Abkürzung uag
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
UAG: Bedeutung | ||
UAG | Umweltauditgesetz |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie uag
- .ug - Uganda
- .uk - Gro
- .us - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
- .uz - Usbekistan
- USI - Usingen
- USA - Vereinigte Staaten
- UGA - Uganda
- UAC - universal access control
- u.A.w.g. - um Antwort wird gebeten
- u.c. - una corde
- UCA - under color addition
- UCCE - Union des Capitales de Communaute´ Europe´enne
- UCE - unsolicited commercial e-mail
- UCI - Union Cycliste Internationale
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen uag vorkommt
- ALGOL - Algorithmic Language
- Algol - Algorithmic Language
- APL - A Programming Language
- ASL - american sign language
- CALL - computer-aided language learning
- CCL - common command language
- CCL - connection control language
- CEF - Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning and Teaching
- COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language
- COMAL - common algorithmic language
- DAL - data access language
- DEMAG - Deutsche Maschinenbau AG
- DSSSL - document style syntax and specification language
- ELAN - educational language
- GML - General Markup Language
- GPL - graphics programming language
- HDL - hardware description language
- .hgl - Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
- HLL - high level language
- HPGL - Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
- HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
- IALA - International Auxiliary Language Association
- ILA - International Language for Aviation
- cya - see you again
- MathML - Mathematical Markup Language
- MLA - Modern Language Association
- NLP - natural language programming
- NLP - natural language processing
- PAL - paradox application language
- PCL - printer communication language
- PEARL - Process and Experiment Automation Real Time Language
- Perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
- PGML - Programmable Graphics Markup Language
- PL/M - Programming Language for Microcomputers
- PL/SQL - Procedural Language/Structured Query Language
- PPML - Personalized Print Markup Language
- QLI - query language interpreter
- SALT - Script Application Laguage for Telix
- Sept. - Septuagesima
- Sept. - Septuaginta
- SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language
- Simula - simulation language
- SMIL - synchronized multimedia integration language
- Snobol - string-oriented symbolic language
- SQL - structured query language
- SyncML - Synchronous Markup Language
- TTML - Tagged Text Markup Language
- UML - Unified Modeling Language
- UMLS - unified medical language system
- Vomag - Voigtländische Maschinenbau AG
- VoxML - Voice Markup Language
- VRML - Virtual Reality Markup Language
- VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language
- WML - Wireless Markup Language
- WSDL - Web Service Description Language
- XFDL - extensible forms description language
- XHTML - extensible hypertext markup language
- XLink - XML Linking Language
- XML - extensible markup language
- XSL - extensible stylesheet language
- cuagn - see you again
- KPL - Kid's Programming Language
- Hanomag - Hannoversche Maschinenbau AG
- asl - Age/Sex/Language