Abkürzung tco
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
TCO: Bedeutung | ||
TCO | Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation [schwed. Berufsgenossenschaft] | |
TCO | total costs of ownership |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie tco
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen tco vorkommt
- AFC - automatic flight control
- AFCE - automatic flight control equipment
- ARD - American Research and Development Corporation
- BJC - bubble jet color
- CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer
- COPAC - Community Patent Court
- CPC - collaborative product commerce
- DCTL - direct coupled transistor logic
- DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation
- DHCP - dynamic host configuration protocol
- DiSEqC - digital satellite equipment control
- ECEA - Export-Consortium Europäischer Ausrüster von Industrieanlagen
- ECR - Efficient Consumer Response
- EFMC - Verband European Female Management Consultants
- EMCC - European Municipal Credit Community
- ESSEC - Ecole Supe´rieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
- ETEC - European Fashion and Textile Export Council
- GRIC - global reach internet connection
- HKTDC - Hongkong Trade Development Council
- HWC - heavy weight coated
- ICA - Independent Communication Architecture
- ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- ICAP - internet content adaption protocol
- ICE - intelligent concept extraction
- ICH - input/output controller hub
- ICI - Investment Company Institute
- ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
- ICMP - internet control message protocol
- ICP - internet content provider
- ICS - internet connection sharing
- IGCC - Intergovernmental Copyright Committee
- IRDC - International Rubber Development Committee
- IRTC - International Railway Transport Committee
- ITC - Inland Transport Committee
- IWC - International Wheat Council
- KIT - Kernel for Intelligent Communication Terminals
- LCR - least cost routing
- LCS - light composite system
- LWC - light weight coated
- MC - Management-Committee
- MWC - middle weight coated
- PCA - patient controlled analgesia
- PCT - Patent Cooperation Treaty
- PIC - programmable interrupt controller
- PICS - Platform for Internet Content Selection
- RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
- RSPC - Reed Solomon Product Code
- SADC - Southern African Development Community
- SCC - Sicherheit-Certifikat-Contraktoren
- UNDC - United Nations Disarmament Commission
- WECA - Wireless Ethernet Compability Alliance
- pdc - Park Distant Control
- test@test.com - test@test.com
- nc - not connected
- bac - British Aircraft Corporation Ltd.
- HCE - Haut Conseil de l'Education