Abkürzung sof
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- sof. (1 Bedeutung)
- sof (1 Bedeutung)
sof.: Bedeutung | ||
sof. | sofern | |
sof. | sofort; sofortig |
sof: Bedeutung | ||
sof | ? [?] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie sof
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen sof vorkommt
- Adware - advertising software
- BO - Berufsoffizier
- BSA - Business Software Alliance
- CASE - computer-aided/assisted software/system engineering
- CIRO - Certified Investor Relations Officer
- CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- CMS - code morphing software
- CSO - Computing Services Office
- ECMT - European Conference of Ministers of Transport
- e.o.W. - erstes offenes Wasser
- ERO - European Radio Communications Office
- ESD - Electronic Software Distribution
- FIRST - Fraunhofer-Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik
- Flopo - Flugoperationsoffizier
- FoEI - Friends of the Earth International
- FSF - Free Software Foundation
- GGS - Gütegemeinschaft Software
- IACP - International Association of Chiefs of Police
- IBCC - International Bureau of Chambers of Commerce
- IBD - International Bureau for Declarations of Death (1952
- ICG - International Congress of Genetics
- ICSID - International Council of Societies of Industrial Design
- IESE - [Fraunhofer-]Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering
- IFAFP - International Federation of Associations of Film Producers
- IFRM - International Federation for the Rights of Man
- IFSCC - International Federation of the Societies of Cosmetic Chemists
- ILRM - International League for the Rights of Man
- lmao - laughing my ass off
- ISST - [Fraunhofer-]Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik
- IWW - Industrial Workers of the World
- LISA - Local Area Software Architecture
- LSM - Lebensrettende Sofortma
- LTTE - Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
- MASM - Microsoft Makro-Assembler
- MCT - Microsoft Certified Trainer
- MEA - Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging
- MFC - Microsoft Foundation Classes
- MIPS - millions of instructions per second
- MPPE - Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption
- MS - Microsoft
- MSD - Microsoft Diagnostics
- MSDN - Microsoft Developer
- MS-DOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System
- MSMQ - Microsoft Message Que Server
- MSN - Microsoft Network
- .msp - Microsoft Paint
- MSVBVM50 - Microsoft Visual Basic Virtual Machine
- MSX - Microsoft Extended Basic
- MTS - Microsoft Transaction Server
- MVO - Marineverbindungsoffizier
- OSF - Open Software Foundation
- SDK - Software Developers/Development Kit
- SE - Software Engineering
- SH - Soforthilfe
- SHA - Soforthilfeabgabe
- SHAnpG - Soforthilfeanpassungsgesetz
- SHG - Soforthilfegesetz
- SHS - Soforthilfesonderabgabe
- SHSA - Soforthilfesonderabgabe
- sof. - sofern
- sof. - sofort; sofortig
- SPA - Software Publishers Association
- SSO - Schiffsicherungsoffizier
- StO - Stabsoffizier
- SuSE - Software- und System-Entwicklung mbH
- SVO - Schiffsversorgungsoffizier
- SW-CMM - Software-Capability Maturity Model
- TCO - total costs of ownership
- TRIPS - Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
- U.N.E. - United Nations of Europe
- UN-OCHA - United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- UN-ODCCP - United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention
- UNOG - United Nations Office at Geneva
- UNON - United Nations Office at Nairobi
- UNOPS - United Nations Office for Project Services
- UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna
- USA - United States of America
- u.s.f. - und so fort
- usf. - und so fort
- USK - Unterhaltungssoftware-Selbstkontrolle
- VDKS - Verband Deutscher Kapitäne und Schiffsoffiziere
- VDS - Vereinigung Deutscher Softwarehersteller
- VdSO - Vereinigung deutscher Sanitätsoffiziere
- v.f. - verso folio
- VSI - Verband der Softwareindustrie Deutschlands
- V.S.O.P. - very superior old pale/very soft old product
- VUD - Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschlands
- WCOTP - World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Professors
- WMAP - Wilkinson Microsoft Anisotropy Probe
- W.O.M.A.N. - World Organization of Mothers of all Nations/Weltorganisation der Mütter aller Nationen
- WOMAN - World Organization of Mothers of all Nations
- roflmao - rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- ANOVA - Analysis of Variance
- lmfao - Laughing my f*cking ass off
- tcos - the chronicles of spellborn
- LMFAO - Laughing My Fat Ass Off
- lmfao - laugh my fucking ass of
- mcp - Microsoft Certified Professional
- lmfao - laughing my fucking ass off
- lmfao - laughing my fucken ass off
- SASV - Salzburger Airsoft Sportverein
- IFAA - International Fairs of America Association
- SW - Software
- DSI - Disorders of Sexual Identity