Abkürzung tc
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 3 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- .tc (1 Bedeutungen)
- TC (6 Bedeutungen)
- Tc (2 Bedeutungen)
.tc: Bedeutung | ||
.tc | Turks- und Caicosinseln |
TC: Bedeutung | ||
TC | Turks- und Caicosinseln | |
TC | Tagungscenter | |
TC | Technical Committee | |
TC | Tennisclub | |
TC | Touringclub; Touristenclub | |
TC | Traktionscontrolling |
Tc: Bedeutung | ||
Tc | Technetium | |
Tc | Technetium [Element] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie tc
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen tc vorkommt
- AFC - automatic flight control
- AFCE - automatic flight control equipment
- AIPC - Association Internationale des Ponts et Charpentes
- ARD - American Research and Development Corporation
- ASC - Allgemeiner Sportclub
- BDC - Berlin Document Center
- BJC - bubble jet color
- BSC - Boxsportclub
- CCL - current credit line
- CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer
- COPAC - Community Patent Court
- CPC - collaborative product commerce
- DACA - Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Aufbaulager
- Datex-L - data exchange line switched
- Datex-P - data exchange packet switched
- Datex-S - data exchange Satellite switched
- DC - Dünnschicht-Chromatographie
- d.c. - direct current
- D.C. - direct current
- DCC - digital compact cassette
- DCTL - direct coupled transistor logic
- d.d.o. - dispatch discharging only
- DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation
- DHCP - dynamic host configuration protocol
- DiSEqC - digital satellite equipment control
- Disp. - Dispatcher
- d.l.o. - dispatch loading only
- DOC - Designer-Outlet-Center
- DSC - Deutscher Sportclub
- ECEA - Export-Consortium Europäischer Ausrüster von Industrieanlagen
- ECR - Efficient Consumer Response
- EFMC - Verband European Female Management Consultants
- EMCC - European Municipal Credit Community
- ESSEC - Ecole Supe´rieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
- etc. - et cetera
- ETEC - European Fashion and Textile Export Council
- EUSC - European Usability Support Centres
- FC - Fechtclub
- FD - Flying Dutchman
- FIHC - Fe´de´ration Internationale Halte´rophile et Culturiste
- FOC - Factory-Outlet-Center
- GCBE - Gewerkschaft Christlicher Berg- und Energiearbeiter
- GCS - gate controlled switch
- GKCD - Gokart-Club Deutschland
- GMSC - Gateway Mobile Switching Center
- GRIC - global reach internet connection
- GSTN - Global Switched Telephone Network
- HKTDC - Hongkong Trade Development Council
- HRW - Human Rights Watch
- HSCSD - high speed circuit switched data
- HWC - heavy weight coated
- ICA - Independent Communication Architecture
- ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- ICAP - internet content adaption protocol
- ICE - intelligent concept extraction
- ICE - internet chat exchange
- I.C.F. - Institut Cine´matographique de France
- ICH - input/output controller hub
- ICI - Investment Company Institute
- ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
- ICM - image color matching
- ICMP - internet control message protocol
- ICP - internet content provider
- ICR - intelligent character recognition
- ICS - internet connection sharing
- IGCC - Intergovernmental Copyright Committee
- .pn - Pitcairn
- IPS - In Plane Switching
- IRDC - International Rubber Development Committee
- IRTC - International Railway Transport Committee
- ITC - Inland Transport Committee
- IWC - International Wheat Council
- KIT - Kernel for Intelligent Communication Terminals
- K&R-C - Kernighan & Ritchie-C
- K&R-Sprachumfang - Kernighan & Ritchie-Sprachumfang
- KSC - Karlsruher Sportclub
- KSC - Kraftsportclub
- LCR - least cost routing
- LCS - light composite system
- LWC - light weight coated
- LYC - Lübecker Yacht-Club
- Mask. - Maskottchen
- MC - Management-Committee
- MCC - Micro-Compact-Car
- MCE - Management Center Europe
- MCT - Microsoft Certified Trainer
- MSC - Motorsportclub
- MWC - middle weight coated
- OSC - Olympischer Sportclub
- OVCW - Organisation für das Verbot chemischer Waffen
- PC - Profitcenter
- p.c. - post cibum
- p.C. - post Christum
- PCA - patient controlled analgesia
- p.C.n. - post Christum natum
- PCT - Patent Cooperation Treaty
- PEFC - Pan-European Forest Certification
- PIC - programmable interrupt controller
- PICC - proximity integrated circuit card
- PICS - Platform for Internet Content Selection
- PIM - print image natching
- PSC - Pferdesportclub
- PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
- RC - Radio mit Cassettenrecorder
- RC - Rivest Cipher
- RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
- RSC - Radsportclub
- RSPC - Reed Solomon Product Code
- SADC - Southern African Development Community
- SAR - Schweizerischer Autorennsportclub
- SC - Sportclub
- SCC - Safety Concept Car
- SCC - Sicherheit-Certifikat-Contraktoren
- SCN - Switched Circuit Network
- SECC - single edge contact cartridge
- SMDS - switched multimegabit data service
- SPC - specific product characteristics
- SSC - Schulsportclub
- SSC - Schwimmsportclub
- SSC - Skisportclub
- PN - Pitcairninseln
- PCN - Pitcairninseln
- TERCOM - terrain contour matching/terrain comparison
- TSC - Turn- und Sportclub
- TUC - Technische Universität Chemnitz
- TUC - Technische Universität Clausthal
- UEC - Urban Entertainment Center
- UMSC - UMTS Mobile Switching Center
- UNDC - United Nations Disarmament Commission
- USC - Universitätssportclub
- USY - Union Schweizerischer Yachtclubs
- VCC - Video Compact Cassette
- VDC - Vereinigung Deutscher Yacht-Charterunternehmen
- VDKC - Verband Deutscher Konzertchöre
- WAbk - Wertbrief- und Wertkästchenabkommen
- WECA - Wireless Ethernet Compability Alliance
- WSC - Wassersportclub
- WSC - Wintersportclub
- WWW - World Weather Watch
- YC - Yachtclub
- pdc - Park Distant Control
- Attac - Association pour une Taxation des Transactions financières pour l'Aide aux Citoyens et Citoyennes
- test@test.com - test@test.com
- RFQ - Cost calculation
- m.o.b. - money over biatches
- mpls - Multiprotol Label Switching
- gosu (adj.) - Personen werden als gosu bezeichnet, wenn sie in etwas ziemlich stark sind, Im generellen meint das: Du bist gosu -> Du bist stark im Game/Strategien bauen etc. (immer aufs Game bezogen)
- nc - not connected
- CCP - Postcheckkonto