Abkürzung sup
4 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
Sup.: Bedeutung | ||
Sup. | Superintendent | |
Sup. | Superior | |
Sup. | Superlativ | |
Sup. | Supermarkt |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie sup
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen sup vorkommt
- ASEE - Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers
- a.u.s. - actum ut supra
- BSC - Banking Supervision Committee
- BTS - Brevet de Technicien Supe´rieur Compatibilite´Gestion
- CSCW - computer-supported cooperative work
- C.S.N. - Comite´ Supe´rieur de Normalisation
- CSTA - computer-supported telecommunications applications
- CSTN - color super twisted nematic
- DSTN - double super twisted nematic
- EPPSA - European Power Plant Suppliers
- ESSEC - Ecole Supe´rieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
- ESTC - Europäische Supertourenwagen-Challenge
- EUSC - European Usability Support Centres
- FST-LCD - film super twisted nematic liquid cristal display
- Gen.-Sup.-Int. - Generalsuperintendent
- GenSupInt. - Generalsuperintendent
- HNS - host nation support
- HTSL - Hochtemperatursupraleiter
- IESE - Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa
- IMSP - internet message support protocol
- ISM - Institute of Supply Management
- ISMA - International Superphosphate Manufacturers
- IWSA - International Water-Supply Association
- l.s.c. - loco supra citato
- LST - Low Supersonic Transport
- MASCC - Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
- NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications
- NSG - Nuclear Suppliers Group
- S - Super
- SAC - Supreme Allied Commander
- SACD - super audio compact disk
- SACEUR - Supreme Allied Commander Europe
- SACLANT - Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic
- SC - super calandered
- SCM - supplier/supply chain management
- SFTGFOP - Super Fine Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe
- SHAPE - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
- SHF - super high frequency
- SHSI - super high scale integration SI-Einheiten
- SMA - supplementärisches motorisches Areal
- SNM - supplier/supply network management
- SP - Superprovision
- SPF - Superplastic Forming
- spf. - superfein
- Spl. - Supplement
- SPS - Super-Proton-Synchrotron
- s.p.s. - sine prole superstite
- SQUID - superconducting quantum interference device
- SRM - supplier relationship management/supply relations management
- s.s. - supra scriptum
- SSC - supraleitender Supercollider
- SSF - supersonic frequency
- SST - supersonic telegraphy
- SST - supersonic transport[er]
- STN-LCD - Super Twisted Nematic LCD
- STW - Super-Tourenwagen[-Meisterschaft]
- Sup. - Superintendent
- Sup. - Superior
- Sup. - Superlativ
- Sup. - Supermarkt
- Suppl. - Supplement
- Suppl.-Bd. - Supplementband
- SVGA - super video graphics array
- S-VHS - Super Video Home System
- SVR - Supervideorekorder/-recording
- TESLA - TeV Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator
- TIS - Technical Infrastructure and Support
- TSTN-LCD - Triple Super Twisted Nematic LCD
- UNTSO - United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
- UPS - uninterruptible power supply
- u.s. - ut supra
- V.D.Q.S. - vin de qualite´ supe´rieure
- v.s. - vide supra
- V.S.O.P. - very superior old pale/very soft old product
- DSDS - Deutschland sucht den Superstar
- IAIS - International Association of Insurance Supervisors
- hdshmdl - hab dich super mega hamma doll lieb
- sub - what's up
- sfn - super
- ssdssdabrtlad - Stefan Raab sucht den Superstar, der auch bei RTL auftreten darf
- hdsmadl - hab dich super mega arg doll lieb
- hdsmdl - hab dich super mega doll lieb
- sulev - Super Ultra Low Emisson Vehicle
- tplss - Third Party Locistic Service Support
- hdgsmhdl - hab dich ganz super mega hammer doll lieb
- bmsw - Bist mir super wichtig
- hdgsmdl - hab dich ganz super mega doll lieb
- hdsmgdlwaip - hab dich super mega ganz doll lieb,was auch immer passiert
- hdgdsml - hab dich ganz doll super mega lieb
- psp - paulinas super puff
- hdmsdl - hab dich mega super dolle lieb
- SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
- : ^D - Super, das gefällt mir!