Abkürzung sec
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 4 Gruppen
s.e.c.: Bedeutung | ||
s.e.c. | salvo errore calculi [lat.: »einen Rechenfehler vorbehalten«] |
sec.: Bedeutung | ||
sec. | secundum [lat.: »gemä] |
SEC: Bedeutung | ||
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission [USA; Börsenaufsicht] | |
SEC | single edge contact/cartidge |
sec: Bedeutung | ||
sec | Sekans [Math.] | |
sec | Sekunde [sec. ist veraltet und offiziell nicht zulässig] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie sec
- soc - social
- SHG - Schaumburg
- SHK - Saale-Holzland-Kreis
- SIG - Sigmaringen
- SOK - Saale-Orla-Kreis
- SOG - Schongau
- SAC - Schweizer Alpen-Club
- sächs. - sächsisch
- Sachw. - Sachwalter
- SAEG - Statistisches Amt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
- SAG - Sozialistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft
- SAJ - Sozialistische Arbeiterjugend
- SAK - Summen-Anpassungsklausel
- SAKS - Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft katholischer Studenten
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen sec vorkommt
- AEI - Association des Ecoles Internationales
- AFSS - Air Force Secret Satellite
- AISE - Association Internationale des Sciences Economiques
- ARCD - Auto- und Reiseclub Deutschland
- BIJC - Bureau International de la Jeunesse Catholique
- bps - bits per second
- Bps - bits per second
- CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- CEPES - Comite´ Europe´en pour le Progre`s Economique et Social
- CESR - Committee of European Securities Regulators
- CHS - Cylinder, Head, Sector
- CIE - Comite´ International des Echanges
- CMBS - commercial mortgage backed securities
- cps - characters per second
- cps - counts per second
- cps - cycles per second
- CSI - Computer Security Institute
- CUSIP - common universal security identification product
- DCI - Defense Capabilities Initiative
- DPCM - differential pulse code modulation
- Dr.rer.sec. - Doctor rerum securitatem
- EASDAQ - European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation
- ECB - Europese Centrale Bank
- ECSA - European Communications Security Agency
- ECTF - Enterprise Computer Telephony
- EDC - European Defense Community
- ESF - European Securities Forum
- ESP - encapsulating security payload
- ESSEC - Ecole Supe´rieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
- ETSC - European Travel Security Council
- FIDE - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Echecs
- FIJC - Fe´de´ration Internationale de la Jeunesse Catholique
- FIRST - Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
- FISE - Fonds International pour le Secours a` l
- FLOPS - floating point operations per second
- fps. - feet per second
- f.p.s. - feet per second
- fps. - frames per second
- f.p.s. - frames per second
- F.-P.-S.-System - Foot-Pound-Second-System
- Gbps - gigabits per second
- GBPS - gigabits per second
- GPC - General Purpose Computer
- HTTPS - HTTP secure
- IACSS - Inter-American Conference of Social Security
- ICIPE - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
- INSEE - Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques
- IOSCO - International Organization of Securities and Exchange Commissions
- ips - inches per second
- IRC - International Response Coupon
- ISAF - International Security Assistance Force
- ISIN - international securities identification number
- ISMA - International Securities Market Association
- ISS - internet security system
- ISSA - International Social Security Association
- ITS - International Trade Secretariat
- ITSEC - Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria
- IWR - Internationales Wollsekretariat/International Wool Secretariat
- JDBC - Java Database Connectivity
- kc/s - kilocycle per second
- kcps - kilocycle per second
- kpc - Kiloparsec
- LDRS - listed diversified return securities
- LNC - low noise converter
- LPC - Luftfahrt-Presseclub
- LPCM - linear pulse code modulation
- MBS - mortgage backed securities
- MIPS - millions of instructions per second
- MOPS - million operations per second
- MoSET - merchant originated secure electronic transaction
- Mpc - Megaparsec
- MPC - Motor-Presse-Club
- NADEFCOL - NATO Defense College
- NASD - National Association of Securities Dealers
- NASDAQ - National Association of Securities Dealers
- NRDC - National Resources Defense Council
- NSA - National Security Agency
- NSC - National Security Council
- OD - Osteochondrosis dissecans
- ODBC - open database connectivity
- pc - Parsec
- PCM - phase changing material
- PCM - pulse coded modulation
- PCR - polymerase chain reaction
- PC-RW - phase change rewritable
- PD - phase change disk/device
- PMBS - protected mode boot sector
- p.s. - par seconde
- RMBS - Residential Mortgage Backed Securities
- r.p.s. - revolutions/ rotations per second
- rps - revolutions/ rotations per second
- s.a. - secundum artem
- SATAN - Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks
- SD - Secure Digital
- SDC - secure digital cart
- SDMI - Secure Digital Music Initiative
- SE - second edition
- SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
- sec. - secundum
- sec. art. - secundum artem
- sec.leg. - secundum legem
- sec.nat. - secundum naturam
- sec.reg. - secundum regulam
- SEMPER - Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe
- SET - secure electronic transaction/transmission
- S.G. - Secre´taire Ge´ne´ral
- SGS - Socie´te´ Ge´ne´rale de Securite´
- S-HTTP - secure hypertext transfer protocol
- SIA - Securities Industry Association
- SK - Sechskant
- SLD - second level domain
- S/MIME - secure multipurpose internet mail extensions
- SOCKS - socket secure server
- SSL - secure socket layer
- STT - secure transaction technology
- TBC - timebase corrector
- TIPS - Tera Instructions per Second
- tps - transactions per second
- tps - triangles per second
- TSL - transport security layer
- UEC - Union Europe´enne des Experts Comptables Economiques et Financiers
- UIS - Union Internationale de Secours
- UN-ECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- UN-ECLAC - United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and Carribean
- UNESCAP - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- UN-ESCWA - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
- UNSC - United Nations Security Council
- WBS - Whole Business Securitisation
- WSC - World Security Council
- WTLS - wireless transport layer security
- XCHS - extended Cylinder/ Head/sector
- fps - Frame per second
- ECMS - Enterprise Content Management System
- swatch - second watch
- CIS - Center for Internet Security
- BEC - Breedtesport Expertise Centrum
- FES - Fonds Economische Structuurversterking
- TEC - Topsport Expertise Centrum