committee
- EBC - European Billiards Confederation
- ECCC - European Communications Coordinating Committee
- ESCA - electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
- ESFRC - European Shadow Financial Regulators Committee
- EuPC - European Plastics Converter Association
- FAC - file access code
- FCC - Federal Communications Commission
- FIDIC - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Inge´nieurs-Conseils
- FOC - fiber optics communication
- Frisco - San Francisco
- FSC - Foreign Sales Corporations
- G.A.C.C. - Gesamt-Altherrenverband des Coburger Convents
- GMC - General Motors Corporation
- HTGR - High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
- IAC - Indian Airlines Corporation
- IAC - International Advisory Committee on Research in the Natural Sciences Program of UNESCO
- i.A.d.C. - im Auftrag[e] des Convents
- IAMCR - International Association for Mass Communication Research
- IANC - International Airline Navigators Council
- IAPC - International Auditing Practices Committee
- IASC - International Accounting Standards Committee
- ICC - International Communications Conference
- ICC - Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin
- ICM - Internationales Congress Center München
- ICP - International Committee of Public Relations Consultancies Associations
- IFC - International Fisheries Commission
- IFRIC - International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
- IGC - International Glass Commission
- IHC - Intercontinental Hotels Corporation
- IMC - International Materials Conference
- INCB - International Narcotics Control Board
- Intel - Integrated Electronics Corp.
- IPC - Interprocess Communication
- ISC - International Standards Conference
- ISC - International Students Council
- IVECO - Industrial Vehicles Corporation
- IVSC - International Valuation Standards Committee
- CC - Corps Consulaire
- MAC - medium access control
- MBC - Master of Business Controlling
- MMC - Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
- NDAC - Nuclear Defense Affairs Committee
- NIGC - National Iranian Gas Company
- NTT - new technology telescope
- OC - Operationscode
- PCM - Pulscodemodulation
- PDEA - Prix Dramatique Europe´en Ascona
- PIC - Pharmazeutische Inspektions-Convention
- RBAC - role-based access control
- SALT - Southern African Large Telescope
- SCART - Syndicat des Constructeurs d
- SDB - Salesianer Don Boscos
- SIC - Standing Interpretations Committee
- SPECT - Single-Photon-Emissionscomputertomographie
- STC - Stabilitäts- und Traktions-Controlling
- STM - Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- TAC - terminal access controller
- TAC - Thai Airways Company
- TC - Traktionscontrolling
- TCM - Trellis-Coded Modulation
- TEC - Transports Europe´ens Combine´s
- Tel - Telescopium
- TUC - Trade Unions Congress
- T.U.C. - Trade Unions Congress
- UAC - universal access control
- UDDI - universal description, discovery and integration
- UEC - Union Europe´enne des Experts Comptables Economiques et Financiers
- UICC - unio internationalis contra cancrum/Union Internationale contre le Cancer
- UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNSCC - United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee
- WI - Wisconsin
- Wis. - Wisconsin
- VDC - Vehicle Dynamics Control
- VLT - very large telescope
- WBCSD - World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- WI - Wisconsin
- Wis. - Wisconsin
- Wisc. - Wisconsin
- FEE - Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens
- SCBCD - Sun Certified Business Component Developer
- boac - British Overseas Airways Corporation
- HRC - Human Rights Committee
- ICD 10 - (I)nternational (C)lassification of (D)iseases 10.Revision / Internationale Krankheitscodes-/Klassif
- GC - Games Convention