Deutsch Abkürzungen von catch bis cbt
- Catch (computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides)
- cath. (cathedral)
- CATIA (computer-graphics aided three dimensional interactive application system)
- CATS (Computer Aided Telephony Services)
- CATV (Cable TV)
- CAV (constant angular velocity)
- CAVE (cave automatic virtual environment)
- CaZ (Cetanzahl)
- Cb (Columbium)
- Cb. (Cembalist; Cembalo)
- c.b. (col basso)
- cba (cant be arsed)
- CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
- cbcm (Kubikzentimeter)
- c.b.d. (cash before delivery)
- cbdm (Kubikdezimeter)
- C.B.E. (Commander of the Order of the British Empire)
- CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire)
- CBHV (Christlicher Bau- und Holzarbeiter-Verband)
- CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
- CBJO (Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations)
- cbkm (Kubikkilometer)
- cbm (Kubikmeter)
- CBMC (Communaute´ de Travail des Brasseurs du Marche´ Commun)
- cbmm (Kubikmillimeter)
- CBO (collateralised bond obligation)
- CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange)
- CBoT (Chicago Board of Trade)
- CBR (Commodity Research Bureau-Index)
- CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System)
- .cbt (computer-based training)
- CBT (Chicage Board of Trade)